


1. PhD, Institute of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University
2. Master, Institute of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University
3. Bachelor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University

1. Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan Central University, 2005/08-2008/07
2. Assistant Professor, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan Central University, 2008/08-2010/07
3. Assistant Professor, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 2010/08 till now
  1. 骨牙與復健科生物力學
2. 植入器材與矯具的研發、測試與認證
3. 電腦輔助設計與分析
4. 影像網格與生物資訊程式處理










1. 骨牙科生物力學 (Biomechanics of Orthopedics and Dentistry)
2. 植入物與矯具設計 (Design of Implants and Orthoses)
3. 生物力學實驗設計 (Design of Biomechanical Experiments)
4. 生醫資訊整合 (Integration of Finite-element Analysis)
5. 電腦輔助設計與分析 (Computer-aided Design and Anal


1. 國家生技醫療品質獎- 2001
2. 第一屆國際生醫新創獎- 2002
3. 骨科研究學會SCI骨科期刊優秀論文獎- 2002
4. 第二屆藥物科技研究發展獎- 2003
5. 生物力學學會優秀青年學者- 2004
6. 手外科醫學會最佳論文獎第一名- 2007
7. 中央大學第一屆創業大賽金牌獎- 2007
8. 中央大學工學院服務優良獎- 2008
9. 榮台聯合大學系統研究計畫第三名- 2008
10. 世界骨科創傷協會(SICOT)最佳論文獎第三名- 2008
11. 中央大學工學院教學優良獎- 2009


1. Chen PQ, Lin SC, Wu HS (1998): Recent Advances in the Biomechanics of Spine. J Formos Med Assoc. SCI
2. Lin J, Lin SC, Chen PQ, Yang SH (2001): The Stress Analysis of the two distal Screws of Interlocking Nail of the Femur. J Orthopedic Research. SCI
3. Lin J, Lin SC, Lim TW, Hou SM (2001): Bending Strength and Holding Power of Tibial Locking Screw. Clin Orthop Related Research. SCI
4. Lin J, Lin SC, Lim TW, Hou SM (2001): Biomechanical Studies of Tibial Locking Screw. J Chinese Orthop Surgery
5. Lin CH, Huang TH, Lin SC, Chieng PU, Yang RS (2001): A Chicken Tibial Model of Impending Pathological Fracture Correlation between Estimated Fracture Moment and Actual Fracture Load. J Formos Med Assoc. SCI
6. Lin SC, Chen PQ, So H (2001): The Influence of Connecting Plates and Loading Rate on the Construct Stiffness and Adjacent Segment Motion. J Chinese Institute of Engineers. SCI
7. Hsiao CC, Hsu WH, Chen PQ, Lin SC (2002): Optimization Alignment of the Distal Screws in the Tibial Nail. J Chinese Institute of Engineers. SCI
8. Huang TH, Lin SC, Chang FL, Hsieh SS, Liu SH, Yang RS (2003): Effects of Different Exercise Modes on Mineralization, Structure, and Biomechanical Properties of Growing Bone. J Appl Physiol SCI
9. Chen PQ, Lin SC, Wu HS, So H (2003): Mechanical Performance of the New Posterior Spinal Implant: Effect of Materials, Connecting Plate, and Pedicle Screw Design. Spine. SCI
10. Lin SC, Lee WS, Ma JL, Lee CC, Shih KS, and Mudgal CS (2007): Influence of jig design on biomechanical evaluation of spinal construct stability. Clinical Biomechanics. J Chinese Institute of Engineers. SCI (First Author)
11. Shih KS, Tseng CS, Lee CC, and Lin SC (2008): Influence of muscular contractions on the stress analysis of distal femoral interlocking nailing. Clinical Biomechanics. SCI (Corresponding Author)
12. Lin SC, Tsai WC, Wu SS, Chen PQ (2009): Radiological and Mathematical Studies Regarding the Effects of Spinal Fixation on Kinematics and Mechanics at the Parafixed Segments. Journal of Mechanics. SCI (First Author)
13. Lee CC, Lin SC, Kang MJ, Wu SW, Fu PY (2009): Effect of the Implant Threads on Contact Area and Stress Distribution of the Marginal Bones. Journal of Dental Sciences. ESCI
14. Tsai WC, Liao CJ, Wu CT, Su MC, Lin SC, Wang TM, Liu HC (2009): Clinical Results of Bone Substitute by Sintered Bovine Hydroxyapatite in Human Body. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. SCI
15. Chen CM, Luo CA, Tseng CS, Lin SC (2009): Finite-element Analysis about Resurfacing Hip Stem-related Effects on the Proximal Femur and Prosthetic Failure. Journal of Mechanics. SCI (Corresponding Author)
16. Luo CA, Chen CM, Tseng CS, Lin SC (2009): Kinetic Analysis of Intracomponent Contact for Patellofemoral Prostheses. Clinical Biomechanics. SCI (Corresponding Author)
17. Shih KS, Luo CA, Chen CM, Tseng CS, Lin SC (2009): Finite-element Analysis of Cam-out Failure at the Recess-Screwdriver Interfaces for the Cold-welded Periarticular Fixation. Journal of Trauma. SCI (Corresponding Author)
18. Syu CB, Lai JY, Wang WT, Lin SC (2009): Automatic Roentgen Stereophotogrammetric Registration of Total Knee Prostheses. Journal of Biomechanics. SCI (Corresponding Author)
19. Wu SW, Fu PY, Lee CC, Lin SC (2009): Effect of Cutting Flute Design on Insertion Torque and Holding Power of the Dental Implant. Clinical Oral Implant Research. SCI (Corresponding Author)


1. The Development of a Biomechanical Model in vivo for Analyzing the Mechanical Effects of Lumbar Spinal Fusion on the Neighboring Unfused Segments. Annual meeting of Formosan Society of Biomechanics, Taiwan, December 5, 1997
2. Four Jig Assembly Types for Producing Flexion Moment in Biomechanical Testing of Stability of the Spinal Implants. Annual meeting of Formosan Society of Biomechanics, Taiwan, December 5, 1997 .
3. Biomechanical Testing of stability for Short-Segmental Posterior Spinal Instrumentation Systems: the CD, Diapason, and New-Designed FPI. Annual meeting of Formosan Society of Biomechanics, Taiwan, December 5, 1997.
4. A Biomechanical Model to investigate the Effects of the Spinal Fusion on the Parafused Motion Segments. Annual meeting of Society of Spinal Surgery, Taiwan, May 10-11, 1998.
5. Mathematical Model for Estimating Inertial Data of Human Bodylinkage. Annual meeting of Formosan Society of Biomechanics, Taiwan, July 10, 1999.
6. The Stress Analysis of the two distal Screws of Interlocking Nail of the Femur. Annual meeting of Formosan Society of Biomechanics, Taiwan, July 10, 1999.
7. Load-Bearing Mechanisms of the Contact of the Distal Femoral Cortex with the two Distal Bolts of the Interlocking Nail. Ditto, 2000.
8. The Optimal Design of Pedicle Screw - Trade off between Fatigue and Pull-Out Strength. Annual meeting of Society of Osteoporosis, Taiwan, June 6, 2000.
9. Effects of Material, Supplemental Cross-linkage, and Pedicle Screw Design on the
Mechanical Performance of Posterior Spinal Implant. 18th Annual meeting of WPOA, Japan, 2000.
10. Personal Experiences of Orthopedic Implant Design, Schmidt Scientific Taiwan Ltd. April 18 2001.
11. Radiological and Biomechanical Studies about the Effects of Spinal Fixation on the Kinematics and Mechanics at the Parafixation Segments. Annual meeting of Society of Spinal Surgery, Taiwan, April 21-22, 2001
12. Stress Analysis of the Distal Locking Screw of the Femoral Intermedullary Interlocking Nailing System. The 19th Annual meeting of WPOA, Australia, April 25-28, 2001.
13. The Influence of Muscular Contractions on Mechanical Analysis of Femoral Interlocking Nailing. Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association of ROC, Taiwan, Oct 25-27, 2003.
14. Fatigue Effect of surface Notch by Rod Bender on Contoured Ti6Al4V and 316L SS Rods. Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association of ROC, Taiwan, Oct 25-27, 2003.
15. Kinematic Analysis of a New elbow External Fixator with arthrodiatasis. Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association of ROC, Taiwan, Oct 25-27, 2003.
16. The Biomechanical Influence of Transpedicular Fixator Stiffness and Bone Fusion on the Instrumented Spine. Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association of ROC, Taiwan, Oct 25-27, 2003.
17. Influence of Hip Stem an the Stress Distribution of Proximal Femur. Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association of ROC, Taiwan, Oct 25-27, 2003.
18. Biomechanical Evaluation of a New External Fixator with Arthrodiatasis. Annual Meeting of 2003 Northern Region Congress APOA with 3rd Annual Meeting of Pacific Asia society of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, Taiwan, Dec 5-6, 2003.
19. Kinetic and Finite-element Analyses of Posterior-stabilized Knee Prosthesis in High Flexion Angle. Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association of ROC, Taiwan, Oct 23-25,
20. Computer-aided Analysis of the Contact and Motion for the Lumbar Artificial Discs. Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association of ROC, Taiwan, Oct 23-25, 2007.
21. Finite-element and Kinematic Analyses of the Dynasis Fixator with Semi-rigid Stiffness. Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association of ROC, Taiwan, Oct 23-25, 2007.
22. Interaction Mechanism between Hinge Alignment and Joint Distraction of Arthrodiatasis. Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association of ROC, Taiwan, Oct 23-25, 2007.
23. Development and Application of a Computer-aided Measurement System for Foot Shape and Pressure with High-heeled Shoe. Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association of ROC, Taiwan, Oct 23-25, 2007.
24. Computer-aided Analysis of the Contact and Motion for the Lumbar Artificial Discs. SICOT, Hong Kong, Sep 19-21, 2008.
25. Effects of Nail-Hole Size on Femoral Nailing Stress - A Finite-Element Analysis. Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association of ROC, Taiwan, Oct 24-26, 2008
26. Finite-element and Dynamic Analyses of the Lumbar Fixator with Semi-rigid Stiffness. Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association of ROC, Taiwan, Oct 24-26, 2008.
27. Development of the X-ray based Technique for Post-operative Registration of the Knee Prostheses. Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association of ROC, Taiwan, Oct 23-25, 2009.
28. Computerized Simulation of Fitness and Stability for a Partially Resurfacing Hip Replacement. Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association of ROC, Taiwan, Oct 23-25, 2009.
29. Finite-element Analysis of Cam-out Failure at the Recess-Screwdriver Interfaces for the Cold-welded Periarticular Fixation. Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association of ROC,
Taiwan, Oct 23-25, 2009.
30. Dynamic and Static Analyses of Interfacial Stability for Patellofemoral Prosthesis-bone Construct. Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association of ROC, Taiwan, Oct 23-25, 2009.
31. Automatic Roentgen Stereophotogrammetric Registration of Total Knee Prostheses. Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association of China, Xiamen, Nov 18-22, 2009 


  • 數位客製化之足部復健輔具量測、設計與製造平台的開發 總計畫主持人國科會
  • (產學合作) 提案中2011 ~2013
  • 以影像為基礎之高風險性脊椎微創手術教育訓練平台 總計畫主持人 國科會 (跨部會) 2010 ~2012
  • 塗覆骨生長因子生物活性材料之人工牙根之開發與認證 子計畫主持人經濟部 科專計畫2010 ~2013
  • 符合國人尺寸之高解剖貼和特性的近關節骨板開發 子計畫主持人 國科會 (金屬中心) 2010 ~2012
  • 人工骨科與牙科手術醫材產品研發與設計 主持人 寶成集團、寶元公司 2009
  • 數位客製化之足部復健輔具量測、設計與製造平台的開發 總計畫主持人國科會
  • (產學合作) 提案中2011 ~2013
  • 以影像為基礎之高風險性脊椎微創手術教育訓練平台 總計畫主持人 國科會 (跨部會) 2010 ~2012
  • 塗覆骨生長因子生物活性材料之人工牙根之開發與認證 子計畫主持人經濟部 科專計畫2010 ~2013
  • 符合國人尺寸之高解剖貼和特性的近關節骨板開發 子計畫主持人 國科會 (金屬中心) 2010 ~2012
  • 人工骨科與牙科手術醫材產品研發與設計 主持人 寶成集團、寶元公司 2009