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國立台灣科技大學電機博士 |
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電機控制、電力電子、再生能源 | |||||||||||||||||
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教授課程 電機機械、電機機械理論
2008 小型油電混合車之永磁同步起動電動機/發電機設計及控制
2007 先進能源發電系統之研製-子計畫三:六相永磁式同步發電機之風力發電系統研製
2006 六相永磁式同步電動機驅動系統之研製(2)
2006 先進能源發電系統之研製-子計畫三:六相永磁式同步發電機之風力發電系統研製(2/3)
2006 高功率燃料電池電力調節技術之開發(2/2)
2005 再生能源發電系統之研製─子計畫四:太陽能與風力發電複合系統之研製(2/3)
2005 高效率、低成本之永磁式電動機驅動器之研製
2002 再生能源發電系統之研製─子計畫四:太陽能與風力發電複合系統之研製(1/3)
2002 低成本及高效率控制之無刷直流電動機驅動器研製
2001 開關式磁阻馬達設計、驅動、控制及應用-子計畫八:開關式磁阻馬達在洗衣機應用的分析、控制及製作
2000 高效率凸極式同步電動機驅動系統之研製
2000 風力驅動之永磁式同步發電機最佳必v控制系統製作
2000 高性能感應馬達驅動系統之研製(2/3)-子計劃八:應用模糊控制器於感應伺服驅動系統之電源側它]及馬達效率改善
2000 智慧型不斷電系統之研製(1/3)
1999 凸極式同步電動機之轉速控制系統研製
2008 百千瓦級風能發電之市網併聯技術 行政院原子能委員會核能研究所
2008 永磁同步馬達之低轉矩漣波控制技術研究 財團法人工業技術研究院
2007 高性能永磁式同步馬達及驅動系統研究 工研院
2006 小型風力發電系統之實驗平台研製,百千瓦級風能發電之市網併聯技術 核能所
2003三相多階層必v轉換器脈波寬調變之分析及製作 工業技術研究院
2003 數位訊號處理控制器之直流無刷電動機伺服系統研製 遠瞻生活科技
2002 具有雙向主動它]控制器的多階變頻器技術 工業技術研究院
2001 數位控制型三相不斷電系統之分析及製作 科風
2001 永磁式同步馬達伺服驅動器商品化之規劃及製作 鑫鼎
2000 交流永磁式同步馬達伺服驅動器之製作 盟立自動化
2000 交流永磁式同步馬達伺服驅動器之製作(2) 盟立自動化
2000 高必v(200馬力)交流永磁式同步電動機伺服驅動系統之製作中科院
2000 主動式電力濾波器應用於電力品質改善之研究(Ⅲ) 台電
2000 個人電腦之伺服控制介面電路 台灣亞社實業
2000 數位控制型永磁式馬達驅動器研製 鑫鼎
1999 主動式電力濾波器應用於電力品質改善之研究(Ⅱ) 台電
[1] Wen-Lung Yang, Jonq-Chin Hwang, and Sheng-Nian Yeh, “Analysis and Improvement of Line-Capacitance Effect on Three-Phase 161kV Bus Potential Transformers,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. (accepted) (2008) (SCI).
[2] Hwang, Jonq-Chin, Li-Hsiu Chen and Sheng-Nian Yeh, “Comprehensive Analysis and Design of Multi-leg Fuel Cell Boost Converter,” Applied Energy, vol.84, pp.1274-1288. (2007) (SCI).
[3] Chen, Ming-Hung, Sheng-Nian Yeh and Jonq-Chin Hwang, “Design of Single-phase Three-level Inverters for Wind Power Systems with Double-winding Permanent-magnet Synchronous Generators,” International Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol.14, No.1, PP.39~49. (2007) (EI).
[4] Kuo, Hung-His, Sheng-Nian Yeh, Jonq-Chin Hwang and Li-Cheng Wu, " Improvement of Electric Power Quality Using Active Power Filter for Systems with Nonlinear Loads," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering, vol.9, No.1, pp.81-89. (2002) (EI).
[5] Kuo, Hung-Hsi, Sheng-Nian Yeh and Jonq-Chin Hwang "A Novel Analytic Model for Design and Implementation of Three-Phase Active Power Filter Controller," IEE Proceedings-Electric Power Applicatio ns, vol.148, No.4, pp.369-383. (2001) (SCI).
[6] Lu, Wen-Lung, Sheng-Nian Yeh, Jonq-Chin Hwang and His-Pin Hsieh, "Development of Single-Phase Half-Bridge Active Power Filter with the Function of Uninterruptible Power Supplies," IEE Proceedings-Electric Power Applications, vol.147, No.4, pp.313-319. (2000) (SCI).
[1] Hwang, Jong-Chin, Li-Hsiu Chen and Sheng-Nian Yeh, ”A Three-leg Full-cell Boost converter with Novel Digital-signal –processor Pulse-width Modulation”, IEEE TENCON 2007.
[2] Hwang, Jong-Chin, Ming-Hung Chen and Sheng-Nian Yeh, ”Application of Three-level Converters to Wind Power Systems with Permanent-magnet Synchronous Generators”, IEEE IECON 2007.
[3] Yeh, Sheng-Nian, Jonq-Chin Hwang and Han-Jung Huang, “Simplified Personal Best Oriented Particle Swarm Optimizer and Its Applications,” 2007 ASME/IEEE Joint Rail Conference & Internal Combustion Engine Spring Technical Conference (13-16, March, 2007) .
[4] Yeh, Sheng-Nian, Jonq-Chin Hwang, Li-Hsiu Chen, Ging-Chou Yu, “Analysis and Design of Four-Leg Fuel Cell Boost Converter,” Proceedings of IEEE IECON`06, Paris (2006.11).
[5] Yeh, Sheng-Nian, Jonq-Chin Hwang, Ming-Chih Hsieh and Li-Hsiu Chen, “Development of Wind Power Control System with Six-Phase Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Generator,” Proceedings of 2006 World Wind Energy Conference, New Delhi, India (2006.11).
[6] Chen, Ming-Hung, Sheng-Nian Yeh and Jonq-Chin Hwang, “Design of Single-Phase Three-Level Inverters for Wind Power Systems with Double-Winding Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Generators,” Proceedings of 2006 World Wind Energy Conference, New Delhi, India (2006.11)
[7] Hwang, Jonq-Chin, Sheng-Nian Yeh, Li-Hsiu Chen and Rong-Hui Lin, “Development of Parallel-Connected Solar and Wind Power Conversion Systems Based on Standard Power Module,” Proceedings of 2005 World Wind Energy Conference, Melbourne, Australia (2005.11).
[8] Yeh, Sheng-Nian, Jonq-Chin Hwang, M.-H. Chen and S.Y. Tzeng, “Development of Single-Phase Power Converters for Wind Power Systems with Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Generators,” Proceedings of 2005 World Wind Energy Conference, Melbourne, Australia (2005.11).
[9] Liao, Juinne-Ching, Sheng-Nian Yeh, Jonq-Chin Hwang and Tai-Ming Hwang, “ Efficiency Improvement of Induction Servos in Both Transient and Steady States with Fuzzy Logic Controllers,” IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE 2005, June 20–23, Croatia (2005.6).
[10] Yeh, Sheng-Nian, Jonq-Chin Hwang, M.H. Chen and S.H. Lu, “Development of Wind Power System with Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Generator,” Proceedings of 2004 World Wind Energy Conference, Beijing, China (2004.11).
[11] Liao, Juinne-Ching, Sheng-Nian Yeh, Jonq-Chin Hwang and Yu-Hsun Hsiao, “Application of Fuzzy Logic Controller to Input Power Control of Integrated Rectifier/Inverter Servo Drive Systems,” Proceedings of the 8th Korea-Russia International Symposium on Science and Technology, pp.109-113, Russia (2004.7).
[12] Sheng-Nian Yeh, Jonq-Chin Hwang, Guan-Ming Chen, Yen-Hao Miao, “Application of Digital Phase-Locked-Loop to Phase-Angle Detection of Utility Voltage for Three-Phase Grid-Connected Power Converter Systems”, The 30th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taiwan (2009.11)
[13] Jonq-Chin Hwang, Jhih-Syun Luo, Chun-Yu Hsiao, Chuan-Peug Wu, Zih-Yi Yang, “Control of Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Generator for Small Hybrid Electric Vehicles”, The 30th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taiwan (2009.11)
[14] Sheng-Nian Yeh, Jonq-Chin Hwang, Tai-Ting Wu, Chien-Tsun Liu, “Post-Fault Control Strategy for Six-Phase Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives”, The 30th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taiwan (2009.11)
[15] Sheng-Nian Yeh, Jonq-Chin Hwang, Jin-Ming Chang, Nien-Hung Yao, “Development of Single-Phase Grid-Connected Inverter Systems”, The 30th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taiwan (2009.11)
[16] Jong-Chin Hwang, Tsung-Hsien Liu,“Common-Mode Current Reduction for Transformer-less Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Inverters”, The 30th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taiwan (2009.11)
[17] Jonq-Chin Hwang, Jun-Nan Chen,”Parameter Measurement and Pre-Fault Detection for Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives”,2009 Power Electronics Conference & Exhibition, Taiwan (2009.09)
[18] Jonq-Chin Hwang, Hsiao-Tse Wei, Chin-Hone Lin, Shin-Ming Chen, Pao-Cheng Lin, “Post-Fault Control Strategy for Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives with Six-Leg Three-Phase Inverter”,2009 Power Electronics Conference & Exhibition, Taiwan (2009.09)
[19] Jonq-Chin Hwang, Hsiao-Tse Wei, Chin-Hone Lin, Shin-Ming Chen, Pao-Cheng Lin, “Development of Six-Leg Three-Phase Inverter for Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives”,2009 Power Electronics Conference & Exhibition, Taiwan (2009.09)
[20] Sheng-Nian Yeh, Jonq-Chin Hwang, Ri-Neng Liao, Yen-Hao Miao, “Development of Parallel Three-Leg DC-DC Power Converters”,2009 Power Electronics Conference & Exhibition, Taiwan (2009.09)
[21] Jonq-Chin Hwang, Ching-Shan Leu, Ciou-Jhu Lai, Shih-Hao Liang, Hong-Ming Lan, Li-Tang Wu, “Development of Multi-Leg DC-DC Power Converter for Fuel Cell Power Conversion Systems”,2009 Power Electronics Conference & Exhibition, Taiwan (2009.09)
[22] Jonq-Chin Hwang, Chun-Ta Lin “Application of Three-Phase Six-Leg AC-DC Power Converter for Wind Energy Conversion Systems”,2009 Power Electronics Conference & Exhibition, Taiwan (2009.09)
[23] Jonq-Chin Hwang, Yi-Chiao Chu, Nien-Hung Yao, Cheng-Lun Tsai, “Development of Three and Six-Leg Half-Controlled AC-DC Power Converter for Wind Power Conversion Systems”,2009 Power Electronics Conference & Exhibition, Taiwan (2009.09)
[24] Jonq-Chin Hwang, Chun-Ta Lin “Design of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator for Low Noise Wind Energy Conversion Systems”,2009 Power Electronics Conference & Exhibition, Taiwan (2009.09)
[25] Jonq-Chin Hwang, Kung-Wei Lin, Chung-Che Hwang, “Development of Digital Signal Processor Based Battery Energy Storage Systems”,2009 Power Electronics Conference & Exhibition, Taiwan (2009.09)
[26] Sheng-Nian Yeh,, Jonq-Chin Hwang, Li-Hsiu Chen and Chia-Wei Wu, “Development of Fuel Cell Power Conversion Systems”, Proceedings of Second National Conference on Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cell, pp.198-205, Taiwan(2008.1.4-5).
[27] Yeh, Sheng-Nian, Jonq-Chin Hwang, Hsiu-Wei Chang, Chun-Ta Lin, and Chien-Tsun Lin, “Design and Implementation of Rotary-Type Three-Phase Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems”, The 29th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taiwan (2008.12)
[28] Jonq-Chin Hwang, Hasiao-Tse Wei, Chih-Hsun Lo, Yu-Sheng Tung, Chin-Hone Lin, Pao Cheng Lin , and Shih-Ming Chen, ”Simulation of low torque ripple response for permanent-magnet synchronous motor drives”, The 29th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taiwan (2008.12)
[29] Jonq-Chin Hwang, Huand-Chi Yang, and Zih-Yi Yang, “Design and Implementation of Remote Anemometer”, The 29th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taiwan (2008.12)
[30] Yeh, Sheng-Nian, Jonq-Chin Hwang, Chun-Yu Hsiao, De-Chang Jin, and Chun-Ta Lin, “Analysis and Design of Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motors”, 2008 Power Electronics Conference & Exhibition, Taiwan (2008.09)
[31] Jonq-Chin Hwang, De-Chang Jin, and Tai-Ting Wu, “Development of Speed Control System With Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motors”, 2008 Power Electronics Conference & Exhibition, Taiwan (2008.09)
[32] Yeh, Sheng-Nian, Jonq-Chin Hwang, Chang-Cheng Su, and Yi-Chiao Chu, “Development of Power Converters for Wind Generators”, 2008 Power Electronics Conference & Exhibition, Taiwan (2008.09)
[33] Yeh, Sheng-Nian, Jonq-Chin Hwang, Huan-Syun Huang, Yen-Hao Miao, Zhung-Chen Liang, and Ri-Neng Liao, “Development of Paralleled Full-Bridge DC-DC Power Converters”, 2008 Power Electronics Conference & Exhibition, Taiwan (2008.09)
[34] Jonq-Chin Hwang, Shu-Yong Lin, Yen-Hao Miao, and Jin-Ming Chang, “Development of Digital Signal Processor Based Parallel Three-Phase Three-Level Power Inverter Systems”, 2008 Power Electronics Conference & Exhibition, Taiwan (2008.09)
[35] Jonq-Chin Hwang, Jui-Feng Hsiao, and Chun-Ta Lin, ”Development of White Light Emitting Diodes Backlight with Interleaved Pulse-Width Control”, 2008 Power Electronics Conference & Exhibition, Taiwan (2008.09)
[36] Jonq-Chin Hwang, Hsi-Chia Kung, “Study on Optimal Demand Dispatch Platform Based on a Power Supervisory Control System”, Proceedings of 2007 28th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, pp. C02.7-1-C02.7-5, Taiwan (2007.12).
[37] Wen-Jieh Wang, Jonq-Chin Hwang, Yu-Jr Huang, “Application of Sliding-Mode Controller to the DC Power Converter of Fuel Cell Generation Systems”, Proceedings of 2007 28th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, pp. B01.4-1-B01.4-5, Taiwan (2007.12).
[38] Wen-Lung Yang, Sheng-Nian Yeh, Jonq-Chin Hwang, “Analysis and Improvement of Line-Capacitance Effect on 161 kV Bus Potential Transformers”, Proceedings of 2007 28th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, pp. D5.5-1-D5.5-5, Taiwan (2007.12).
[39] Yeh, Sheng-Nian, Jonq-Chin Hwang and Chun-Yu Hsiao, “Analysis and Design of Six-Phase and Double Three-Phase Windings Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machines”, Proceedings of 2007 28th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, pp. D13.4-1-D13.4-5, Taiwan (2007.12).
[40] Yeh, Sheng-Nian, Jonq-Chin Hwang and Jo-Shian Li, “Development of Digital Signal Processor Based Switched Mode Rectifiers”, 2007 Taiwan Power Electronics Conference, TPEC’07, pp. 1355-1360, Taiwan (2007.09).
[41] Yeh, Sheng-Nian, Jonq-Chin Hwang and Tun-Ren Zheng, “Development of DSP-Based Micro-Stepping Drives”, 2007 Taiwan Power Electronics Conference, TPEC’07, pp. 1373-1378, Taiwan (2007.09).
[42] Yeh, Sheng-Nian, Jonq-Chin Hwang and Yu-Jung Deng, “Design and Implementation of Speed-Seneorless Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motors”, 2007 Taiwan Power Electronics Conference, TPEC’07, pp. 933-938, Taiwan (2007.09).
[43] Yeh, Sheng-Nian, Jonq-Chin Hwang and Kun-Sing Syu,“Development of Digital Signal Processor Based Solar and Fuel-Cell Hybrid Power Conversion Systems”, 2007 Taiwan Power Electronics Conference,TPEC’07, pp. 1255-1260, Taiwan (2007.09).
[44] Jonq-Chin Hwang, Kun-che He, Ming-Hung Chen and Chang-Cheng Su, “Development of DSP-Based Small Wind Power Conversion Systems”, 2007 Taiwan Power Electronics Conference,TPEC’07, pp.1058-1064, Taiwan (2007.09).
[45] Jonq-Chin Hwang, Wen-Bin Lin and Chun-Ta Lin, “Application of Three-Leg Buck DC-DC Power Converter to Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives with Adjustable DC-Link Voltage”, 2007 Taiwan Power Electronics Conference,TPEC’07, pp.927-932, Taiwan (2007.09).
[46] Yeh, Sheng-Nian, Jonq-Chin Hwang, Kuo-Cheng Wang, Kun-Sing Syu, “Development of Power-Grid Parallel Method for Three-Phase Systems,” Proceedings of 2007 Wind Energy Conference, pp. 151-156, (2007.01).
[47] Hwang, Jonq-Chin, Sheng-Nian Yeh, Ming-Hung Chen, “Design of Single-phase Three-level Inverter for Wind Power System with Permanent-magnet Synchronous Generators,” Proceedings of 2007 Wind Energy Conference, pp. 65-70, (2007.01).
[48] Yeh, Sheng-Nian, Jonq-Chin Hwang, Wen-chih Su, “Design and Control of Var Compensator with Matrix Power Converter,” Proceedings of 2006 27th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taiwan (2006.12).
[49] Yeh, Sheng-Nian, Jonq-Chin Hwang, Han-Jung Huang, ”Application of Parallel Three-Level Inverters to the Speed Control of Induction Motors in Traction Drives,” Proceedings of 2006 27th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taiwan(2006.12).
[50] Yeh, Sheng-Nian, Jonq-Chin Hwang, Chih-Jung Shug Chun-Yu Hsiao , “Design and Parameter Measurement of Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor for Low-Speed and High-Torque Applications,” Proceedings of 2006 27th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taiwan (2006.12).
[51] Yeh, Sheng-Nian, Jonq-Chin Hwang, An-Kuo Wang, Chun-Yu Hsiao, ”Analysis and Design of Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motors for Pumps,” Proceedings of 2006 27th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taiwan (2006.12).
[52] Yeh, Sheng-Nian, Jonq-Chin Hwang, Ming-Chih Hsieh and Li-Hsiu Chen, ”Development of Wind Power Cintrol System for Six-Phase Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Generators,” Proceedings of 2006 5th Taiwan Power Electronics Conference, TPEC`06, pp.740-745, Taiwan (2006.9).
[53] Yeh, Sheng-Nian, Jonq-Chin Hwang, Syu-Fong Chang and Ji-Sian Lee, ”Development of DSP-based Bi-directional DC-DC Power Converters,” Proceedings of 2006 5th Taiwan Power Electronics Conference, TPEC`06, pp.368-372, Taiwan (2006.9).
[54] Yeh, Sheng-Nian, Jonq-Chin Hwang, Yu-Jung Chang and Kun-Sing Syu, ”Development of Digital Signal Processor Based Solar Power Conversion Systems,” Proceedings of 2006 5th Taiwan Power Electronics Conference, TPEC`06, pp.46-51, Taiwan (2006.9).
[55] Yeh, Sheng-Nian, Jong-Chin. Hwang, D.S. Chen and C.J. Shu, “Development of a Direct-Drive System for Brushless DC Motors,” Proceedings of 2005 26th Symposium On Electrical Power Engineering, pp.336-341, Taiwan (2005).
[56] Hwang, Jonq-Chin, C.C. Wang and Shang-Wen Hsu, “Implementation of a Six-Phase Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives,” Proceedings of 2005 26th Symposium On Electrical Power Engineering, pp.2037-2041, Taiwan (2005).
[57] Hwang, Jonq-Chin, C.C. Wang and Shang-Wen Hsu, “Design of a Six-Phase Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor and parameters measurements,” Proceedings of 2005 26th Symposium On Electrical Power Engineering, pp.150-155, Taiwan (2005).
[58] Chen Ying-Tsan, Jong-Chin. Hwang, Sheng-Nian Yeh and C.L. Pan, “Development of Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives with Uninterruptible Power Supply,” Proceedings of 2005 26th Symposium On Electrical Power Engineering, pp.894-899, Taiwan (2005.12).
[59] Yeh, Sheng-Nian, Jonq-Chin Hwang, Da-Shien Chen, Chih-Jung Shu, “Development of a Direct-Drive System for Brushless DC Motors,” Proceedings of 2005 26th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taiwan(2005.12)
[60] Hwang, Jong-Chin., Z.-Z. Tsai and Y.-J. Chang, “Development of DSP-Based Solar and Wind Hybrid PowerConversion Systems,” Proceedings of 2005 4nd Taiwan Power Electronic Conference, pp.249-254, Taiwan (2005).
[61] Yeh, Sheng-Nian, Jonq-Chin Hwang, Jong-Jen Kang and Ming-Chih Hsieh, ”Development of Wind Power Cintrol System for Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Generators,” Proceedings of 2005 4th Taiwan Power Electronics Conference, TPEC`05, pp.363-367, Taiwan (2005.9).
[62] Yeh, Sheng-Nian, Jonq-Chin Hwang, Joiu-Meng Yang and Kuo-Chen Wang, ”Development of Three-Phase Parallel Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems with the Function of Reactive Power Compensator,” Proceedings of 2005 4th Taiwan Power Electronics Conference, TPEC`05, pp.199-204, Taiwan (2005.9).
[63] Yeh, Sheng-Nian, Jonq-Chin Hwang and Po-Nian Ko, ”Development of Switched-Reluctance Motor Drives with Single-Phase Boost AC/DC Power Conversters,” Proceedings of 2005 4th Taiwan Power Electronics Conference, TPEC`05, pp.69-74, Taiwan (2005.9).
[64] Yeh, Sheng-Nian, Jonq-Chin Hwang and Liu Rong-Far, “Development of Position Control Systems Using Permanent-Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor,” Proceedings of 2004 25th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, pp.1707-1712, Taiwan (2004.11).
[65] Chen, Chang-Huang, Jonq-Chin Hwang and Sheng-Nian Yeh, “Steady-State Analysis of Self-Excited Induction Generator by Evolutionary Computation Techniques,” Proceedings of 2004 25th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, pp.922-927, Taiwan (2004.11).
[66] Hwang, Jonq-Chin, Rong-Hui Lin and Zong-Zhi Cai, "Development of Parallel-Connected Solar and Wind Power Conversion Systems," Proceedings of 2004 3rd Taiwan Power Electronic Conference, pp.893-898, Taiwan (2004).
[67] Hung, Shi-Wei, Jonq-Chin Hwang and Da-Sian Chen, "Development and Analysis of a Dual-Winding Permanent-magnet Brushless DC Motor," Proceedings of 2004 3rd Taiwan Power Electronic Conference, pp.347-352, Taiwan (2004).
[68] Chen, Ming-Hwa, Sheng-Nian Yeh and Jonq-Chin Hwang, ”Design and Implementation of Induction Motor Driveswith Instantaneous Power Interruption Control,” Proceedings of 2004 3rd Taiwan Power Electronics Conference, TPEC`04, pp.341-346, Taiwan (2004.9).
[69] Yeh, Sheng-Nian, Jonq-Chin Hwang, Syang-Yun Tzeng and Jong-Jen Kang, ”Development of Single-Phase Power Converters for Wind Power Systems with Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Generators,” Proceedings of 2004 3rd Taiwan Power Electronics Conference, TPEC`04, pp.790-795, Taiwan (2004.9).
[70] Yeh, Sheng-Nian, Yu-Sheng Su, Li-Siu Chenn and Jonq-Chin Hwang, “Development of Digital Signal Processor Based Parallel-Type Single-Phase Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems, ” Proceedings of 2004 3rd Taiwan Power Electronics Conference,TPEC`04, pp.140-145, Taiwam (2004.9).
專利.專書.技術報告 [1] 葉勝年,黃仲欽,「調速泵浦驅動系統研發(二)」,協磁公司建教案,完成報告,國立台灣科技大學,台北,2007。
[2] 葉勝年,黃仲欽,「智慧型數位電源供電技術」,工研院能資所建教合作計畫,完成報告,國立台灣科技大學,台北,2007。
[3] 黃仲欽,葉勝年,劉添華,「高性能永磁式同步馬達及驅動系統研究」,工研院機械所之建教合作計畫,完成報告,國立台灣科技大學,台北,2007。
[4] 黃仲欽,「小型風力發電系統之實驗平台研製」,核能所建教合作計畫,完成報告,國立台灣科技大學,台北,2006。
[5] 黃仲欽,「高功率同步馬達驅動系統減噪研究」,中科院建教合作計畫,完成報告,國立台灣科技大學,台北,2006。
[6] 黃仲欽,「數位信號處理器為基礎之開關型整流器之研製(一)」,亞力電機公司建教案,完成報告,國立台灣科技大學,台北,2006。
[7] 黃仲欽,「調速泵浦驅動系統研發(一)」,協磁公司建教案,完成報告,國立台灣科技大學,台北,2004。
[8] 葉勝年,黃仲欽,「複合能源發電系統之功率轉換器研製(一)」,士林電機廠股份有限公司,完成報告,國立臺灣科技大學,台北,2004。
[9] 黃仲欽,「數位信號處理之直流無刷電動機伺服系統研制」,遠瞻生活科技公司建教案,完成報告,國立臺灣科技大學,台北,2004。
*老師本人如欲自行維護本頁面,請洽技轉中心索取帳號密碼。 |