


多倫多大學 博士


Power-Hardware-in-the-Loop (PHIL) is a kind of rea......







98 石墨材質與幾何尺寸對感應效能影響之研究 (協同主持人)   工研院
[1] K. L. Lian, et al., "Modelling the effects of material property and dimension on the heating of silicon with Induction directional casting furnace," Key Engineering Materials Vol. 479, pp 132-142, 2011
[2] K. L. Lian and T. Noda, "A Time-Domain Harmonic Power Flow Algorithm for Obtaining Nonsinusoidal Steady-State Solutions", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 1888 - 1898, July 2010.
[3] K. L. Lian, B. K. Perkins, and P. W. Lehn, “Harmonic analysis of a three-phase diode bridge recti?er based on sampled-data model,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 1088 - 1096, April 2008.
[4] P. W. Lehn and K. L. Lian, “Frequency coupling matrix of a voltage source converter derived from piecewise linear di?erential equations,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 1603-1612, July 2007.
[5] K. L. Lian and P. W. Lehn, “Steady-state solution of a voltage source converter with full closed-loop control,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 2071-2081, October 2006.
[6] K. L. Lian and P. W. Lehn, “Real-time simulation of voltage source converters based on time average method,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 110 - 118, February 2005.
[1] K. L. Lian, et al., "Numerical simulation of the effects of different coatings on graphite susceptor for the induction process of polycrystalline silicon,6th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing November 16-19, 2010, Guilin, China
[2] Y. H. Chen, S. C. Chu, K. L. Lian, et al., "Investigation of the Effects of Parameters of Graphite Susceptor and Base Plate for Melting Process of Polycrystalline Silicon," 25th EU PVSEC / WCPEC-5, 6-10 September, 2010, Valencia, Spain
[3] K. L. Lian and P. W. Lehn, "A generalized methodology for obtaining the steady-state solution of a closed-loop power converters" (invited paper), International Power Electronics Conference, June 21-24, 2010, Sapporo, Japan.
[4] Y. H. Chen, S. C. Chu, K. L. Lian, et al., "Simulation of the effects of parameters of graphite susceptor for induction melting process of polycrystalline silicon", 4th International Conference on Thermal Process Modeling and Computer Simulation, May 31-June 2, 2010, Shanghai, China.
[5] K. L. Lian and P. W. Lehn, “A time-domain method for calculating harmonics produced by a power converter,” IEEE PEDS 2009, Nov. 2- 5, 2009, Taipei, Taiwan.
[6] K. L. Lian and T. Noda, "A Three-Phase Harmonic Power Flow Algorithm Based on A Hybrid Approach", International Conference on Power Systems Transients, Kyoto Japan, June 2-6, 2009
[7] K. L. Lian, and T. Noda, “Time domain power ?ow analysis taking harmonics into account,” The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2008, Okinawa, Japan, July 6-July 10 2008.
[8] K. L. Lian, and T. Noda “Time domain power ?ow analysis for obtaining nonsinusoidal steady states,” H20 Denki Gakkai Zenkoku Taikai (IEEJ Conference 2008), Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan, March 19-21, 2008.
[9] P. W. Lehn and K. L. Lian, “Frequency coupling matrix of a voltage source converter derived from piecewise linear di?erential equations,” Power Engi- neering Society 2007 General Meeting, Tampa, Florida, June 24-28, 2007.
[10] K. L. Lian and P. W. Lehn, “Harmonic analysis of single-phase full bridge recti?ers based on fast time domain method,” International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ETS-Downtown Montreal, Canada, July 9-13, 2006.
[1] K. L. Lian and T. Noda, “Improvements of a Steady-State Calculation Algorithm for Electromagnetic Transient Simulations of Power Systems” CRIEPI Report (H08013), July, 2009.
[2] K. L. Lian, and T. Noda, “Development of an electromagnetic transient anal- ysis program for power systems (Part 2): development of a fundamental al- gorithm for steady-state calculation,” CRIEPI Report (H07004), 2008.
