


美國佛羅里達大學 航空工程力學與工程科學系 博士

2006~迄今 台灣科技大學 智慧型機器人研究中心主任
2005~2007 台灣科技大學 技轉中心主任
2005~2007 台灣科技大學 創造力中心主任
1994~1996 台灣科技大學 諮商輔導中心主任
1992~1999 台灣科技大學 機械工程系副教授













1. Hajela, P. and C.Y. Lin, "Optimal Design of Viscoelastically Damped Beam Structures," Applied Mechanics Reviews, Vol. 44, No. 11, pp. 96-106, part 2, (1991). (EI)
2. Hajela, P. and C.Y. Lin, "Genetic Search Strategies in Multicriterion Optimal Design," Structural Optimization, Vol. 4, pp. 99-107, (1992). (EI, SCI)
3. Lin, C.Y. and P. Hajela, "Genetic Algorithms in Structural Optimization Problems with Discrete and Integer Design Variables," Engineering Optimization, Vol. 19, pp. 309-327, (1992). (EI, SCI)
4. Lin, C.Y. and P. Hajela, “Design Optimization with Advanced Genetic Search Strategies,” Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 21, pp. 179-189, (1994). NSC82-0113-E-011-129-T (EI, SCI)
5. Tarng, Y.S., C.Y. Lin, and C.Y. Nian, “Automatic Generation of Fuzzy Rule Base for Constant Turning Force,” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol. 7, pp. 77-84, (1996). NSC84-2212-E-011-005 (EI, SCI)
6. Lin, C. Y. and J. F. Jiang, “Nonconvex and Discrete Optimal Design Optimization Using Multistage Simulated Annealing,” Structural Optimization, Vol. 14, pp. 121-128, (1997). NSC85-2212-E-011-014 (EI, SCI)

7. Lin, C.Y. and Y.J.Yang, “Cluster Identification Techniques in Genetic Algorithms for Multimodal Optimization,” Microcomputers in Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 13, pp. 53-62, (1998). NSC83-0401-E-011-039 (EI)

8. Lin, C. Y., J. Y. Liou and Y. J. Yang, “Hybrid Multimodal Optimization with Clustering Genetic Strategies,” Engineering Optimization, Vol. 30, pp. 263-280, (1998). NSC83-0401-E-011-039 (EI, SCI)
9. Lin, C. Y. and I. M. Huang, “A Crystal Growth Approach for Topographical Global Optimization,” Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 13, pp. 255-267, (1998). (EI, SCI)
10. Lin, C. Y. and F. M. Hsu, “A Modified Multistart Method for Multimodal Optimization,” Journal of CSME, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 313-321, (1998). NSC84-2212-E-011-006 (EI)

11. Lin, C. Y. and J. N. Chou, “A Two-Stage Approach for Structural Topology Optimization,” Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 261-271, (1999). (EI, SCI)

12. Lin, C. Y. and W. T. Chen, “Stochastic Multistage Algorithms for Multimodal Structural Optimization,” Computers and Structures, Vol. 74, pp. 233-241, (2000). (EI, SCI)

13. Lin, C. Y. and L. S. Chao, “Automated Image Interpretation for Integrated Topology and Shape Optimization,” Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 125~137, (2000). NSC88-2212-E-011-001 (EI, SCI)

14. Lin, C. Y. and L. S. Chao, “Constant Weight Fully Stressed Methods for Topological Design of Continuum Structures,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 190, pp. 6867-6879, (2001). NSC88-2212-E-011-001 (EI, SCI)

15. Lin, C. Y. and W. H. Wu, “Niche Identification Techniques in Multimodal Genetic Search with Sharing Scheme,” Advances in Engineering Software. Vol. 33, pp. 779-791, (2002). NSC88-2212-E-011-001 (EI, SCI)

16. Lin, C. Y. and F. H. Wang, “Sequential Simulated Annealing for Multimodal Design Optimization,” Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineers. Vol. 26, pp. 57-70, (2003). NSC87-0401-E-011-039 (EI)

17. Lin, C. Y. and W. H. Wu, “Self-organizing Adaptive Penalty Strategy in Constrained Genetic Search,” Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. Vol. 26, pp. 417-428, (2004). NSC89-2212-E-011-003 (EI, SCI)

18. Wu, W. H. and Lin, C. Y., “Hybrid-coded Crossover for Binary-Coded Genetic Algorithms in Constrained Optimization,” Engineering Optimization, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 101-122, (2004). NSC89-2212-E-011-003 (EI, SCI)

19. Wu, W. H. and Lin, C. Y., “The Second Generation of Self-organizing Adaptive Penalty Strategy for Constrained Genetic Search,” Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 35, No. 12, pp. 815-825, (2004). (EI, SCI)

20. Lin, C. Y. and S. H. Lin, “Artificial Neural Network Based Hole Image Interpretation Techniques for Integrated Topology and Shape Optimization,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Vol. 194, pp. 3817-3837, (2005). NSC89-2212-E-011-003 (EI, SCI)

21. Lin, C. Y. and F. M. Hsu, “Adaptive Volume Constraint Algorithm for Stress-Limit Based Topology Optimization”, submitted to Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. (2004.6) (EI, SCI)

22. Lin, C. Y. and F. M. Hsu, “Adaptive Volume Constraint Algorithm for Topology Optimization with Displacement-Limit”, submitted to Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. (2004.8) (EI, SCI)



1. 黃健生、林其禹, ”具次系統之簡支樑之穩定性分析,” 中華民國力學學會第九屆全國力學會議, (1986).

2.  Hajela, P. and C.Y. Lin, “Multicriterion Optimal Design of Structural Composites for Enhanced Damping Chracteristics,” Proceedings of the 2nd Pan American Congrss of Applied Mechanics, Valparaiso, Chile, January (1991).

3. Hajela, P. and C.Y. Lin, “Genetic Search Strategies in Multicriterion Optimal Design,” Proceedings of the 32nd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC SDM Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, April (1991).

4. Hajela, P., E. Lee, and C.Y. Lin, “Genetic Algorithms in Structural Topology Optimization,” Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Topology Design of Structures, Sesimora, Portugal, June (1992).

5. 林其禹,”Design Optimization Using a Multiple-Strategy Genetic Search Program,” 中國機械工程學會第十屆學術研討會, (1993). NSC82-0113-E-011-129-T

6. Lin, C.Y. and P. Hajela, “Genetic Strategies in Large Scale Optimization,” Proceedings of the 34th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC SDM Conference, LaJolla, California, April (1993).

7. Lin, C.Y. and P. Hajela, “EVOLVE: A Genetic Search Based Optimization Code with Multiple Strategies,” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Computer Aided Optimum Design of Structures, Zaragoza, Spain, September (1993).

8. 楊育家,林其禹, ”遺傳演算法之集結區鑑別技術,” 中國機械工程學會第十一屆學術研討會,(1994). NSC83-0401-E-011-039

9. Lin, C.Y. and Y.J. Yang, “Genetic Search Based Hybrid Multimodal Optimization,” Proceedings of NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Emergent Computing Methods in Engineering Design, Nafplio, Greece, August (1994). NSC83-0401-E-011-039

10. 劉家有,林其禹, ”含集結區鑑別技術之混合式全域最佳化,” 中國機械工程學會第十二屆學術研討會, (1995). NSC83-0401-E-011-039

11. Lin, C.Y. and Y.Y. Yao, “Global Optimization with Local Optimum Region Identification Techniques,” Proceedings of Fourth Pan American Congress of Applied Mechanics, Buenos Aires, Argentina, January (1995). NSC84-2212-E-011-006

12. Lin, C.Y. and J.F. Jiang, “Optimum Design with Multimodal Simulated Annealing Strategies,” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Computer Aided Optimum Design of Structures, Miami, Florida, September (1995). NSC85-2212-E-011-014

13. 江進豐,林其禹, “新模擬退火策略之多極值最佳化,” 中國機械工程學會第十二屆學術研討會, (1995). NSC85-2212-E-011-014

14. 黃一鳴, 林其禹, “由已知設計點判斷近極值位置之多極值最佳化策略,” 中國機械工程學會第十二屆學術研討會, (1995).

15. 林其禹, 姚元彥, ”Optimum Region Identification in Multimodal Optimization,” 中華民國力學學會第二十屆全國力學會議, (1996).

16. Lin, C.Y. and I. M. Huang, “A Topographical Approach for Multimodal Structural Optimal Designs,” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Computer Aided Optimum Design of Structures, Rome, Italy, September (1997).

17. 林其禹, “多極值最佳化設計,” 最佳化方法在工程設計之應用講習會, 台灣科技大學, (1997).

18. 周政男, 林其禹, “兩階段拓樸最佳化策略,” 中國機械工程學會第十四屆學術研討會, (1997).

19. 王豐賀, 林其禹, “多極值最佳化設計之序列模擬退火演算法,” 中國機械工程學會第十五屆學術研討會, (1998).

20. 林其禹, 趙立祥, “圖形識別於整合拓樸及形狀最佳化方法,” 中國機械工程學會第十五屆學術研討會, (1998).

21. Lin, C.Y. and J.N. Chou, “An Improved Multiple-Stage Algorithm for Optimal Topology Design,” Proceedings of Sixth Pan American Congress of Applied Mechanics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, January (1999).

22. 林信宏, 林其禹, “以類神經網路為基之結構拓樸辨識技術,” 中國機械工程學會第十七屆學術研討會, (2000).

23. 鄒宇新, 林其禹, “以最佳結構拓樸為基之自動形狀最佳化技術,” 中國機械工程學會第十七屆學術研討會, (2000).

24. Lin, C.Y. and L.S. Chao, “An Efficient Fully Stressed Approach for Topological Design of Structures,” Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Leuven, Belgium, September (2000).

25. Hajela, P. and C.Y. Lin, “Real Versus Binary Coding in Genetic Algorithms - A Comparative Study,” Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Leuven, Belgium, September (2000).

26. 林其禹, 莊福盛,黃文賓, “電腦CPU散熱片之拓樸最佳化設計策略,” 中國機械工程學會第十八屆學術研討會, (2001)

27. Wu, W.H. and Lin, C.Y., “Constrained Genetic Search with Self-organizing Adaptive Penalty Strategy,” 中國機械工程學會第十八屆學術研討會, (2001)

28. Lin, C.Y. and W.H. Wu, “Aaptive Penalty Strategies in Genetic Search for Problems with Inequality and Equality Constraints,” Proceedings of the 2002 IUTAM Symposium on Evolutionary Methods in Mechanics, Cracow, Poland, September (2002).

29. 詹政哲, 林其禹, “灰階影像中尋找人臉之特徵粹取法,” 中國機械工程學會第二十屆學術研討會, (2003)

30. 江家昇, 林其禹, “以流場為基之散熱片形狀設計技術,” 中國機械工程學會第二十屆學術研討會, (2003)

31. 林其禹, 陳清風, 曾昌國, “雙足機器人之硬體設計與製作第六屆機構與機器設計學術研討會, (2003)

32. Lin, C.Y. and W.H. Wu, “Hybrid-coded Crossover: a Robust Crossover Scheme for Binary-coded Genetic Algorithms,” Proceedings of the 8th Pan American Congress of Applied Mechanics, Havana, Cuba, January (2004).

33. Lin, C.Y. and F.M. Hsu, “Stress-limit Based Topology Optimization Method,” Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Lisbon, Portugal, September (2004).

34. Wu, W.H. and Lin, C.Y., “Gene-Loss Free Genetic Algorithms with Parameter Free Adaptive Penalty Strategies,” Proceedings of Optimization and Design in Industry Conference, Tokyo, Japan, September (2004).

35. Lin, C.Y. and F.M. Hsu, “AVC: An Easy Approach for Stress and Displacement Constrained Continuum Topology Optimization,” Proceedings of Optimization and Design in Industry Conference, Tokyo, Japan, September (2004).

36. 陳清風, 林其禹,“四足機械動物之硬體設計實作與輕量化設計流程探討, 第七屆機構與機器設計學術研討會, (2004)

37. 劉書君, 林其禹, “以有限元素法分析多晶矽薄膜長晶製程之研究,” 中國機械工程學會第二十一屆學術研討會, (2004)

38. 曾昌國, 林其禹, “四足機器動物之行動模擬與機電整合,” 中國機械工程學會第二十一屆學術研討會, (2004)


1. Lin, C.Y., “Genetic Search Methods for Multicriterion Optimal Design of Viscoelastically Damped Structures,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Mechanics and Engineering Science, University of Florida, USA, (1991).

 2.  Hajela, P. and C.Y. Lin, “Genetic Search Algorithms in Helicopter Blade Optimal Designs,” Contract Report, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA, (1992).

3. 林其禹, “遺傳學演算法在大規模工程最佳化上應用之研究,” 國科會專題研究報告, NSC82-0113-E-011-129-T (1994).

4. 林其禹, “混合式全域最佳化方法之研究,” 國科會專題研究報告, NSC83-0401-E-011-039 (1994).

5. 林其禹, “相對極值區間鑑別法在全域最佳化上之應用,” 國科會專題研究報告, NSC84-2212-E-011-006 (1995).

6. 唐永新、林其禹, ”自我組織式的切削模糊控制器之研究國科會專題研究報告, NSC84-2212-E-011-005 (1995).

7. 林其禹、蔡高岳, “電腦輔助塔式起重機結構及機械元件強度計算系統,” 行政院勞委會研究報告 (1995).

8. 唐永新、林其禹, ”工具機結構最佳化設計技術之研究發展可行性研究,” 中山科學研究院研究報告 (1995).

9. 林其禹, “多極值最佳化之模擬退火法策略,” 國科會專題研究報告, NSC85-2212-E-011-014 (1996).

10. 林其禹, “混合式全域最佳化方法之研究,” 工程科技通訊, 機械類, 國科會工程科技推廣中心, 18, pp. 12-13 (1996.8).

11. 林其禹指導大學部學生藍長春執行之國科會大專學生專題研究, “電腦繪圖輔助模擬退火法軟體開發,” 獲選為優等獎 (1996.10).

12. 林其禹, ”近極值判斷策略在多極值最佳化上之應用,” 國科會專題研究報告,NSC-86-2212-E-011-025 (1997).

13. 林其禹, ”模擬退火法之參數設計與最佳化,” 國科會專題研究報告,NSC-87-2212-E-011-017 (1998. 8).

14. 鄭正元、林其禹, ”快速原型機精度研究與快速模具製造,” 國科會專題研究報告 (1998).

15. 趙振綱、黃緒哲、林其禹, ”戰車炮彈自動裝填系統之概念設計,聯勤202廠專題研究報告(1998.6).

16. 林其禹,”電腦滑鼠傳動機構設計與最佳化,昆盈企業專題研究報告(1998.12).

17. 林其禹, ”以拓樸最佳化為基之整合式形狀最佳化方法,” 國科會專題研究報告,NSC-88-2212-E-011-001 (1999.8).

18. 林其禹, ”全自動結構形態最佳化設計之技術研究與軟體設計,” 國科會專題研究報告,NSC-89-2212-E-011-003 (2000.9).

19. 林其禹, ”PC鍵盤按鍵矩陣對應測試,” 凱旋法律事務所專題研究案報告,(2001.9).

20. 林其禹, ”機車引擎散熱片之熱流整合分析與形狀設計最佳化,” 國科會專題研究報告,NSC-89-2212-E-011-061 (2001.10).

21. 林其禹、蔡高岳, ”巡模工防護裝置之製作,” 行政院勞委會研究報告 (2001.12).

22. 林其禹, ”GATEWAY2000鍵盤按鍵矩陣對應測試,” 凱旋法律事務所專題研究案報告,(2002.8).

23. 林其禹, ”微波通訊車改裝結構設計分析,” 台亞衛星通訊股份有限公司專題研究案報告,(2002.9).

24. 林其禹, ”電腦CPU散熱片之高效率拓樸最佳化方法,” 國科會專題研究報告,NSC-90-2212-E-011-024 (2002.10).

25. 莊福盛、林其禹, ”微流道散熱器之三維熱流整合分析與形狀設計最佳化,” 國科會專題研究報告,NSC-90-2212-E-011-063 (2002.10).

26. 林其禹指導大學部學生柯驎洋、黃瑞龍、黃健泰製作機器人遊俠一號參加第六屆全國大專院校創思設計與製作競賽,獲得大學組競賽獎第三名 (2002.10).

27. 林其禹, ”智慧型機器設計課程研究,” 九十一年度教育部技職教育工業類課程專案研究計畫案報告,(2002.12).

28. 林其禹指導大學部實務專題『專題名稱:遊俠一號機器人』獲得台灣科技大學91年度最佳專題獎(2003.6).

29. 莊福盛、林其禹, “TOR斷路器之有限元素分析與設計研究,” 東元電機有限公司專題研究案報告,(2003.10).

30. 林其禹, ” 可調式MCCB設計分析研究,” 東元電機有限公司專題研究案報告,(2003.11).

31. 林其禹, ”結構形態最佳設計之整合式求解平台之研究I,” 國科會專題研究報告,NSC-91-2212-E-011-035 (2003.10).

32. 林其禹, ”最佳化設計課程多媒體教材開發,” 九十二年度教育部技職教育工業類課程專案研究計畫案報告,(2003.11).

33. 林其禹擔任國立台灣科技大學承辦之第七屆全國大專院校創思設計與製作競賽之執行秘書,負責執行為期一年,總經費1,000萬元之競賽計畫案(2003.1-2003.12).

34. 林其禹, ”結構形態最佳設計之整合式求解平台之研究II,” 國科會專題研究報告,NSC-92-2212-E-011-039 (2004.10).

35. 林其禹擔任國立台灣科技大學承辦之第八屆全國大專院校創思設計與製作競賽之執行秘書,負責執行該為期一年,總經費1,000萬元之競賽計畫案(2004.1-2004.12).




