

技術名稱 Technology
發明人 Inventor
胡氏清雲, 潘俊仁, 蘇威年, 黃炳照,
所有權人 Asignee 國立臺灣科技大學

專利國家 Country 申請號 Application No. 專利號 Patent No. 中心案號 Serial No.
中華民國 100132440 I602343 0990105TW0
美國 15/679,112 US10403904B2 0990105US1

Multi-functional support
The present invention provides TixMyO2 (M: Ru, Mo or other metals; x, y are positive numbers) as the carbon-substituted support for Pt (or other catalysts) in fuel cells. The Pt/TixMyO2 can be employed as an anodic catalyst for methanol oxidation or as a cathodic catalyst for oxygen reduction in DMFC, depending on the formula and composition of support. The novel TixMyO2 catalyst support material is to resolve the corrosion problem of carbon support which has been one of the major hurdles for commercialization of this technology.
