

技術名稱 Technology
發明人 Inventor
鄭正元, Chinmai, Bhat, Ajeet, Kumar, Mayur, Jiyalal, Prajapati, Saurav, Verma,
所有權人 Asignee 國立臺灣科技大學

專利國家 Country 申請號 Application No. 專利號 Patent No. 中心案號 Serial No.
中華民國 112122845 I 856708 1120016TW0

Additive manufacturing (AM) has enabled the manufacturing of complex cellular lattice structures with close geometric tolerances. These lattice structures were used in various applications which demand structural and functional properties with less material and weight. Recent development in the field of AM is the printing of fabrics that are flexible, yet deliver sufficient strength. The concept of these fabrics is developed based on the overlapping tessellation of unit cell. Tessellation (arrangement of unit lattice cell) driven fabrics that can be manufactured additively can be effectively utilized in various fields such as: aggrotech, oekotech, buildtech, meditech, geotech, clothtech, mobiltech, hometech, sportstech, indutech, protech, and packtech.
Moreover, the technology of fabrics printing can also be designed to develop wearable smart fabrics using piezoelectric materials. The developed wearable smart fabrics can be integrated with various health monitoring systems such as blood pressure, heart rate, insulin level, etc. Along with health monitoring systems, the wearable smart fabrics would also be beneficial in posture correction as flexibility and rigidity can be controlled using the strategy of overlapping tessellation.
