


  副教授 (2015-08 ~ 2018-07) 國立臺北科技大學土木工程系
工程查核委員 (2016-01 ~ 2018-12) 台北市政府工務局
常務理事 (2018-03 ~ 2021-02) 中華地工材料協會(第八屆)
理事 (2012-03 ~ 2018-02) 中華地工材料協會(第六、第七屆)
理事 (2017-01 ~ 2019-12) 社團法人臺灣下水道協會
助理教授 (2009-08 ~ 2015-07) 國立臺北科技大學土木工程系
執行長 (2009-08 ~ 2018-07) 國立臺北科技大學水環境研究中心
博士後研究員 (2008-06 ~ 2009-07) 國立台灣大學土木工程系
Post-Doctoral Fellow 2007-11 ~ 2008-03) Grenoble I University, Hydrology and Environment Laboratory
設計工程師 (1998-07 ~ 2002-08) 吉興工程顧問公司
少尉工程官 (1996-10 ~ 1998-05) 陸軍總部軍眷改建服務處
捷運專案現場工程師 (1994-04 ~ 1994-09) 台灣探勘工程公司
專案研究助理 (1993-04 ~ 1994-03) 國立台灣工業技術學院營建工程系



  1. 何嘉浚、陳俊瑋 (2020),  "呈層複合土壤水質淨化系統介紹",  地工技術,163, 55-64。.
  2. Yung-Yun Cheng, Shang-Lien Lo, Chia-Chun Ho, Jen-Yang Lin and Shaw L. Yu (2019),  "Field Testing of Porous Pavement Performance on Runoff and Temperature Control in Taipei City,SCI.".
  3. Jui-Sheng Chou, Chia-Chun Ho, Ha-Son Hoang (2018),  "Determining quality of water in reservoir using machine learning",  Ecological Informatics ,  Volume 44, March 2018, Pages 57–75, SCI.
  4. Jen-Yang Lin, Chi-Feng Chen, Chia-Chun Ho* (2018),  "Correlation Analysis of Performance for Green Road on Runoff Control,Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment",  ASCE,  Vol.4, Issue 2, EI.
  5. Shau-Heng Liou, Wei-Ling Hsu, and Chia-Chun Ho (2017),  " Digital Simulation of Nitrogen Transformation Balance in a Paddy Field",  Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology,  Vol. 18, No. 4, 1658-1667, 2017, SCI.
  6. Chia-Chun Ho*, Pei-Hao Wang, 2015,  (2015),  "Efficiency of a Multi-Soil-Layering System on Wastewater Treatment Using Environment-Friendly Filter Materials",  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,  12, 3362-3380, SCI.
  7. Chia-Chun Ho*, Jen-Yang Lin, Tsung-Ming Yang, Kuan-Han Chou (2013),  "The Radar-Graphic Method for Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Stream Ecological Engineering",  The SIJ Transactions on Advances in Space Research & Earth Exploration (ASREE),  1(2), 43-54.
  8. 何嘉浚、張峰毓 (2016),  "以植生滯留槽控制農業非點源污染",  土木水利,  第43卷第五期,12-17頁。
  9. Chia-Chun Ho, Jen-Yang Lin, Tsung-Ming Yang, Kuan-Han Chou (2013),  "The Radar-Graphic Method for Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Stream Ecological",  The SIJ Transactions on Advances in Space Research & Earth Exploration (ASREE),  Vol.1, No.2..
  10. 何嘉浚、黃淯泠、張鈞偉 (2013),  "地工合成材料於生態與環境工程之應用",  地工技術,  第134期,25-34頁。.
  11. Rong-Her Chen, Po-Chuan Chi, Tai-Ching Wu, Chia Chun Ho (2011),  "Shear Strength of Continuous-Filament Reinforced Sand ",  Journal of GeoEngineering,  Vol. 6, No. 2, 99-107, 2011, EI.
  12. Yves-Henri Faure, Chia Chun Ho, Rong-Her Chen, Mattieu Le Lay, Jon Blaza (2010),  " A wave flume experiment for studying erosion mechanism of revetments using geotextiles",  Journal of Geotextiles and Geomembranes,  Vol. 28, No. 4, 2010, SCI.
  13. Guidoux Cyril, Faure Yves-Henri, Beguin Rémi, Chia Chun Ho,  (2010),  "Contact Erosion at the Interface between Granular Coarse Soil and Various Base Soils under Tangential Flow Condition",  Journal of Geosynthetics International,  Vol. 136, Issue 5, 2010, SCI..
  14. Chen, Rong Her, Ho, Chia Chun, and Hsu, C. Y. (2018),  "The effect of soil fine content on the filtration characteristics of geotextile under cyclic flows. ",  Geosynthetics International,  Vol. 15, No. 2,95-106, 2018, SCI.
  15. Chen, Rong Her, Ho, C. C., and Chung, Wen Bing (2008),  "The filtration mechanism and micro-observation of soil-geotextile system under cyclic flows.",  Journal of GeoEngineering,  Vol. 3, No. 3, 101-112, 2008 Excellent Paper Award.