


美國德州大學奧斯汀校區 土木建築環境工程博士
美國密西根大學安娜堡校區 土木環境工程碩士

巴西聯邦大學黑金市校區 訪問學者(2008)
Visiting Scholar, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil
美國德州大學 土木系暨運輸研究中心 研究與教學助理 (2005~2009)
Research and Teaching Assistant, The University of Texas at Austin
美國密西根大學 土木系 研究助理 (2004)
Research Assistant, The University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
國立台灣大學 生工系暨水工試驗所 研究助理 (2002~2003)
Research Assistant, National Taiwan University



美國德州大學研究生專業發展獎 (2009)


美國德州大學土木建築環境工程學系獎學金 (2008~2007)

北美台灣工程師協會獎 (2007)

美國土木工程協會ASCE學生加勁擋土牆競賽第二名 (2007)


美國德州大學工學院獎學金 (2008~2007)

國立台灣大學傑出大學專題論文獎 (2000)


  1. Yang K-H, Ching J-Y and Zornberg J.G., "Reliability-Based Design for External Stability of Narrow Mechanically Stabilized Wall: Calibration from Centrifuge Tests", Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engr, ASCE, accepted, [SCI].
  2. Lin M-H, Lee C-H, Lin Y-C and Yang K-H, "Heavy Metal Contamination Accumulating in Marine Sediments and Organism from A Desalination Plant Effluent Outfall Area", Desalination and Water Treatment, accepted, [SCI].
  3. Yang K-H and Liu C-N (2007), "Finite Element Analysis of Earth Pressures for Narrow Retaining Walls", Journal of GeoEngineering, Taiwan Geotechnical Society, August 2007, 2(2): P43-52.
  4. Wu F-C and Yang K-H(2004), “Entrainment Probabilities of Mixed-size Sediment Incorporating Near-bed Coherent Flow Structures”, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering., ASCE, 130(12): P1187-1197 [SCI].
  5. Wu F-C andYang K-H(2004), “A Stochastic Partial Transport Model for Mixed-Size Sediment: Application to Assessment of Fractional Mobility”, Water Resources Research, 40(4): W04501 [SCI].
  6. 吳富春、楊國鑫 (2003),“水田土地利用型態對區域性微氣候之影響評估”,中國農業工程學報,第四十九卷第二期,pp.53-68, 中華民國92年6月。
  7. K-H Yang, C-N Liu and H-D. Lin, “Distribution and Development of Backfill Stress within Geosynthetic--Reinforced Soil Slope”, Journal of GeoEngineering, Taiwan Geotechnical Society, in preparation. [EI]
  8. K-H Yang, J.W. Eun, M.K. Kim, C. Nogueira and J.G. Zornberg, " Modification and Verification of Softening Model in the Lake-Kim Soil Model", International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, in preparation. [SCI]
  9. K-H Yang, J.G. Zornberg and R.J. Bathurst, "Stress Distribution within Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Structures", Geosynthetics International, in preparation, [SCI]


  1. M.D. Nquyen, K-H Yang and S-H Lee (2010) “Analytical Method for the Strength of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil” The 1st international GSI-Asia Geosynthetics Conference, 1st GSI-Asia,Taichung Taiwan, November 2010.
  2. Yang K-H, Zornberg J.G. and Bathurst R.J. (2010), "Mobilization of Reinforcement Tensions within Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Structures", The 3th Earth Retention Conference, ER2010, Bellevue, Washington, August 2010.
  3. Yang K-H and Ching J-Y (2010), "Reliability-Based Design for External Stability of Narrow Mechanically Stabilized Wall: Calibration from Centrifuge Tests", The 17th South Asia Geotechnical Conference, 17SEAGC, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2010.
  4. Yang K-H, Gupta R. and Zornberg J.G. (2009),“Location of Failure Plane within Narrow GRS Wall Systems", The Geosynthetics 2009 Conference, Geosynthetics 2009, Salt Lake, Utah, USA, February 2009.
  5. Yang K-H, Nogueira C. and Zornberg J.G. (2008),“Isotropic Work Softening Model for  Frictional Geomaterials: Development Based on Lade and Kim Soil Constitutive Model", The XXIX Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering., CILAMCE 2008, Maceio, Brazil, November 2008.
  6. Yang K-H, Kniss K.T., J. G. Zornberg and Wright S. G. (2008),“Finite Element Analyses for Centrifuge Modeling of Narrow MSE Walls", The First Pan American Geosynthetics Conference, GEOAMERICAS-2008, Cancun, Mexico, March 2008, pp1246-1255.
  7. Kniss K.T., Yang K-H, Wright, S.G. Zornberg J.G. (2007), “Earth Pressures and Design Considerations of Narrow MSE Walls”, The ASCE Annual Meeting-Texas Section, Taylor, Texas, USA,April 2007.
  8. Yang K-H and Zornberg J.G.  (2006),“The Coefficient of Earth Pressure in MSE Retaining Walls Placed in Front of Stable Faces with Limited Spaces", Graduate and Industry Network Conference, Graduate Engineering Council, The University of Texas at Austin, USA,February 2006. Note: This paper was ranked the top 10 papers and selected for presentation.
  9. Yang K-H and Liu C-N (2009),“Evolution of Failure Surface in Geosynthetics-Reinforced Slope”,第13屆台灣大地工程研討會,宜蘭,台灣,中華民國98年8月。


  1. Yang K-H (2009), “Stress Distribution within of Geosynthetic -Reinforced Soil Structures", Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA, August 2009.
  2. Yang K-H, Zornberg J. G., Wright S. G. (2008),“Numerical Modeling of Narrow MSE Walls with Extensible Reinforcements", Center for Transportation Research (CTR), Report No. 0-5506-2, Austin, Texas, February 2008.
  3. Kniss K.T., Wright S. G., Zornberg J. G.  and Yang K-H (2007), “Design Considerations for MSE Retaining Walls Constructed in Confined Spaces", Center for Transportation Research (CTR), Report No. 0-5506-1, Austin, Texas, October 2007.
  4. 吳富春、楊國鑫 (2002),「水田生態環境及微氣候模式(二)」,行政院農委會委託研究計畫,中華民國91年12月。