


  水泥化學, 水泥基材流變, 材料微觀分析, 混凝土材料耐久性




  1. J.J. Chang, W. Yeih, R. Huang and C.T. Chen, 2004, “Suitability of Several Current Used Concrete Durability Indices on Evaluating the Corrosion Hazard for Carbonated Concrete”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, V.84, No. 1, pp. 71-78. (EI, SCI) (NSC 88-2211-E-019-002)
  2. L.J. Struble and C. Chen, 2005, “Effect of Continuous Agitation on Rheology”, Journal of ASTM International, V. 2, No. 9, JAI13035. (EI)
  3. C. Chen, L.J. Struble, and H. Zhang, 2006, “Using Dynamic Rheology to Measure Cement-Admixture Interactions”, Journal of ASTM International, V. 3, No. 3, JAI12787. (EI)
  4. J. Hidalgo, C. Chen and L.J. Struble, 2008, “Correlation between Paste and Concrete Flow”, ACI Materials Journal, V.105, No. 3, pp. 281-288. (EI, SCI)
  5. C. Chen and L.J. Struble, 2009, “Influence of Mixing Sequence on Cement-Admixture Interaction”, ACI Materials Journal, V.106, No. 6, pp. 503-508 (EI, SCI)
  6. C. Chen and L.J. Struble, 2010, “Incompatibility between Portland Cement and Naphthalene-Based Dispersing Agents: Mechanism”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society (Accepted) (EI, SCI)
  7. C. Chen and L.J. Struble, “Incompatibility between Portland Cement and Nathphalene-Based Dispersing Agent: Rheological Behavior”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society (Submitted) (EI, SCI)
  8. 黃然、陳君弢,民國87年,混凝土中性化機理、試驗方法及預測模式之探討,土木技術,第7期,頁133-139。


  1. L.J. Struble, H. Zhang and C.-T. Chen, “Using Dynamic Rheology to Probe the Microstructure of Fresh Cement Paste”, The 5th International Symposium on Cement and Concrete, Shanghai, China, October 28 - November 1, 2002.
  2. J.J. Chang, W. Yeih and C.T. Chen, “Electrochemical Realkalisation of Carbonated Concrete”, 13th Asian-Pacific Corrosion Control Conference, Osaka University, Japan, November 16-21, 2003.
  3. C. Chen and L.J. Struble, “Reducing Cement-Superplasticizer Incompatibilities by Adding Alkalis”, Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, Montreal, Canada, 2007
  4. 張建智、陳君弢、邱文棋,民國89年,中性化對混凝土的力學性質與抗蝕影響之研究,中華民國第五屆結構工程研討會論文集,南投,頁677-682。
  5. 洪啟哲、張建智、葉為忠、陳君弢、許育加,民國96年,電弧爐爐碴應用於透水混凝土之研究,台灣混凝土學會2007 年混凝土工程研討會,台北市,文章編號A-021。
  6. C.-T. Chen and L.J. Struble, 民國96年,Influence of Mixing Sequence on Dynamic Rheology of Cement Pastes,第一屆海峽兩岸混凝土技術研討會論文集,基隆市。
  7. 陳柏存、黃立遠、陳君弢、林瑋倫、張大鵬,2009,無機聚合物化學成份對於抗壓強度之灰關聯分析,九十八年電子計算機於土木水利工程應用研討會,新竹,pp.549-554。
  8. 陳君弢、林昌緯、許瑜倩,2009,強塑劑添加對水泥漿體流變行為之影響,台灣混凝土學會2009 年混凝土工程研討會論文集,台中市,文章編號K-01。


  1. Dissertation, “Interactions between Portland Cement Pastes with Carboxylated and Naphthalene-based Superplasticizers”, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2007
  2. 梁明德、黃然、陳正宗、梁智信、陳君弢、廖晏聖,民國87年,鋼筋混凝土橋樑腐蝕及使用年限之研究(二) ,財團法人中興工程顧問社委託學術機構研究報告
  3. 張建智、陳君弢,民國88年,中性化對混凝土的力學性質與抗蝕影響之研究,NSC88-2211-E019-002,行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告 
  4. C.-T. Chen, Poster, 2004, “Using Dynamic Rheology to Explore the Interaction of Cement Pastes with Superplasticizers”, Center for Advanced Cement Based Materials (ACBM) Semiannual Technical Review, Evanston, IL, U.S.A., March 18-19.
  5. C.-T. Chen, Oral, 2004, “Correlation between Concrete Slump and Paste Dynamic Modulus”, 106th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society (ACerS), Indianapolis, IN, U.S.A., April 20.
  6. C.-T. Chen, Poster, 2004, “Influence of Sample Preparation Procedure on the Flow Behavior of Cement Pastes”, Center for Advanced Cement Based Materials (ACBM) Semiannual Technical Review, Evanston, IL, U.S.A., October 20-21.
  7. C.-T. Chen, Poster, 2005, “Incompatibilities in Cement Pastes with Naphthalene-based Superplasticizer”, Center for Advanced Cement Based Materials (ACBM) Semiannual Technical Review, West Lafayette, IN, U.S.A., April 28-29.
  8. C.-T. Chen, Poster, 2005, “Quantitative Determination of Ettringite in Hydrated Cement Pastes”, Center for Advanced Cement Based Materials (ACBM) Semiannual Technical Review, Chicago, IL, U.S.A., September 28-29.
  9. 張大鵬、陳君弢,2008,“地聚物(geopolymer)黏結纖維材料開發與其應用在加固混凝土結構物之性能研究”,工研院「優質生活環安技術開發技術」產學合作案期末報告。
  10. 張大鵬、黃兆龍、施正元、陳君弢、邱建國,2009,“綠混凝土性質與指標之研究”,內政部建築研究所委託研究計畫期末報告。