

技術名稱 Technology
發明人 Inventor
鄭正元, Aamer, Nazir, Yeabsra, Mekdim, Hailu,
所有權人 Asignee 國立臺灣科技大學

專利國家 Country 申請號 Application No. 專利號 Patent No. 中心案號 Serial No.
美國 17/075,666 US11280073B1 1090049US0


The overall operational procedure of this smart faucet is described in the following steps.
1. The faucet will be closed in its initial state and when a users’ hand approach the smart faucet, an IR sensor will pick a signal caused by the presence of an obstacle in its view and send signal to the microcontroller.
2. The microcontroller will send a signal to the actuator, solenoid valve, and the tap will open automatically for the first six (6) seconds according to the coding in the microcontroller. During this time the valve will be partially opened just enough flow to make the person’s hand wet for using soap.
3. After the 6 seconds, the valve will automatically close for the next 20 seconds so that every user could wash their hands with soap for 20 seconds.
4. Then the valve will automatically open with a partial flow for the next 5 seconds and gradually open to its fully opened state for 10 seconds so that the person can rinse hands thoroughly.
5. The valve will eventually decrease the flow of water for the next 5 seconds then close automatically. The sensor remains inactive for 5 seconds before starting to sense to avoid being triggered by the same person unintentionally.
