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學歷: 美伊利諾州立大學香檳校區 材料系陶瓷工程博士 經歷: 1. 國立東華大學材料科學與工程系,系主任、教授、副教授、助理教授 2. 美國羅格斯大學,陶瓷系納米粉末研究中心,資深助理 3. 工業技術研究院材料所超導材料組, 副研究員 |
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能源: 膜電極電池堆、光/電氫能、儲能(超級電容、鋅空氣電池、鋰離子電池、太陽能電池)。環境: 氮氣電催化轉氨、硝酸鹽電催化產氨、染料降解、環境殺菌、潔淨化學傳換反應(綠色化學)、N2/CO2捕捉、有害化學品降解。奈米材料、軟性電子材料研究、有機-無機界面官能基接合、鐵電與鐵磁材料開發、化學氣相沉積法製備氧化物及非氧化物陶瓷薄膜、氣相法與溼法製備一維材料、磁控濺鍍鐵電陶瓷薄膜及氧化物薄膜、氣相觸媒法製備奈米碳管、金屬與陶瓷硬銲接合、金屬/陶瓷功能梯度材料、高介電陶瓷粉體之研發、半導體薄膜 |
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個人專業服務 1. 2021、2022、2023年全球前2%頂尖科學家。[主領域: 應用物理、次領域: 材料] 2. 國立台灣科技大學研究傑出獎,112年2月~114年1月。 3. 國立台灣科技大學研究傑出獎,110年2月~112年1月。 4. Section Editor (領域主編), Journal of Electronic Materials, 2021-11起。 5. Associate Editor (副主編), Journal of Electronic Materials, 2020-07~2021-10。 6. 「Exploratory Materials Science Research」期刊編輯委員,由印度政府登記之非營利機構Knowledge Empowerment Foundation所發行之材料期刊。 7. 中國材料科學學會第39屆國際暨會員委員會委員(2024~ ) 8. 塞爾維亞共和國科學基金外審委員,2020年11月20日~2022年11月19日 (兩年期)。 9. National Research and Development Agency (ANID) of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation of Chile,外審委員。 10. 歐盟科技聯盟(European Science Foundation)珍珠計劃(Pearl Project)審查委員。109年9月~迄今 11. 科技部工程司技專計畫機電能源領域複審委員,111年1月起~。 12. 科技部工程司材料學門複審委員,108年1月起~111年12月止。 13. 科技部工程司能源科技學門複審委員,108年1月起~110年12月止。 14. 國立台灣科技大學材料系特聘教授,101年6月~迄今。 15. 國立台灣科技大學材料系教授,106年8月~迄今。 專利 (部分專利未再維護) 1. 郭東昊,王志弘,具有高介電率及低介電溫度係數的陶瓷電容材料,中華民國發明專利,專利證書號碼:發明第I 246996 號,公告編號: 。核准日期:94年 月 日。專利權期間:95年01月01日至111年6月13日。 2. 郭東昊,王志弘,Ceramic Materials for Capacitors with a High Dielectric Constant and a Low Capacitance Change with Temperature, Patent No. US 6,734,127 B2, Date of Patent: May 11, 2004. 3. 郭東昊,薛人愷,張謙志,李裕文,絕熱型金屬/玻璃陶瓷功能性梯度材料,中華民國發明專利,專利證書號碼:發明第一六八七零六號,公告編號: 512138。核准日期:91年12月01日。專利權期間:91年12月01日至108年9月29日。 4. 郭東昊,全永夫,具有極高介電率之鈦酸鋇電子陶瓷,中華民國發明專利,專利證書號碼:發明第一五一三八二號,公告編號: 476733。核准日期:91年2月21日。專利權期間:91年2月21日至108年9月29日。 5. W. M. Kriven and D. H. Kuo, A High-Strength, High Toughness Oxide Ceramic Composite, US patent No. US5948516, Sep., 1999. 6. (郭東昊) 中華民國專利審查通過,發明人:魏明雄、郭東昊*、薛人愷、尤逸玄,專利名稱:陶瓷/超合金梯度材料與超合金接合結構。中華民國發明專利,證書號數:I343848;公告日: 中華民國 100 (2011) 年06 月21 日 7. 魏明雄(中科院)、郭東昊、薛人愷、葉凱庭,高強度的氧化鋁與不銹鋼金屬的接合方法,中華民國發明專利,證書號數:I461386,公告日: 2014 年11 月21 日 8. Ming-Hsiung Wei(中科院), Dong-Hau Kuo, Ren-Kae Shiue, Kai-Ting Yeh, Method for Bonding Aluminum Oxide to Stainless Steel, US Patent No. US 8,220,695 B1, July, 2012. 9. Dong-Hau Kuo, Ren-Kae Shiue, Hung-Li Hsu, Ming-Hsiung Wei, Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) Device having Gradient Interconnect, US Patent No. US 8,241,815 B2, Date of Patent: Aug. 14, 2012. 10. 許弘岦、魏明雄、郭東昊、薛人愷,專利名稱:具梯度型連接物之固態氧化物燃料電池(Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, SOFC) 裝置。日本專利5459854號,發證日:平成26年 (2014) 1月24日。 11. 郭東昊、薛人愷、許弘岦、魏明雄,專利名稱:具梯度型連接物之固態氧化物燃料電池裝置及其製造方法。中華民國發明專利證書號數:I379455;公告日: 中華民國 101 (2012) 年12 月11 日 12. 郭東昊、李成哲,p型氮化??主的三族氮化物半?体薄膜的薄膜???程,中國發明專利,授權公告號: CN 104241101 B, 授權公告日:2017年 09月05日。 1 13. 郭東昊,王賈荃,奈米複合粉體及其混成材料,中華民國發明專利,證書號數:發明第I513507號;公告日: 2015 年12 月21 日,專利權止日:2034/11/23。 14. 郭東昊、徐唯庭、楊沂淵,奈米複合薄膜及其製造方法,中華民國發明專利,證書號數:發明第I577560號;專利權期間: 2017 年04 月11 日,專利權止日:2035/02/01。 15. 郭東昊、胡毓杰、今榮東洋子、曾靖孋,磁性中空複合球及其製造方法。中華民國發明專利,證書號數:發明第I534085 號;公告日: 2016 年05 月21 日,專利權止日:2034/01/13。 16. Dong-Hau Kuo, Fu-Ann Yu, Yen-Rong Kuo, Yi-Yuan Yang, Jiunn-Yih Lee, Kuo-Pin Cheng, Chang-Mou Wu, Meng-Wei Ma, Kuan-Ting Chuang, COMPOSITE POWDER, HYBRID MATERIAL THEREOF, AND COMPOSITE THIN FILM THEREOF, 美國申請案號: 15065884,申請日期:105年 03月10日。 17. 郭東昊, 游福安, 郭諺融, 楊沂淵, 李俊毅, 鄭國彬, 吳昌謀, 馬孟緯, 莊冠霆,複合粉體、其混成材料以及其複合薄膜,中華民國發明專利,發明第 I571440 號,專利權期間:2017年 02月21日至2035年 12月06日。 18. Dong-Hau Kuo, Xiayun Chen, Bimetal oxysulfide solid-solution catalyst and manufacturing method thereof, method for carbon dioxide reduction, method for heavy metal reduction, and method for hydrogenation of organic compounds, US Patent No. US 9,649,622 B1, Date of Patent: May 16, 2017. Filed date: May 16, 2016. 19. 郭東昊,陳孝雲,固溶體觸媒及其製造方法、二氧化碳還原方法、重金屬還原方法以及有機化合物氫化方法,中華民國發明專利,發明第 I 608867 號,專利權期間:2017年 12月21日至2036年6月29日。 20. 詹德均、郭東昊、羅傑 ,一種鋰錫氧硫化合物、其製造方法與作為鋰離子電池電解質材料的用途、以及一種鋰錫氧硫混成電解質,中華民國發明專利,發明第 I684570 號,專利權期間:2020年 02 月 11 日。申請日:2018/10/09。申請號:107135641。 21. Jan, Der-Jun, Kuo, Dong-Hau, Lo, Roger, Li-Sn-O-S Compound, Manufacturing Method Therefore and Use thereof as Electrolyte Materials of Li-Ion Batteries, and Li-Sn-O-S Hybrid Electrolyte, US Patent No. US 2020/0112049 A1, Date of Patent: Apr. 09, 2020. Filed date: Oct. 25, 2018. 22. 郭東昊、孔寧天、周毅呈、胡凱翔,雙功能電極及其製備方法與在鋅空氣電池的應用,中華民國發明專利,發明第 I 827263號,專利權人: 國立臺灣科技大學。專利權期間:2023/12/21至 2042/9/15。申請日:2022/09/16。 23. 郭東昊,莊翔智,王賈荃,電極材料、電極的製備方法及其在超級電容器的應用,中華民國發明專利,發明第 I 827297號,專利權人: 國立臺灣科技大學。專利權期間:2023/12/21至 2042/9/15。申請日:2022/10/4。 24. 郭東昊,黃俊圓,莊翔智,王賈荃,包含二元金屬氧化物的電極材料、包含其之電極的製備方法以及超級電容器,中華民國發明專利,發明第 I 795196 號,專利權期間:2023年 3 月 1 日至 1042 年 1 月 25 日。 研究SCI期刊發表 2019/01-2024/10 2024 1. Zn-Doped MnO2 microflake pseudocapacitive cathode on Ni(OH)2/Ni-Foam substrate as a promising charge storage material, Materials Science and Engineering: B 305 (2024) 117419. IF= 3.6, [7月]. 2. Merga Hailemariam Urgesa, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Tadele Negash Gemeda, Quoc-Nam Ha, Noto Susanto Gultom, Ambient NN bond weakening hydrogenation by utilizing the highly defective Cu3BiS3/MnO2 electrocatalyst for ammonia yield above 3 mg/h.cm2: The N2-nano dipole interaction micromechanism, Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy, 355 (2024) 124194. IF= 22.1, 3/142, Engineering, Chemical. [10月]。 3. Adugna Boke Abdeta*, Feyisa Wedajo, Qinhan Wu, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Ping Li, Hanya Zhang, Ting Huang, Jinguo Lin*, Xiaoyun Chen*, Activated Carbon Anchoring Site Enrichment Through B and N Codoping for Boosting Bi2Mo2.5(S,O)10 Oxysulfide Catalyst Stability and Visible-Light-Driven Hydrogen Evolution, Advanced Sustainable Systems, 8 (2024) 2400128. 4. Quoc-Nam Ha, Wen-Chuan Hsiao, Yu-Chan Chan, Tadele Negash Gemeda, Merga Hailemariam Urgesa, and Dong-Hau Kuo*, Developing Energy-Efficient Nitrate-to-Ammonia Flow Cells with Bifunctional NiFeW-Oxide Thin-Film Electrodes Made by Magnetron Sputtering Technique, Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy, 354 (2024) 124137. IF= 22.1, 3/142, Engineering, Chemical. [10月]。 5. Noto Susanto Gultom, Chien-Hui Li, Dong-Hau Kuo*, and Mikha Zefanya Silitong, Multiphase Fe-doped Ni3S2/MoOx electrocatalyst prepared by facile one-step hydrothermal for full-cell water splitting: Effect of Mo on physical and electrochemical properties, Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy, 353 (2024) 124100. IF= 22.1, 3/142, Engineering, Chemical. [9月]。 6. Ting-Chen Huang, Xiaoyun Chen, Girma Sisay Wolde, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Photocatalytic hydrogen production over highly oxygen deficient Cu-doped TiO2 and its composites: An insight of kinetic reaction micromechanisms, Separation and Purification Technology, 339 (2024) 126671. 8.6, 12/142, Engineering, Chemical. [7月] 7. Zhengjie Su, Xinru Wu, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Baoqian Yang, Binghong Wu, Longyan Chen, Pengkun Zhang, Jinguo Lin*, Dongfang Lu, Xiaoyun Chen*, Synergistic vacancy defect and bandgap engineering Ag/S co-doped Bi2O3-based sulfur oxide catalyst for efficient hydrogen evolution, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 12 (2024) 10494-10506. IF= 11.9, 32/344, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary. [5月] 8. Mikha Zefanya Silitonga, Noto Susanto Gultom, and Dong-Hau Kuo,* A Novel Approach to Enhancing Hydrogen Evolution Efficiency and Durability: Bilayer Metallic Adhesion Engineering in Ni/CoNi4 Film Cathode, Applied Surface Science, 655 (2024) 159651. 6.7, 1/21, Materials Science, Coatings & Films. [5月] 9. Pengkun Zhang, Qinhan Wu, Haoyu Wang, Yunzhuo Xu, Yujie Lai, Ping Li, Dong-Hau Kuo,* Ting Huang, Hanya Zhang, Mengistu Tadesse Mosisa, Jiqing Li,* Jinguo Lin,* Xiaoyun Chen,* Dongfang Lu,* Hydrazine-driven cation valence regulation and oxygen defect engineering in sulfur-doped CoMoO4‧0.9H2O for highly efficient reduction of toxic organics and hexavalent chromium under dark, Materials Today Chemistry, 37 (2024) 102028. 7.3, 76/342, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary. [4月] 10. Mengistu Tadesse Mosisa, Pengkun Zhang, Zhengjie Su, Binghong Wu, Longyan Chen, Yiqiang Liao*, Ambar Farooq, Dongfang Lu,* Adugna Boke Abdeta, Dong-Hau Kuo,* Jinguo Lin,* Xiaoyun Chen,* A novel V/S co-doped BiOBr catalyst for high-efficiency catalytic reduction of toxic organic and hexavalent chromium pollutants under dark, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 12 (2024) 112111. 7.7, 16/140, Engineering, Chemical. [4月]. 11. Longyan Chen, Pengkun Zhang, Dong-Hau Kuo, Jianmei Jiang, Binghong Wu, Zhengjie Su, Osman Ahmed Zelekew, Jinguo Lin,* Dongfang Lu,* Xiaoyun Chen,* Synergism of heterovalent valence state and oxygen vacancy defect engineering in Co/S co-doped TiO2 for nitrogen photoreduction to ammonia, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 12 (2024) 9871-9885. [4月] 12. Biruktait Ayele Lemecho, Dinsefa Andoshe, Noto Susanto Gultom, Hairus Abdullah, Dong-Hau Kuo, Xiaoyun Chen, Temesgen D. Desissa, Demeke Tesfaye Wondimageng, Yi-nan Wu, Osman Ahmed Zelekew,* Biological Renewable Cellulose Templated Zn1-xCuxO/Ag2O Nanocomposite Photocatalyst for the Degradation of Methylene Blue, ACS Omega, 9 (2024) 13714-13727. [3月] 13. Ding-Chiang Hu, Dong-Hau Kuo, Chung-Chen Tsao, Jihng-Kuo Ho, Chin-Guo Kuo & Chun-Yao Hsu,* Effect of MoN on the structure and characteristics of MoN/ZrMoN bi-layer nitride films, Bulletin of Materials Science, 47 (2024) 63. [3月] 14. Pengkun Zhang, Longyan Chen, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Binghong Wu, Zhengjie Su, Dongfang Lu*, Qinhan Wu, Jiqing Li*, Jinguo Lin*, Xiaoyun Chen*, Photocatalytic fixation of nitrogen to ammonia with a Ce/S co-doped TiO2 catalyst: synergistic tuning of heterovalent metal states and oxygen vacancy defects, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 12 (2024) 7163-7177. IF= 11.9, 32/344, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary. [3月] 15. Hardy Shuwanto, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Hairus Abdullah, Solid solution-typed defect concept in forming multivalent cations- and oxygen vacancy-filled MnCo2O4-z spinel bifunctional electrodes for innovative symmetrical supercapacitor, Journal of Energy Storage, 82 (2024) 110421. 9.4, 19/119, Energy & Fuels. [3月]. 16. Ting Huang, Ping Li, Qinhan Wu, Adugna Boke Abdeta, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Hanya Zhang, Binghong Wu, Mengistu Tadesse Mosisa, Jinguo Lin, Xiaoyun Chen*, Xueshen Liu*, Oxygen-doped Sn17Sb6S29 bimetal oxysulfide catalysts for efficient reduction of organic pollutants and hexavalent chromium in the dark, Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 9 (2024) 410-425. 3.9, 52/142, Engineering, Chemical. [2月] 17. Pengkun Zhang, Haoyu Wang, Yujie Lai, Yunzhuo Xu, Qinhan Wu, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Mengistu Tadesse Mosisa, Osman Ahmed Zelekew, Jinguo Lin*, Xiaoyun Chen*, Synergistic Co/S co-doped CeO2 sulfur-oxide catalyst for efficient catalytic reduction of toxic organics and heavy metal pollutants under dark, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 58 (2024) 104820. 7, 6/103, Water Resources. [2月] 18. Pengkun Zhang, Yujie Lai, Yunzhuo Xu, Xinru Wu, Baoqian Yang, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Dongfang Lu*, Qinhan Wu, Mengistu Tadesse Mosisa, Jinguo Lin*, Xiaoyun Chen*, Hydrazine-driven cation valence regulation and defect engineering in CeVO4 for highly efficient reduction of organic dyes and heavy metal pollutants in the dark, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 12 (2024) 111831. 7.7, 16/140, Engineering, Chemical. [2月] 19. Noto Susanto Gultom, Yi-Cheng Zhou, and Dong-Hau Kuo*, A facile and efficient method for preparing La-doped Co3O4 by electrodeposition as an efficient air cathode in rechargeable zinc-air batteries: Role of oxygen vacancies, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 655 (2024) 394-406. 9.9, 29/161, Chemistry, Physical. [2月] 20. Hildana Tesfaye Berede, Dinsefa Mensur Andoshe, Noto Susanto Gultom, Dong-Hau Kuo, Xiaoyun Chen, Hairus Abdullah, Tadele Hunde Wondimu, Yi-nan Wu, Osman Ahmed Zelekew, Photocatalytic activity of the biogenic mediated green synthesized CuO nanoparticles confined into MgAl LDH matrix, Scientific Reports, 14 (2024) 2314. 4.6, 22/73, Multidisciplinary Sciences. [1月] 21. Kebena Gebeyehu Motora, V.G. Dileepkumar, Chang-Mou Wu*, R. Ashwini, Guan-Ying Chen, M.S. Santosh*, Surender Kumar, Dong-Hau Kuo, Highly efficient and stable NiSe2-rGO composite-based room temperature hydrogen gas sensor, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 50 (2024) 1174-1183. IF= 7.2, 70/342, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary. [1月] 22. Quoc-Nam Ha, Chen-Hao Yeh, Noto Susanto Gultom, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Industrial-Scale Efficient Alkaline Water Electrolysis Achieved with Sputtered NiFeV-Oxide Thin Film Electrodes for Green Hydrogen Production, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 12 (2024) 460-474. 11.9, 32/344, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary. [1月] 23. Tadele Negash Gemeda, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Quoc-Nam Ha, One-step synthesized Nb2O5-y-decorated spinel-type (Ni,V,Mn)3O4-x nanoflowers for boosting electrocatalytic reduction of nitrogen into ammonia, Green Chemistry, 25 (2023) 10498-10512. IF= 9.8, 24/178, Chemistry, Multidisciplinary. [12月] 2023/01-2023/12 24. Zhengjie Su, Binghong Wu, Longyan Chen, Mengistu Tadesse Mosisa, Pengkun Zhang, Qinhan Wu, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Dongfang Lu*, Osman Ahmed Zelekew, Jinguo Lin*, Xiaoyun Chen*, Ti-doped Bi2(O,S)3 bimetal oxysulfide for highly efficient catalytic reduction of organic dyes and heavy metal pollutants in the dark, Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices, 8 (2023) 100645. [12月] 8, 70/342, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary. 25. Binghong Wu, Zhengjie Su, Qinhan Wu, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Pengkun Zhang, Longyan Chen, Adugna Boke Abdeta, Mengistu Tadesse Mosisa, Jinguo Lin*, Xiaoyun Chen*, Xueshen Liu*, Mn/O co-doped Bi2S3 bimetal oxysulfide catalyst for highly efficient reduction of organic and hexavalent chromium pollutants in the dark, Materials Today Chemistry, 33 (2023) 101697. [10月-4] 7.3, 76/342, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary. 26. Longyan Chen, Zhengjie Su, Qinhan Wu, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Adugna Boke Abdeta, Binghong Wu, Pengkun Zhang, Mengistu Tadesse Mosisa, Osman Ahmed Zelekew, Jinguo Lin*, Xiaoyun Chen*, Xueshen Liu*, Co/S co-doped Mn3O4-based sulfur-oxide nano-flakes catalyst for highly efficient catalytic reduction of organics and hexavalent chromium pollutants, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 55 (2023) 104168. [10月-3] 7, 6/103, Water Resources. 27. Ping Li, Qinhan Wu, Qiao Ji, Adugna Boke Abdeta, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Ting Huang, Hanya Zhang, Osman Ahmed Zelekew, Jinguo Lin, Xiaoyun Chen, Sulfur-doped Sb4Mo10O31 bimetallic sulfur-oxide catalyst for highly efficient reduction of toxic organic and hexavalent chromium under dark, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 11 (2023) 110700. [10月-2] 7.7, 16/140, Engineering, Chemical. 28. Hairus Abdullah, Sethupathi Shanmugasundaram, Mohamed Tarek Ahmed, Hardy Shuwanto, S.K. Krishna, Dong-Hau Kuo, Variation of NiIn- and MgIn- dopants in spinel ZnIn2(O,S)4 microflower to generate and substitutional defects for a high-rate visible-light-induced hydrogen generation, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 11 (2023) 110500. [10月-1] 7.7, 16/142, Engineering, Chemical. 29. Xiaoyun Chen*, Pengkun Zhang, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Qinhan Wu, Adugna Boke Abdeta, Binghong Wu, Zhengjie Su, Longyan Chen, Osman Ahmed Zelekew, Jinguo Lin*, Material design for converting an oxidative-type BiVO4 catalyst into a reductive BiV(S,O)4?x sulfo-oxide catalyst for nitrogen photoreduction to ammonia, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 11 (2023) 19091-19106. [9月-5] 11.9, 32/344, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary. 30. Quoc-Nam Ha, Noto Susanto Gultom, Chen-Hao Yeh, Dong-Hau Kuo*, One-pot synthesized Li, V co-doped Ni3S2 nanorod arrays as a bifunctional electrocatalyst for industrialization-facile hydrogen production via alkaline exchange membrane water electrolysis, Chemical Engineering Journal 472 (2023) 144931. [9月-4] 15.1, 5/142, Engineering, Chemical. 31. Xingqiu Lia, Longyan Chen, Pengkun Zhang, Adugna Boke Abdeta, Qinhan Wu, Binghong Wu, Jinguo Lin, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Yu Zhang*, Xiaoyun Chen*, A novel Co,O co-doped Ag2S bimetallic oxysulfide catalyst for efficiently catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol and organic dyes, Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices, 8 (2023) 100598. [9月-3] 8, 70/342, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary. 32. Hairus Abdullah, Sethupathi Shanmugasundaram, Hardy Shuwanto, Mohamed Tarek Ahmed, S.K. Krishna, Dong-Hau Kuo, Enhanced VO sites with substitutional defects of LiZn’ on Zn (O,S) for high-rate hydrogen generation under simulated solar-light irradiation, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 48 (2023) 31443-31456. [9月-2], IF= 7.2, 70/342, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary. 33. Noto Susanto Gultom, Mikha Zefanya Silitonga, Kai-Xiang Hu, Yi-Cheng Zhou, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Electrodeposition of bimetal Ni-Co oxide as a bifunctional electrocatalyst for rechargeable zinc air battery, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 955 (2023) 170232. [9月-1] 6.2, 8/79, Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering. 34. Tadele Negash Gemeda, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Girma Sisay Wolde, Noto Susanto Gultom, In Situ Grown (Fe,Mn,Ga)3O4–x Spinel/(Mn,Fe)2O3–y Bixbyite Dual-Phase Electrocatalyst for Preeminent Nitrogen Reduction to Ammonia: A Step toward the NH3 Economy, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 6 (2023) 8063-8071. [8月-2] 6.4, 86/344, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary. 35. Girma Sisay Wolde, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Merga Hailemariam Urgesa, Tadele Negash Gemeda, Photocatalytic oxidation of benzyl alcohol coupled with p-dinitrobenzene reduction over poly(o-phenylenediamine) nanowires decorated on Gd-TiO2 nanorods, Chemical Engineering Journal, 469 (2023) 143916. [8月-1] 15.1, 5/142, Engineering, Chemical. 36. Quoc-Nam Ha, Noto Susanto Gultom, Mikha Zefanya Silitonga, Tadele Negash Gemeda, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Novel core–shell structure of Ni3S2@LiMoNiOx(OH)y nanorod arrays toward efficient high-current–density hydrogen evolution reaction, Chemical Engineering Journal, 467 (2023) 143253. [7月] 15.1, 5/142, Engineering, Chemical. 37. Mohamed Ahmed, Hairus Abdullah, Dong-Hau Kuo, Photocatalytic H2O2 Generation over Microsphere Carbon-Assisted Hierarchical Indium Sulfide Nanoflakes via Two-Step One-Electron Pathway, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15 (2023 29224–29235. [6月] 9.5, 55/342, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary. 38. Qinhan Wu, Binghong Wu, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Adugna Boke Abdeta, Zhengjie Su, Longyan Chen, Osman Ahmed Zelekew, Jinguo Lin*, Xiaoyun Chen*, Activation of Cu3(MoO4)2(OH)2 with the hydrazine-driven cation reduction into a highly efficient catalyst for the reduction of organic dyes and heavy metals ion, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 11 (2023) 109974. [6月] 7.7, 16/142, Engineering, Chemical. 39. Merga Hailemariam Urgesa, Girma Sisay Wolde, Dong-Hau Kuo*, One-step hydrothermal synthesis of novel flower-like Bi2Mn4O10 anchored on BiOI1-xBrx nanosheets for efficient photocatalytic nitrogen fixation, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 947 (2023) 169589. [6月] 6.2, 8/79, Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering. 40. Qinhan Wu, Longyan Chen, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Ping Li, Adugna Boke Abdeta, Osman Ahmed Zelekew, Jinguo Lin*, Xiaoyun Chen*, Sulfur-Substitution and Defect Engineering in Unfavored MnMoO4 Catalyst for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution under Visible Light, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15 (2023) 22142?22156. [5月] 9.5, 55/344 Materials Science, Multidisciplinary. 41. Merga Hailemariam Urgesa, Girma Sisay Wolde, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Plasmonic silver nanoparticle-deposited n-Bi2S3/p-MnOS diode-type catalyst for enhanced photocatalytic nitrogen fixation: Introducing the defective p-MnOS, Chemical Engineering Journal, 464 (2023) 142717. [5月] 15.1, 5/142, Engineering, Chemical. 42. Adugna Boke Abdeta, Qinhan Wu, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Ping Li, Hanya Zhang, Ting Huang, Jubin Zhang, Mengistu Tadesse Mosisa, Jinguo Lin,*, Xiaoyun Chen*, Mo(S,O)/(Ce,Mo)(S,O) sulfo-oxide with heterovalent metal states for efficient photocatalytic H2 evolution and pollutant reduction via in-situ generated protons, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 48 [29] (2023) 10841-10858. [4月] IF= 7.2, 7/30, Electrochemistry. 43. Shrisha, Chang-Mou Wu*, Kebena Gebeyehu Motora, Guan-Ying Chen, Dong-Hau Kuo, Noto Susanto Gultom, Highly efficient reduced tungsten oxide-based hydrogen gas sensor at room temperature, Materials Science & Engineering B, 289 (2023) 116285. [3月] 44. Noto Susanto Gultom, Tien-Shin Chen, Mikha Zefanya Silitonga, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Overall water splitting realized by overall sputtering thin-film technology for a bifunctional MoNiFe electrode: A green technology for green hydrogen, Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy, 322 (2023) 122103. IF= 22.1, 3/142, Engineering, Chemical. [3月] 45. Xiaoyun Chen, Qinhan Wu, Dong-Hau Kuo, Adugna Boke Abdeta, Hanya Zhang, Ting Huang, Ping Li, Jubin Zhang, Osman Ahmed Zelekew, Zhanhui Yuan, Jinguo Lin, Initiating highly efficient (Bi,Ce)2(O,S)3-x oxysulfide catalyst with rich oxygen vacancies for hydrogen evolution via adjusting valence band configuration, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 11 (2023) 4126-4141. [2月] 11.9, 32/344, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary. 46. Ding-Chiang Hu, Dong-Hau Kuo, Jin-Yih Kao, Chun-Sheng Chen, Chung-Chen Tsao*, Chun-Yao Hsu, Fabrication of nitride films by co-sputtering of high-entropy alloys and tungsten, Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society, 59 (2023) 105-115. [2月] 47. Hairus Abdullah*, Siang-Jhih Jhuang, Hardy Shuwanto, and Dong-Hau Kuo*, High Charge Storage of Amorphous Ni-Doped VOx-Modified Ni(OH)2 Substrate on a Ni Foam Cathode in a Base Solution, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 6 (2023) 898-909. [1月] 6.4, 85/342, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary. 2022/01-2022/12 48. Hairus Abdullah*, Riski Titian Ginting, Hardy Shuwanto, Dong-Hau Kuo, Banana peel biowaste-derived carbon composited with Zn(O,S) for solar-light photocatalytic hydrogen generation, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47 (2022) 41021-41033. [12月] , IF= 7.139. 49. Haileyesus Hatano Haitosa, Belay Berehane Tesfamariam, Noto Susanto Gultom, Dong-Hau Kuo, Xiaoyun Chen, Yi-nan Wu, Osman Ahmed Zelekew*, Stephania abyssinica leaf extract mediated (Mn, Ni) co-doped ZnO catalyst synthesis for the degradation of organic dye,?Journal of Molecular Liquids, 368 (2022) 120666. [12月], IF= 6.633. 50. Girma Sisay Wolde, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Hairus Abdullah, Solar-light-driven ternary MgO/TiO2/g-C3N4 heterojunction with surface defects for dinitrobenzene isomers reduction, Chemosphere, 307 (2022) 135939. [11月], IF= 8.943 51. Hairus Abdullah, Siang-Jhih Jhuang, Hardy Shuwanto, Dong-Hau Kuo, Nickel-doped V3O5 pseudocapacitive cathode with a superb charge storage, Journal of Energy Storage, 55 (2022) 105435. IF= 9.4 [11月] 19/115, Energy & Fuels. 52. Mohamed Tarek Ahmed, Hairus Abdullah, Dong-Hau Kuo, Highly efficient photocatalytic H2O2 generation over dysprosium oxide-integrated g-C3N4 nanosheets with nitrogen deficiency, Chemosphere, 307 (2022) 135910. IF= 8.943. [11月] 53. Noto Susanto Gultom, Chien-Hui Li, Dong-Hau Kuo*, and Hairus Abdullah, Single-Step Synthesis of Fe-Doped Ni3S2/FeS2 Nanocomposites for Highly Efficient Oxygen Evolution Reaction, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14 (2022) 39917–39926. IF= 10.383 [9月] 54. Adugna Boke Abdeta, Qinhan Wu, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Ping Li, Hanya Zhang, Ting Huang, Jubin Zhang, Jinguo Lin,*, Xiaoyun Chen, Mo-/O-deficient Bi2Mo3(S,O)12 oxysulfide for enhanced visible-light photocatalytic H2 evolution and pollutant reduction via in-situ generated protons: A case of material design in converting an oxidative Bi2Mo3O12 catalyst for the reduction, Journal of Catalysis, 413 (2022) 1056-1069. IF= 7.92 [9月] 55. Adugna Boke Abdeta, Qinhan Wu, Dong-Hau Kuo,* Ping Li, Hanya Zhang, Jubin Zhang, Zhanhui Yuan, Jinguo Lin,* Xiaoyun Chen,* Activated carbon supported AgMoOS bimetallic oxysulfide as a catalyst for the photocatalytic hydrogen evolution and pollutants reduction, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 913 (2022) 165287. IF= 6.371. [8月] 56. Hardy Shuwanto, Hairus Abdullah*, and Dong-Hau Kuo*, Nanostructuring Bi-Doped α-Fe2O3 Thin-Layer Photoanode to Advance the Water Oxidation Performance, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 5 (2022) 9902-9913. IF= 6.959 [7月] 57. Noto Susanto Gultom, Mikha Zefanya Silitonga, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Bimetallic Cobalt-Nickel electrode made by Sputtering for Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Reaction: Effect of Nickel ratios, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 5 (2022) 8658–8668 IF= 6.959 . [7月] 58. Paulos Asefa Fufa, Gebisa Bekele Feysia, Noto Susanto Gultom, Dong-Hau Kuo, Xiaoyun Chen, Daniel Manaye Kabtamu, Osman Ahmed Zelekew, Visible light-driven photocatalytic activity of Cu2O/ZnO/Kaolinite-based composite catalyst for the degradation of organic pollutant, 33 (2022) 315601 Nanotechnology, IF= 3.953. [7月] 59. Setegn Geta Aragaw, Gebisa Bekele Feysia, Noto Susanto Gultom, Dong?Hau Kuo, Hairus Abdullah, Xiaoyun Chen, Osman Ahmed Zelekew, Synthesis of CuAl-layered double hydroxide/MgO2 nanocomposite catalyst for the degradation of organic dye under dark condition, Applied Water Science 12 (2022) 140. IF= 5.411. [6月] 60. Noto Susanto Gultom, Teng-Sheng Hsieh, Shih-Chieh Liao, Guan-Yu Ko, and Dong-Hau Kuo*, Improved Performance of Li-Added Mo?Nb Oxide as the Anode for Li-Ion Batteries with N?Carbon Coating, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 5 (2022) 6129-6138. IF= 6.959. [5月] 61. Biruktait Ayele Lemecho, Fedlu Kedir Sabir, Dinsefa Mensur Andoshe, Noto Susanto Gultom, Dong-Hau Kuo, Xiaoyun Chen, Endale Mulugeta, Temesgen D. Desissa, and Osman Ahmed Zelekew, Biogenic Synthesis of Cu-Doped ZnO Photocatalyst for the Removal of Organic Dye, Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications, 2022 (2022) 8081494. IF= 4.724 [5月] 62. Osman Ahmed Zelekew, Paulos Asefa Fufa,1 Fedlu Kedir Sabir, Dinsefa Mensur Andoshe, Noto Susanto Gultom, Hairus Abdellah, Dong-Hau Kuo, Xiaoyun Chen, and Gopal Krishna Devulapalli, Chromium ion accumulations from aqueous solution by Eichorinia crassipes plant and reusing in the synthesis of Cr-doped ZnO photocatalyst, Journal of Nanomaterials, (2022) Article ID 4943844. IF= 3.791 [3月] 63. Qinhan Wu, Adugna Boke Abdeta, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Hanya Zhang, Qingxin Lu, Jubin Zhang,*, Osman Ahmed Zelekew, Mengistu Tadesse Mosisa, Jinguo Lin,*, Xiaoyun Chen, A molybdenum sulfo-oxide/cobalt oxysulfide Z-scheme heterojunction catalyst for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen production and pollutants reduction, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 10 (2022) 5328-5349. IF= 14.511. [1月] 64. Chang-Mou Wu*, Shrisha Shailendra Raj, Kebena Gebeyehu Motora, Guan-Ying Chen, Dong-Hao Kuo, Noto Susanto Gultom, Highly efficient MoS2@CsxWO3 nanocomposite hydrogen gas sensors, Frontiers in Materials, 9 (2022) 831725. IF= 3.985 [1月] 65. Thi Tran Anh Tuan, Dong-Hau Kuo, Cao Phuong Thao, Tran Nguyen Phuong Lan, Nguyen Van Sau, Truong Thi Ngoc Chinh, Co Thi Thuy, Fully Sputtered n–AlInGaN/p–Mg-InxGa1?xN (x ? 0.1) Heterojunction Diodes: Electrical Properties Over a Wide Temperature Range, Journal of Electronic Materials, 51 (2022) 1288–1296. IF= 2.047 [1月] 66. Noto Susanto Gultom, Hairus Abdullah, Jhih-Cheng Xie, Hardy Shuwanto, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Improved Hydrogen Production Rate of Nickel Doped Zinc Indium Oxysulfide Visible-Light Catalyst: Comparison Study of Stoichiometric and Non-stoichiometric Compounds, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 5 (2022) 1755–1766. IF= 6.959. [1月] 2021/01-2022/12 67. Qinhan Wu, Xuran Wang, Jiawei Fu, Osman Ahmed Zelekew*, Adugna Boke Abdeta, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Jubin Zhang, Zhanhui Yuan, Jinguo Lin*, Xiaoyun Chen*, Wool-coiled bimetallic oxysulfide MoSrOS catalyst synthesis for catalytic reduction of toxic organic pollutants and heavy metal ions, Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices, 6 (2021) 578-586. IF= 7.382, 93/335, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary, [12月] 68. Sleshi Fentie Tadesse, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Worku Lakew Kebede, Girma Sisay, Visible Light Driven Nd2O3/Mo(S,O)3-x‧0.34H2O Heterojunction for Enhanced Photocatalytic Degradation of Organic pollutants, Applied Surface Science, 569 (2021) 151091. IF= 7.392, 1/21, Materials Science, Coatings & Films. [12月] 69. Xiaoyun Chen*, Huizhi Sun, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Osman Ahmed Zelekew*, Adugna Boke Abdeta, Jubin Zhang, Qinhan Wu, Zhanhui Yuan, Jinguo Lin, Material design with the concept of solid solution-type defect engineering in realizing the conversion of an electrocatalyst of NiS2 into a photocatalyst for hydrogen evolution, Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy, 298 (2021) 120542. IF= 24.319, 3/143, Engineering, Chemical. [12月] 70. Hairus Abdullah, Riski Titian Ginting, Anita C Sembiring, Noto Susanto Gultom, Hardy Shuwanto, Dong-Hau Kuo, One-pot preparation of multicomponent photocatalyst with (Zn,Co,Ni)(O,S)/Ga2O3 nanocomposites to significantly enhance hydrogen production, New Journal of Chemistry, New Journal of Chemistry, 45 (2021) 19889-19902. IF= 3.952, 75/179, Chemistry, Multidisciplinary. [11月] 71. Hairus Abdullah, Hardy Shuwanto, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Multifunctional Ni–Mg bimetal-activated Zn(O,S) for hydrogen generation and environmental remediation with simulated solar-light irradiation, Catalysis Science & Technology, 11 (2021) 7200-7216. IF= 6.177, 44/162, Chemistry, Physical. [11月] 72. Girma Sisay, Hairus Abdullah, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Worku Lakew, Hardy Shuwanto, Sleshi Fentie, Zn-Ce-Ga trimetal oxysulfide as a dual-functional catalyst: Hydrogen evolution and hydrogenation reactions in a mild condition, Applied Surface Science, 563 (2021) 150383. IF= 7.392, 1/21, Materials Science, Coatings & Films [10月] 73. Lalisa Wakjira Duresa, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Fekadu Tadesse Bekena, and Worku Lakew Kebede, Simple room temperature synthesis of oxygen vacancy-rich and In-doped BiOBr nanosheet and its highly enhanced photocatalytic activity under visible-light irradiation, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 156 (2021) 110132. IF= 4.383, 23/69, Physics, Condensed Matter. [9月] 74. Noto Susanto Gultom, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Hairus Abdullah, Chi-Ning Hsu, Fabrication of Ag2S-MoSx/MoNiAg film electrode by sputtering to enhance electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution in alkaline solution, Materials Today Energy, 21 (2021) 100768. IF= 9.3, 20/115, Energy & Fuels. [9月] 75. Hairus Abdullah, Riski Titian Ginting, Refi Ikhtiari, Noto Susanto Gultom, Hardy Shuwanto, Dong-Hau Kuo*, One-step synthesis of configurational-entropy In-doped Zn(O,S)/Zn-doped In(OH)3-xSx composite for visible-light photocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46 [58] (2021) 29926-29939. IF= 7.139, 48/162, Chemistry, Physical. [8月] 76. Huizhi Sun, Yuanbo Guo, Osman Ahmed Zelekew*, Adugna Boke Abdeta, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Qinhan Wu, Jubin Zhang, Zhanhui Yuan, Jinguo Lin*, Xiaoyun Chen*, Biological renewable nanocellulose as template for the synthesis of CeO2/TiO2 and its photocatalytic removal efficiency of pollutants under visible light, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 336 (2021) 116873. IF= 6.633, 4/37, Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical. [8月] 77. Shrisha, Chang-Mou Wu,*, Kebena Gebeyehu Motora , Dong-Hau Kuo , Chiu-Chun Lai, Bohr-Ran Huang, Adhimoorthy Saravanan, Cesium tungsten bronze nanostructures and their highly enhanced hydrogen gas sensing properties at room temperature, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46 (2021) 25752-25762. IF= 7.139, 48/162, Chemistry, Physical. [7月] 78. Cao Phuong Thao, Dong-Hau Kuo,* and Thi Tran Anh Tuan,* The Effect of RF Sputtering Temperature Conditions on the Structural and Physical Properties of Grown SbGaN Thin Film, Coatings, 11 (2021) 752. IF= 3.239, 10/21, Materials Science, Coatings & Films. [7月] 79. Huizhi Sun, Adugna Boke Abdeta, Dong-Hau Kuo, Qinhan Wu, Yuanbo Guo, Jubin Zhang, Jinguo Lin, Xiaoyun Chen, Activated carbon supported CuSnOS catalyst with an efficient catalytic reduction of pollutants under dark condition, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 334 (2021) 116079. IF= 6.633, 4/37, Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical. [7月] 80. Noto Susanto Gultom, Hairus Abdullah, Chi-Ning Hsu, and Dong-Hau Kuo*, Activating Nickel Iron Layer Double Hydroxide for Alkaline Hydrogen Evolution Reaction and Overall Water Splitting by Electrodeposited Nickel Hydroxide, Chemical Engineering Journal, 419 (2021) 129608. IF= 16.744, 4/143, Engineering, Chemical. [7月] 81. Noto Susanto Gultom, Hairus Abdullah, Jhih-Cheng Xie, and Dong-Hau Kuo*, Transforming Zn(O,S) from UV to visible-light-driven catalyst with improved hydrogen production rate: Effect of indium and heterojunction, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 869 (2021) 159316. IF= 6.371, 6/80, Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering. [7月] 82. Sethupathi Shanmugasundaram, Hairus Abdullah, Noto Susanto Gultom, Hardy Shuwanto, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Influences of Sulfur Amounts in Ni-Incorporated ZnIn2(O,S)4 on Phase Formation and its Visible Light Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Reaction, New Journal of Chemistry, 45 (2021) 10959-10970. IF= 3.925, 75/179, CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY. [6月] 83. S. Chaudhuri, C. M. Wu*, Y. C. Chiu, D. H. Kuo, Highly sensitive electrospun poly(HEMA-co-NMA)/BPDO nanofiber membranes for sensing metal ions in aqueous media, Express Polymer Letters, 15 [6] (2021) 515–530. IF= 3.952, 20/88, Polymer Science. [6月] 84. Xiaoyun Chen, Huizhi Sun, Dong-Hau Kuo, Adugna Boke Abdeta1, Osman Ahmed Zelekew, Yuanbo Guo, Jubin Zhang, Zhanhui Yuan, Jinguo Lin, Spherical nanoflower-like bimetallic (Mo,Ni)(S,O)3-x sulfo-oxide catalysts for efficient hydrogen evolution under visible light, Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy, 287 (2021) 119992. IF= 24.319, 3/143, Engineering, Chemical. [6月] 85. Hardy shuwanto, Hairus Abdullah, Dong-Hau Kuo* and Noto Gultom, Surface active sites of Y-doped Zn(O,S) for chemisorption and hydrogenation of azobenzene and nitroaromatic compounds under light via self-generated proton, Applied Surface Science, 552 (2021) 149508. IF= 7.392, 1/21, Materials Science, Coatings & Films [6月] 86. Hairus Abdullah, Chi-Ning Hsu, Worku Lakew Kebede, Noto Susanto Gultom, Hardy Shuwanto, Chang-Mou Wu, Chiu-Chun Lai, Ri-Ichi Murakami, Masayuki Hirota, Antonio Norio Nakagaito, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Immobilization of cross-linked In-doped Mo(O,S)2 on cellulose nanofiber for effective organic-dye degradation under visible light illumination, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 31 (2021) 404-413. IF= 4.269, 153/335, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary. [6月] 87. Hairus Abdullah, Noto Susanto Gultom, Chiao-Chen Hsu, Hardy Shuwanto, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Amorphous-Ni(OH)2 on Vertically Grown Lamellar Ag-Modified MoSx Thin-Film Eelectrode with Surface Defects for Hydrogen Production in Alkaline Solution, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 4 (2021) 3869–3880. IF= 6.959, 87/335, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary. [4月] 88. Eneyew Tilahun Bekele, Enyew Amare Zereffa, Noto Susanto Gultom, Dong-Hau Kuo, Bedasa Abdisa Gonfa*, and Fedlu Kedir Sabir*, Biotemplated Synthesis of Titanium Oxide Nanoparticles in the Presence of Root Extract of Kniphofia schemperi and Its Application for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells, International Journal of Photoenergy, 2021, Article ID 6648325. IF= 2.535, 123/162, Chemistry, Physical [2月] 89. Osman Ahmed Zelekew, Setegn Geta Aragaw, Fedlu Sabir, Dinsefa Andoshe, Alemayehu Dubale Duma, Dong-Hau Kuo, Xiao Chen, Temesgen D. Desissa, Belay Tesfamariam, Gebisa Feyisa, Hairus Abdullah, Eneyew Bekele, Fekadu Gochole Aga, Green synthesis of Co-doped ZnO via the accumulation of cobalt ion onto Eichhornia crassipes plant tissue and the photocatalytic degradation efficiency under visible light, Materials Research Express, 8 (2021) 025010. IF= 2.025, 272/335, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary [2月] 90. Tien-Tzu Yang, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Kai-Ping Tang, n-type Sn substitution in amorphous IGZO film by sol-gel method: a promoter of Hall mobility up to 65 cm2/Vs, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 553 (2021) 120503. IF= 4.458, Q1, 5/29, Materials Science, Ceramics. [2月] 91. Misganaw Alemu Zeleke, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Synthesis of Hydroxide Enriched Cerium Doped Oxy-Sulfide Catalyst for Visible Light-Assisted Reduction of Cr(VI), New Journal of Chemistry, 45 (2021) 288-297. IF= 3.925, Q2, 75/179, Chemistry, Multidisciplinary. [1月] 2020/01-2020/12 92. Hardy shuwanto, Noto Gultom, Hairus Abdullah*, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Environmentally Benign Photoreactions for Hydrogen Production and Cleavage of NN bond in Azobenzene over Co-Doped Zn(O,S) Nanocatalyst: The Role of In Situ Generated H+, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 3 (2020) 12692?12702. [12月] IF= 6.959, 87/335, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary. 93. Sleshi Fentie Tadesse, Dong-Hau Kuo,* Worku Lakew Kebede and Lalisa Wakjira Duresa, Synthesis and characterization of vanadium-doped Mo(O,S)2 oxysulfide for efficient photocatalytic degradation of organic dyes, New Journal of Chemistry, 44 (2020) 19868-19879. [12月] IF= 3.925, Q2, 75/179, Chemistry, Multidisciplinary. 94. Misganaw Alemu Zeleke, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Synthesis and characterization of Ge doped Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 bulk in the presence of reactive liquid phase sintering aid, Ceramics International, 46 (2020) 27226–27231. [12月] IF= 5.532, Q1, 3/29, Materials Science, Ceramics. 95. Lalisa Wakjira Duresa, Dong-Hau Kuo*, and Hsiu-Ni Huang, Room-temperature synthesized In-BiOBr1-xIx nanosheets with visiblelight-driven superior photocatalytic activity: Degradation of dye/nondye organic pollutants for environmental remediation, Chemosphere, 258 (2020) 127374. [11月] IF= 8.943, Q1, 30/274, Environmental Sciences. 96. Hairus Abdullah, Noto Susanto Gultom, Hardy Shuwanto, Worku Lakew Kebede, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Self-Protonated Ho-Doped Zn(O,S) as a Green Chemical-Conversion Catalyst to Hydrogenate Nitro to Amino Compounds, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12 (2020) 43761–43770. [9月] IF= 10.383. 44/335, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary. 97. Huizhi Sun, Adugna Boke Abdeta, Osman Ahmed Zelekew,*, Yuanbo Guo, Jubin Zhang, Dong-Hau Kuo,* Jinguo Lin,* Xiaoyun Chen,* Spherical porous SiO2 supported CuVOS catalyst with an efficient catalytic reduction of organic and hexavalent chromium pollutants under dark condition, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 313 (2020) 113567. [9月] IF= 6.633, 4/37, Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical. 98. Xiaoyun Chen, Huizhi Sun, Osman Ahmed Zelekewb, Jubin Zhang, Yuanbo Guo, Anqi Zeng, Dong-Hau Kuo, Jinguo Lin, Biological renewable hemicellulose-template for the synthesis of visible light responsive sulfur-doped TiO2 for photocatalytic oxidation of toxic organic and As(III) pollutants, Applied Surface Science, 525 (2020) 146531. [9月] IF= 7.392, 1/21, Materials Science, Coatings & Films. 99. FekaduTadesse Bekenaa, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Worku Lakew Kebedea, and Lalisa Wakjira Duresa, Universal and Highly Efficient Degradation Performance of Novel Bi2(O,S)3/Mo(O,S)2 Nanocomposite Photocatalyst Under Visible Light, Separation and Purification Technology, 247 (2020) 117042. [9月] IF= 9.136. 16/143, Engineering, Chemical. 100. Worku Lakew Kebede, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Fekadu Tadesse Bekena, Lalisa Wakjira Duresa, Highly efficient In-Mo(O,S)2 oxy-sulfide for degradation of organic pollutants under visible light irradiation: An example of photocatalyst on its dye selectivity, Chemosphere, 254 (2020) 126823. [9月] IF= 8.943, Q1, 30/274, Environmental Sciences. 101. Fekadu Tadesse Bekena, Dong-Hau Kuo*, 10 nm sized visible light TiO2 photocatalyst in the presence of MgO for degradation of methylene blue, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 116 (2020) 105152. [9月] IF= 4.644, 42/160, Physics, Applied. 102. Noto Susanto Gultom, Hairus Abdullah, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Phase transformation of bimetal zinc nickel oxide to oxysulfide photocatalyst with its exceptional performance to evolve hydrogen, Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy, 272 (2020) 118985. [9月] IF= 24.319, 3/143, Engineering, Chemical. 103. Tien-Tzu Yang, Dong-Hau Kuo*, p-type IGZO by the substitution of antimony with a sol-gel method: Explanation with the aid of defect formation equation, Materials Today Communications, 24 (2020) 101059. [9月] IF= 3.662, 165/335, MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY. 104. Dong-Hau Kuo*, Hairus Abdullah, Noto Susanto Gultom, Jia-Yu Hu, Ag-Decorated MoSx Laminar Film Electrocatalyst Made with Simple and Scalable Magnetron Sputtering Technique for Hydrogen Evolution: A Defect Model to Explain the Enhanced Electron Transport, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12 (2020) 35011-35021. [8月] IF= 10.383. 44/335, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary. 105. Worku Lakew Kebede, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Kedir Ebrahim Ahmed, Hairus Abdullah, Dye degradation over the multivalent charge- and solid solution-type n-MoS2/p-WO3 based diode catalyst under dark condition with a self-supporting charge carrier transfer mechanism, Advanced Powder Technology, 31(7) (2020) 2629-2640. [7月] IF= 4.969, 30/143, Engineering, Chemical. 106. Osman Ahmed Zelekew, Yuanbo Guo, Huizhi Sun, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Jin-guo Lin, Xiao Chen, Catalytic reduction of organic and hexavalent chromium pollutants with highly active bimetal CuBiOS oxysulfide Catalyst under dark, Separation and Purification Technology, 242 (2020) 116769 [7月] IF= 9.136. 16/143, Engineering, Chemical. 107. Hairus Abdullah, Yu-Rou Ko, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Noto Susanto Gultom, Effects of tin in La-Sn-codoped Zn(O,S) photocatalyst to sturdily cleave the azo bond in azobenzene with in-situ generated hydrogen, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12 (2020) 16186?16199. [3月] IF= 10.383. 44/335, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary. 108. Kedir Ebrahim Ahmed, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Lalisa Wakjira Duresa, Synthesis and characterizations of BiOCl nanosheets with controlled particle growth for efficient organic dyes degradation, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 83 (2020) 200-207. [3月] IF= 6.76. 23/143, Engineering, Chemical. 109. Cao Phuong Thao, Thi Tran Anh Tuan, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Wen-Cheng Ke, and Thach Thi Via Sa Na, Reactively Sputtered Sb-GaN Films and its HeteroJunction Diode: The Exploration of the n-to-p Transition, Coatings 2020, 10, 210. IF= 3.239, 10/21, Materials Science, Coatings & Films [2月] 110. Hairus Abdullah, Noto Susanto Gultom, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Depletion-Zone Size Control of p-type NiO/n-type Zn(O,S) Nanodiodes on High-Surface-Area SiO2 Nanoparticles as a Strategy to Significantly Enhance Hydrogen Evolution Rate, Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy, 261 (2020) 118223. [2月] IF= 24.319, 3/143, Engineering, Chemical. 2019/01-2019/12 111. Osman Ahmed Zelekew, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Hairus Abdullah, Synthesis of (Sn,Zn)(O,S) bimetallic oxysulfide catalyst for the detoxification of Cr+6 in aqueous solution, Advanced Powder Technology 30 (2019) 3099–3106. [12月] IF= 4.969, 30/143, Engineering, Chemical. 112. Noto Susanto Gultom, Hairus Abdullah, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Effects of graphene oxide and sacrificial reagent for highly efficient hydrogen production with the costless Zn(O,S) photocatalyst, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (56) (2019) 29516-29528. [11月] IF= 7.139, 37/114, Energy & Fuels. 113. Albert Daniel Saragih, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Germanium substitution effect on the property and performance of Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin films and its solar cell having absorber layer made by sputtering with single metallic target plus selenization, Materials Science And Engineering B-Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials, 250 (2019) 114437. [11月] IF= 3.407, 129/335, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary. 114. Huizhi Sun, Osman Ahmed Zelekew*, Xiaoyun Chen*, Yuanbo Guo, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Qingxin Lu, Jinguo Lin*, A noble bimetal oxysulfide CuVOS catalyst for highly efficient catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol and organic dyes, RSC Advances, 9 (2019) 31828–31839. IF= 4.036, 81/179, Chemistry, Multidisciplinary. 115. Misganaw Alemu Zeleke, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Synthesis and application of V2O5-CeO2 nanocomposite catalyst for enhanced degradation of methylene blue under visible light illumination, Chemosphere, 235 (2019) 935-944. [11月] IF= 8.943, Q1, 30/274, Environmental Sciences. 116. Thi Tran Anh Tuan, Dong-Hau Kuo,* Phuong Thao Cao,* Van Sau Nguyen, Quoc-Phong Pham, Vinh Khanh Nghi, and Nguyen Phuong Lan Tran, Electrical characterization of RF reactive sputtered p-Mg-InxGa1-xN/n-Si hetero-junction diodes without using buffer layer, Coatings, 9 (11) (2019) 699. IF= 3.239, 10/21, Materials Science, Coatings & Films [11月]. 117. Tran Anh Tuan Thi,* Dong-Hau Kuo,* Phuong Thao Cao, Pham Quoc-Phong, Vinh Khanh Nghi, Nguyen Phuong Lan Tran, Electrical and Structural Properties of All-Sputtered Al/SiO2/p-GaN MOS Schottky Diode, Coatings 9 (10) (2019) 685. IF= 3.239, 10/21, Materials Science, Coatings & Films [10月]. 118. Cao Phuong Thao, Dong-Hau Kuo,* Thi Tran Anh Tuan,* Kim Anh Tuan, Nguyen Hoang Vu, Thach Thi Via Sa Na, Khau Van Nhut, and Nguyen Van Sau, The Effect of RF Sputtering Conditions on the Physical Characteristics of Deposited GeGaN Thin Film, Coatings 9 (10) (2019) 645. IF= 3.239, 10/21, Materials Science, Coatings & Films [10月]. 119. Noto Susanto Gultom, Hairus Abdullah, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Facile synthesis of cobalt-doped (Zn,Ni)(O,S) as an efficient photocatalyst for hydrogen production, Journal of the Energy Institute, 92 (2019) 1428-1439. [10月] IF= 6.47, 31/114, Energy & Fuels . 120. Fekadu Tadesse Bekenaa, Hairus Abdullaha, Dong-Hau Kuo* and Misganaw Alemu Zeleke, Photocatalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol using effective hole scavenger over novel Mg-doped Zn(O,S) nanoparticles, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 78 (2019) 116–124. IF= 6.76. 23/143, Engineering, Chemical. [10月] 121. Xiaoyun Chen, Huizhi Sun, Jubin Zhang, Osman Ahmed Zelekew, Dongfang Lu, Jinguo Lin, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Synthesis of Visible light responsive iodine-doped mesoporous TiO2 by using biological renewable lignin as template for degradation of toxic organic pollutants, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 252 (2019) 152-163. [9月] IF= 24.319, 3/143, Engineering, Chemical. 122. Kedir Ebrahim Ahmed, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Worku Lakew Kebede, In-situ synthesis and characterizations of Bi2(O,S)3/Zn(O,S) composites for visible light hexavalent chromium reduction, Advanced Powder Technology, 30 (2019) 1664-1671. IF= 4.969, 30/143, Engineering, Chemical. [8月] 123. Worku Lakew Kebedea, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Misganaw Alemu Zeleke, Kedir Ebrahim Ahmed, A novel Sb-doped Mo(O,S)3 oxy-sulfide photocatalyst for degradation of methylene blue dye under visible light irradiation, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 797 (2019) 986-994. [8月] IF= 6.371, 6/80, Metallurgy & Metallurgical EngineerinG. 124. Noto Gultom Susanto, Hairus Abdullah, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Concept of Stagnant Capillarity Water in the Nanoporous SiO2@(Zn,Ni)(O,S) Nanocomposite Photocatalyst as a Strategy to Improve Hydrogen Evolution, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11 (2019) 27760-27769. [7月] IF= 10.383. 44/335, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary. 125. Dong-Hau Kuo,* Roger Lo, Tien Hsiang Hsueh, Der-Jun Jan, Chi-Hung Su, LiSnOS/gel polymer hybrid electrolyte for the safer and performance-enhanced solid-state LiCoO2/Li lithium-ion battery, Journal of Power Sources, 429 (2019) 89-96. [7月] IF= 9.794, 13/114, ENERGY & FUELS 126. Lalisa Wakjira Duresa, Dong-Hau Kuo,* Kedir Ebrahim Ahmed, Misganaw Alemu Zeleke and Hairus Abdullah, Highly enhanced photocatalytic Cr(VI) reduction using In-doped Zn(O,S) nanoparticles, New Journal of Chemistry, 43 (2019) 8746-8754. IF= 3.925, 75/179, Chemistry, Multidisciplinary. [6月] IF= 3.288. Q2 127. Noto Susanto Gultom, Hairus Abdullah, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Oriented p–n Heterojunction Ag2O/Zn(O,S) Nanodiodes on Mesoporous SiO2 for Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2 (2019) 3228-3236. [5月] IF= 6.959, 87/335, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary 128. Hairus Abdullah, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Noto Susanto Gultom, N=N bond cleavage of azobenzene via photocatalytic hydrogenation with Dy-doped Zn(O,S): the progress from hydrogen evolution to green chemical conversion, Catalysis Science & Technology, 9 (2019) 2651-2663. [5月] IF= 6.177, 44/162, Chemistry, Physical. 129. Misganaw Alemu Zeleke, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Synthesis of oxy-sulfide based Catalyst for visible light-driven reduction of Cr(VI), Environmental Research, 172 (2019) 279-288. [5月] IF= 8.431, 16/203, Public, Environmental & Occupational Health . 130. X. Chen, Dong-Hau Kuo*, J. Zhang, Q. Lu, J. Lin, Y. Liao, Tubular bimetal oxysulfide CuMgOS catalyst for rapid reduction of heavy metals and organic dyes, Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 33 [4] (2019) e4824. [4月] IF= 4.072. 19/71, CHEMISTRY, APPLIED 131. Xiaoyun Chen, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Zong-Yan Wu, Jubin Zhang, Yuanbo Guo, Huizhi Sun, Jinguo Lin, Multi-component (Cu,Mn)(Se,S) nanosheet catalysts for redox reactions in the dark, Separation and Purification Technology, 211 (2019) 71-80. [3月] IF= 9.136. 16/143, Engineering, Chemical. 132. Xiaoyun Chen, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Jubin Zhang, Qingxin Lu, Jinguo Lin, Nanosheet bimetal oxysulfide CuSbOS catalyst for highly efficient catalytic reduction of heavy metal ions and organic dyes, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 275 (2019) 204-214. [2月] IF= 6.633, 4/37, Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical. 133. Hairus Abdullah, Noto Susanto Gultom, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Synthesis and characterization of La-doped Zn(O,S) photocatalyst for green chemical detoxification of 4-nitrophenol, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 363 (2019) 109–118. [2月] IF= 14.224, 10/274, Environmental Sciences 134. Xiaoyun Chen, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Albert Daniel Saragih, Zong-Yan Wu, Hairus Abdullah, Jinguo Lin, The effect of the Cu+/Cu2+ ratio on the redox reactions by nanoflower CuNiOS catalysts, Chemical Engineering Science, 194 (2019) 105-115. [2月] IF= 4.889, 39/143, Engineering, Chemical. 135. Hairus Abdullah, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Utilization of photocatalytic hydrogen evolved (Zn,Sn)(O,S) nanoparticles to reduce 4-nitrophenol to 4-aminophenol, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (2019) 191-201. [1月] IF= 7.139, 30/112, Energy & Fuels 136. Kedir Ebrahim Ahmed, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Misganaw Alemu Zeleke, Osman Ahmed Zelekew, Angaw Kelemework Abay, Synthesis of Sn-WO3/g-C3N4 composites with surface activated oxygen for visible light degradation of dyes, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 369 (2019) 133-141. [1月] IF= 5.141, 65/162, Chemistry, Physical. 137. Xiaoyun Chen, Huizhi Sun, Jubin Zhang, Yuanbo Guo, Dong-Hau Kuo*, Cationic S-doped TiO2/SiO2 visible-light photocatalyst synthesized by co-hydrolysis method and its application for organic degradation, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 273 (2019) 50-57. [`1月] IF= 6.633, 4/37, Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical. *如有異動,請以老師個人網站資料為準。 *老師本人如欲自行維護本頁面,請洽技轉中心索取帳號密碼。 |