A. Peer Reviewed Journal (2009~) * Corresponding author
- Zullaikah S, E Melwita and Y.H. Ju*, 2009, Isolation of Oryzanol from Crude Rice Bran Oil, Bioresource Technol, 100, 299-302 (SCI)
- Febrianto J, AN Kosasih, J Sunarso, YH Ju, N Indraswati and S. Ismadji*, 2009, Equilibrium and Kinetic Studies in Adsorption of Heavy Metals Using Biosorbent: A Summary of Studies from 1999 to 2008, J Hazard Materials, 162, 616-645 (SCI)
- Kasim NS, TH Tsai, S Gunawan and YH Ju*, 2009, Biodiesel Production from Rice Bran Oil and Supercritical Methanol, Bioresource Technol, 100, 2399-2403 (SCI)
- Widjaja A*, CC Chien and YH Ju, 2009, Study of Increasing Lipid Production from Fresh Water Microalgae Chlorella vulgaris, J Taiwan Inst Chem Eng, 40, 13-20 (SCI)
- Fazary A, M Taha and YH Ju*, 2009, Iron Complexation Studies of Gallic Acid, J Chem Eng Data, 54 (1), 35-42 (SCI)
- Fazary A, S Ismadji and YH Ju*, 2009, Biochemical Studies on Native and Cross-linked Aggregates of Aspergillus awamori Feruloyl Esterase, Int J Biol Macromol, 44, 240-248 (SCI)
- Fazary A, S Ismadji and YH Ju*, 2009, Stability and Solubility Studies of Native and Activated Aspergillus awamori Feruloyl Esterase, J Mol Catal B: Enzym, 59, 190-196 (SCI)
- Fabian C, S Gunawan, NS Kasim, CL Chiang and YH Ju*, 2009, Separation of Nonpolar Lipid from Soybean Oil Deodorizer Distillate by Stirred Batch-Wise Silica Gel Adsorption-Desorption, Separ Sci Technol, 44, 1621-1637 (SCI)
- Kasim NS, S Gunawan and YH Ju*, 2009, Isolation and Identification of Steroidal Hydrocarbons in Soybean Oil Deodorizer Distillate, Food Chem, 117, 15-19 (SCI)
- Yustianingsih L, S Zullaikah, and YH Ju*, 2009, Ultrasound-Assisted In-situ Production of Biodiesel from Rice Bran, J Energy Inst, 82 (3), 133-137 (SCI)
- Gunawan S, and YH Ju*, 2009, Vegetable Oil Deodorizer Distillate: Characterization, Utilization and Analysis, Separ Purif Rev, 38 (3), 207-241 (SCI)
- Fazary AE, SE Ibrahium and YH Ju*, 2009, Medium Effects on the Protonation Equilibria of L-Norvaline, J Chem Eng Data, 54, 2532-2537 (SCI)
- Shiu PJ, S Gunawan, WH Hsieh, NS Kasim and YH Ju*, 2010, Biodiesel Production from Rice Bran by A Two-Step In-Situ Process, Bioresource Technol, 101, 984-989 (SCI)
- Fabian CB, LH Huynh and YH Ju*, 2010, Precipitation of Rice Bran Protein Using Carrageenan and Alginate, LWT-Food Sci & Technol, 43, 375-379 (SCI)
- Fazary A, S Ismadji and YH Ju*, 2010, Studies on Temperature Dependent Kinetics of Aspergillus awamori Feruloyl Esterase in Water Solutions, Kinet Catal+, 51 (1), 31-37 (SCI)
- Gunawan NS, N Indraswati, YH Ju, FE Soetaredjo, A Ayucitra, and S Ismadji*, 2010, Bentonite Modified with Anionic and Cationic Surfactants for Bleaching of Crude Palm Oil, Applied Clay Sci, 47, 462-464 (SCI)
- Koswojo R, RP Utomo, YH Ju, A Ayucitra, FE Soetaredjo, J Sunarso and S Ismadji*, 2010, Acid Green 25 Removal from Wastewater by Organo-Bentonite from Pacitan, Applied Clay Sci, 48, 81-86 (SCI)
- Gunawan S, E Melwita and YH Ju*, 2010, Analysis of Tran-Cis Fatty Acids in Fatty Acid Steryl Esters Isolated from Soybean Oil Deodorizer Distillate, Food Chem, 121, 752-757 (SCI)
- Fazary AE, HA Hamad, JC Lee, T Koskei, CK Lee, and YH Ju*, 2010, Expression of Feruloyl Esterase from Aspergillus awamori in Escherichia coli; Characterization and Crystal Studies of the Recombinant Enzyme, Int J Biol Macromol, 46, 440-444 (SCI)
- Kosasih AN, J Febrianto, J Sunarso, YH Ju, N Indraswati, and S Ismadji*, 2010, Sequestering of Cu(II) from Aqueous Solution Using Cassava Peel (Manihot esculenta), J Hazard Mater, 180, 366-374 (SCI)
- Melwita E and YH Ju*, 2010, Separation of Azadirachtin and Other Limonoids from Crude Neem Oil via Solvent Precipitation, Separ Purif Technol, 74, 219-224 (SCI)
- Huynh LH, NS Kasim and YH Ju*, 2010, Extraction and Analysis of Neutral Lipids from Activated Sludge with and without Subcritical Water Pre-treatment, Bioresource Technol, 101:22, 8891-8896 (SCI)
- Ju YH, AW Khaleel and AE Fazary*, 2010, Guanidinium Protonation Equilibria of L-Canavanine in Different Ionic Media, J Chem Eng Data, 55:9, 3772-3778 (SCI)
- Kasim NS, S Gunawan, M Yuliana and YH Ju*, 2010, A Simple Two-Step Method for Simultaneous Isolation of Tocopherols and Free Phytosterols from Soybean Oil Deodorizer Distillate with High Purity and Recovery, Separ Sci Technol, 45:16, 2537-2546 (SCI)
- Yesi, FP Sisnandy, YH Ju, FE Soetaredjo, and S Ismadji*, 2010, Adsorption of Acid Blue 129 from Aqueous Solutions onto Raw and Surfactant-Modified Bentonite: The Application of Temperature Dependence Form of Adsorption Isotherms, Adsorpt Sci Technol, 28, 10, 847-868 (SCI)
- Fabian C, NY Tran Thi, NS Kasim and YH Ju*, 2010, Release of Phenolic Acids from Defatted Rice Bran by Subcritical Water Treatment, J Sci Food Agri 90, 2576-2581 DOI 10.1002/jsfa.4123 (SCI)
- Ju YH, LH Huynh, NS Kasim, TJ Guo, RH Wang and A E Fazary*, 2011, Analysis of Soluble and Insoluble Fractions of Alkali and Subcritical Water Treated Sugarcane Bagasse, Carbohyd Polym, 83, 2, 591-599 (SCI)
- Fabian C, A Ayucitra, S Ismadji and YH Ju*, 2011, Isolation and Characterization of Rice Bran Starch, J Taiwan Inst Chem Eng, 42, 1, 86-91 (SCI)
- Kurniawan A, H Sutiono, YH Ju, FE Soetaredjo, A Ayucitra, A Yudha, S Ismadji*, 2011, Utilization of Rarasaponin Natural Surfactant for Organo-Bentonite Preparation: Application for Methylene Blue Removal from Aqueous Effluent, Micropor Mesopor Mat, 142, 1, 184-193 (SCI)
- Kurniawan A, AN Kosasih, J Febrianto, YH Ju, J Sunarso, N Indraswati, S Ismadji*, 2011, Evaluation of Cassava Peel Waste as Low Cost Biosorbent for Ni-Sorption: Equilibrium, Kinetics, Thermodynamics and Mechanism, Chem Eng J, 172, 1, 158– 166 (SCI)
- Tsigie YA, CY Wang, CT Truong and YH Ju*, 2011, Lipid Production from Yarrowia lipolytica Grow in Sugarcane Bagasse Hydrolysate, Bioresource Technol, 102, 19, 9216–9222 (SCI)
- Fabian C and YH Ju*, 2011, A Review on Rice Bran Protein: Its Properties and Extraction Methods, Crit Rev Food Sci, 51, 9, 816-827 (SCI)
- Huynh LH , QD Do, NS Kasim and YH Ju*, 2011, Isolation and Analysis of Wax Esters from Activated Sludge, Bioresource Technol, 102, 20, 9518–9523 (SCI)
- Melwita E, YA Tsigie, S Ismadji and YH Ju*, 2011, Purification of Azadirachtin via Gravity Flow Liquid Chromatography, J Liq Chromatogr R T, 34, 19, 2462-2472 (SCI)
- Fazary AE, AE Angkawijaya E Hernowo, TC Chou, CH Lin, M Taha and YH Ju*, 2011, Complex Formation between Ferric (III), Chromium (III), and Cupric (II) Metal Ions and (O, N) & (O, O) Donor Ligands with Biological Relevance in Aqueous Solution, J Soln Chem, 40, 1965-1986 (SCI)
- Angkawijaya AE, AE Fazary, E Hernowo, M Taha, YH Ju*, 2011, Iron (III), Chromium (III) and Cupper (II) Complexes of L-Norvaline and Ferulic Acid, J Chem Eng Data 56, 532-540 (SCI)
- Hernowo E, AE Angkawijaya, AE Fazary, S Ismadji and YH Ju*, 2011, Complex Stability and Molecular Structure Studies of Divalent Metal Ion with L-Norleucine and Vitamin B3, J Chem Eng Data, 56, 4549-4555 (SCI)
- Ismadji S*, YH Ju, F Soetaredjo, A Ayucitra, 2011, Solubility of Azadirachtin in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide at Several Temperatures, J Chem Eng Data, 56, 4396-4399 (SCI)
- Yuliana M, NY Tran-Thi and YH Ju*, 2012, Effect of Extraction Methods on Characteristic and Composition of Indonesian Cashew Nut Shell Liquid, Ind Crops Prod, 35, 230– 236 (SCI)
- Kasim NS, LH Huynh and YH Ju*, 2012, Purification and Identification of Endogenous and Exogenous Minor Constituents from Vegetable Oils, Separ Purif Rev, 41, 1, 62–96 (SCI)
- Yuliana M, LH Huynh, QP Ho, CT Truong and YH Ju*, 2012, Defatted Cashew Nut Shell Starch as Renewable Polymeric Material: Isolation and Characterization, Carbohyd Polym, 87, 4, 2576-2581 (SCI)
- Ju YH, LH Huynh, S Gunawan, YT Chern and NS Kasim*, 2012, Irresolvable Complex Mixture of Hydrocarbons in Soybean Oil Deodorizer Distillate, J Separ Sci, 35, 327–333 (SCI)
- Tsigie YA, CY Wang, NS Kasim, QD Diem, LH Huynh, QP Ho, CT Truong and YH Ju*, 2012, Microbial Oil Production from Yarrowia lipolytica Po1g Using Rice Bran Hydrolysate, J Biomed Biotechnol, 2012, 1-10 (SCI)
- Tsigie YA, LH Huynh, IN Ahmed and YH Ju*, 2012, Maximizing Microbial Oil Production from Yarrowia lipolytica Po1g Biomass Using Subcritical Water Pretreatment, Bioresource Technol 111, 201-207 (SCI)
- Angkawijaya AE, AE Fazary, E Hernowo, S Ismadji, YH Ju*, 2012, Nickel and Cobalt Complexes of Non-protein L-Norvaline, and Antioxidant Ferulic Acid: Potentiometric and Spectrophotometric Studies, J Soln Chem 41, 1156-1164 DOI 10.1007/s10953-012-9861-0 (SCI)
- Soetaredjo FE, S Ismadji, LH Huynh, NS Kasim, NY Tran-Thi, A Ayucitra and YH Ju*, 2012, Facile Preparation of Sago Starch Esters Using Factorial Design of Experiment, Starch-Starke, 64, 590-597 DOI 10.1002/star.201100169 (SCI)
- Huynh LH, PL Tran Nguyen, QP Ho and YH Ju*, 2012, Catalyst-Free Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Production from Wet Activated Sludge under Subcritical Water and Methanol Condition, Bioresource Technol 123, 112-116 DOI 10.1016/j.biortech.2012.08.001 (SCI)
- Ismadji S*, A Kurniawan, Y H Ju, FE Soetaredjo and A Ayucitra, L K Ong, 2012, Solubility of Azadirachtin and Several Triterpenoid Compounds Extracted from Neem Seed Kernel in Supercritical CO2, Fluid Phase Equilibr, 336, 9-15 (SCI)
- Tran-Thi NY, M Yuliana, NS Kasim, HL Nhan Thi, DY Lee and YH Ju*, 2012, Subcritical Water Extraction of Phenolic-rich Product from Defatted Roselle Seed, J Chem Eng Jpn, 45, 11, 911-916 (SCI)
- Tsigie YA, LH Huynh, S. Ismadji, AM Engida and YH Ju*, 2012, In situ Biodiesel Production from Wet Chlorella vulgaris under Subcritical Condition, Chem Eng J, 213, 104-108, dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2012.09.112 (SCI)
- Angkawijaya AE, A Fazary, S Ismadji and YH Ju*, 2012, Cu (II), Co (II), and Ni (II)- Antioxidative Phenolates-Glycine Peptides Systems: An Insight into Its Equilibrium Solution Study, J Chem Eng Data 57 (12), 3443-3451 dx.doi.org/10.1021/je300589r (SCI)
- Engida AM, NS Kasim, YA Tsigie, S Ismadji, LH Huynh and YH Ju*, 2013, Extraction, Identification and Quantitative HPLC Analysis of Flavonoids from Sarang Semut (Myrmecodia penden) Ind Crops Prod 41, 392-396 (SCI)
- Ju YH, LH Huynh*, YA Tsigie and QP Ho, 2013, Synthesis of Biodiesel in Subcritical Water and Methanol, Fuel 105, 266-271 DOI 10.1016/j.fuel.2012.05.061 (SCI)
- Soetaredjo FE, S Ismadji, and YH Ju*, 2013, Measurement and Modeling of Epicatechin Solubility in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Fluid, Fluid Phase Equilibr 340, 7–10 (SCI) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fluid.2012.12.005 (SCI)
- Chandra IK, YH Ju, A Ayucitra and S Ismadji*, 2013, Evans Blue Removal from Wastewater by Rarasaponin-bentonite, Int J Environ Sci Te 10, 359–370 DOI 10.1007/s13762-012-0114-y (SCI)
- Tran-Thi NY, NS Kasim, M Yuliana, LH Huynh, WL Chang and YH Ju*, 2013, Polysaccharides-induced Precipitation of Protein from Defatted Roselle Seed and Its Characterization: Antinutritional Factors and Functional Properties, J Taiwan Inst Chem Eng, 44, 152-155 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jtice.2012.09.010 (SCI)
- Tsigie YA, CH Wu, LH Huynh, S. Ismadji and YH Ju*, Bioethanol Production from Yarrowia lipolytica Po1g Biomass, Bioresource Technol http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2012.11.091 in press (SCI)
- Lukmanto S, N Roesdiyono, YH Ju, N Indraswati, FE Soetaredjo, S Ismadji*, Supercritical CO2 Extraction of Phenolic Compounds in Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L), Chem Eng Commun in press (SCI)
- Ahmed IN, S Sutanto, LH Huynh, S Suryadi and YH Ju*, Subcritical Water and Dilute Acid Pretreatments for Bio-ethanol Production from Melaleuca leucadendron Shedding Bark, Biochem Eng J http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bej.2013.03.008 in press (SCI)
- Tsigie YA, LH Huynh, PL Tran Nguyen and YH Ju*, Catalyst-free Biodiesel Preparation from Wet Yarrowia lipolytica Po1g Biomass under Subcritical Condition, Fuel Process Technol http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fuproc.2013.03.036 in press (SCI)
- Ismadji, S*, YH Ju, A Kurniawan, O L Ki, Bio-oil from Cassava Peel: Potential Renewable Energy Source, Bioresource Technol accepted (SCI)
- Ahmed IN, PL Tran Nguyen, LH Huynh, S Ismadji and YH Ju*, Bio-ethanol Production from Pretreated Melaleuca leucadendron Shedding Bark-Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation at High Solid Loading Bioresource Technol accepted (SCI)
- Jeng BR, YH Ju and S. Gunawan*, Regeneration of Silica Gel for Separation of Squalene and Steryl Esters from Soybean Oil Deodorizer Distillate Int Rev of Chem Eng accepted
- Ong LK, C Effendi, A Kurniawan, YH Ju and S Ismadjii*, A Novel and Integrated Biorefinery of Kapok Seed and Its Secondary Waste, ACS Sust Chem & Eng accepted
- Zullaikah S* and Y.H. Ju, Effect of Acid-Catalyzed Methanolysis on the Bioactive Components of Rice Bran Oil, J Taiwan Inst Chem Eng accepted (SCI)
B. Conferences (2009~)
- Fabian C and YH Ju, Phenolic Acids from Subcritical Water Treatment of Rice bran, 7th Conference of Food Engineering, April 5-8, 2009, Columbus, Ohio, USA
- Ju YH, Biodiesel Production from Rice Bran Oil and Supercritical Methanol, the 14th Conference on Biochemical Engineering, June 5-6, 2009, Taichung, Taiwan
- Fazary A and YH Ju, Feruloyl Esterase; Its Production, Purification and Characterization, the 12th SCBA International Symposium 2009: Society for Chinese Bioscientists in America International Symposium 2009 “Science for A Healthier and Better Life”, June 14-18, 2009, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
- Fabian C and YH Ju, Isolation and Characterization from Defatted Rice Bran, the 14th Conference on Biochemical Engineering, June 5-6, 2009, Taichung, Taiwan
- Kasim NS, S Gunawan and YH Ju, A Simple Two-Step Method to Isolate Tocopherols and Free Phytosterols from Soybean Oil Deodorizer Distillate, the 14th Conference on Biochemical Engineering, June 5-6, 2009, Taichung, Taiwan
- Ju YH, From Rice Bran to Biodiesel and Bioactive Compounds, Chemical Engineering Seminar "Soebardjo Brotohardjono", June 18, 2009, Surabaya, Indonesia
- Huynh LH and YH Ju, Biodiesel Production from Activated Sludge, Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, November 27-28, 2009, Taichung, Taiwan
- Huynh LH and YH Ju, Subcritical Water Assisted Biodiesel Production from Activated Sludge, 101st AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo, May 16-19, 2010, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
- Kasim NS, and YH Ju, Purification and Identification of Unknown Hydrocarbons in Soybean Oil Deodorizer, 2010 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Dec 15-20,2010, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
- Kasim NS, and YH Ju, Study of Tocopherols and Free Phytosterols Separation via Low Temperature Liquid-Liquid Extraction Method, 2010 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Dec 15-20,2010, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
- Tran-Thi NY and YH Ju, Anti-nutritional and Amino Acid of Protein Extract from Defatted Roselle Seed, World Conference on Oilseed Processing, Fats & Oil Processing, Biofuels & Applications, June 21-23, 2011, Izmir, Turkey
- Yuliana M and YH Ju, Extraction of Bioactive Compounds from Cashew Nut Shell, World Conference on Oilseed Processing, Fats & Oil Processing, Biofuels & Applications, June 21-23, 2011, Izmir, Turkey
- Huynh LH and YH Ju, Wax Esters from Activated Sludge, World Conference on Oilseed Processing, Fats & Oil Processing, Biofuels & Applications, June 21-23, 2011, Izmir, Turkey
- Soetaredjo FE, S Ismadji, LH Huynh, NS Kasim, NY Tran-Thi, A Ayucitra and YH Ju, Facile Preparation of Sagu Starch Esters, 14th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineers, February 21-24 2012, Singapore
- Tsigie YA, CY Wang, LH Huynh, CT Truong and YH Ju, Lipid Production from Yarrowia lipolytica Po1g Grown in Sugarcane Bagasse Hydrolysate, 103rd AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo, April 29-May 2 2012, Long Beach, CA
- Angkawijaya AE and YH Ju, Combination of Glycine and Antioxidant as Potential Chelator for Iron(III) Intoxication Therapy, 103rd AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo, April 29-May 2 2012, Long Beach, CA
- Yuliana M and YH Ju, Isolation and Characterization of Starch from Cashew Nut Shell, 103rd AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo, April 29-May 2 2012, Long Beach, CA
- Huynh LH, S Ismadji and Yi-Hsu Ju, Biodiesel Production from Wet Activated Sludge under Subcritical Condition, Application of Natural Resources for Environmental Friendly Energy, June 21 2012, Surabaya, Indonesia
- Ahmed IN, YA Tsigie and YH Ju*, COX-1, COX-2, 5-LOX Inhibitory potential and Antioxidant activities by extracts isolated from Melia azedarach L. leaves, 13th Congress of the International Society for Ethnopharmacology, September 2 - 6, 2012, Graz, Austria
- Ahmed IN, and YH Ju*, Subcritical Water and Dilute Acid Pretreatments for Ethanol Production from Melaleuca leucadendron Shedding Bark, 5th International Conference on Industrial Bioprocesses in Taiwan, October 7-10, 2012, Taipei, Taiwan
- Tsigie YA, CH Wu, LH Huynh and YH Ju*, Bioethanol Production from Yarrowia lipolytica Po1g Biomass, 5th International Conference on Industrial Bioprocesses in Taiwan, October 7-10, 2012, Taipei, Taiwan
- Ismadji S*, YH Ju, A Kurniawan, OL Ki, Bio-oil from Cassava Peel: Potential Renewable Energy Source, 5th International Conference on Industrial Bioprocesses in Taiwan, October 7-10, 2012, Taipei, Taiwan
- Do QD, LH Huynh and YH Ju*, Isolation and Physicochemical Properties of Starches from Vietnamese Limnophila aromatica, 19th Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering, November 7-8 2012, Bali, Indonesia
- Engida AM and YH Ju, Effect of Extraction Methods on Recovery of Antioxidants from Sarang Semut (Myrmecodia pendans), International Congress on Chemical, Biological and Environmental Sciences, January 8-10, 2013, Taipei, Taiwan
- Ahmed IN, and YH Ju, Subcritical Water and Dilute Acid Pretreatments for Bio-ethanol Production from Melaleuca leucadendron Shedding Bark” 245th ACS National Meeting, April 7-11, 2013, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
- Do QD, LH Huynh and YH Ju, The Effects of Different Extraction Solvents on the Polyphenol Content and Antioxidant Activity of Limnophila aromatica Extracts, 104th AOCS Anual Meting & Expo, April 28-May 1, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
C Others (Book Chapters)
- Ju YH and ACME Rayat, 2009, Biodiesel from Rice Bran, Chapter 17 in Handbook of Plant-Based Biofuels, edited by Ashok Pandey, CRC Press, Boca Raton FL (ISBN: 978-1-5602-2175-3)
- Gunawan S, NS Kasim, and YH Ju, 2010, Soybean Oil Deodorizer Distillate: An Integrated Isolation and Analyses System of Its Bioactive Compounds, Chapter 11 in Soybean: Cultivation, Uses and Nutrition, edited by Jason E. Maxwell, Nova Publisher, Inc. (ISBN: 978-1-61122-092-6 )
- Sisnandy FP, Yesi, YH Ju, FE Soetaredio, A Ayucitra and S Ismadji*, 2011, Clays and its Modified Forms for Removal of Dyes from Aqueous Solution, Chap 9 in Clay: Types, Properties and Uses, edited by Justin P. Humphrey and Daniel E. Boyd, Nova Publisher, Inc (ISBN: 978-1-61324-449-4)
- Huynh LH, NS Kasim and YH Ju, 2011, Biodiesel Production from Waste Oils, Chapter 16 in Biofuels: Alternative Feedstocks and Conversion Processes, edited by Ashok Pandey, Academic Press (ISBN: 978-0-12-385099-7)
- Fabian C and YH Ju, 2011, Rice Bran: A Rice Milling Byproduct for the Production of Bioactive Compounds and Nutraceuticals, Chap 6 in Rice: Production, Consumption and Health Benefits, edited by Y Liu and L Froyen, Nova Publisher, Inc. (ISBN-10: 1621002292 | ISBN-13: 978-1621002291)
- Tsigie YA and YH Ju, 2012, Sugarcane Bagasse: Pretreatment, Composition and Value Added Products, Chap 9 in Sugarcane: Production, Cultivation and Uses, edited by João F. Goncalves and Kauê D. Correia, Nova Publisher, Inc. (ISBN:978-61942-214-8)
- Soetaredjo FE, S Ismadji and YH Ju, 2012, Phenolic Compounds in Staple Plants, Chap 2 in Phenolic Acids: Composition, Applications and Health Benefits, edited by Sergi Munné-Bosch, Nova Publisher, Inc. (ISBN: 978-1-61942-040-3)