電機工程系(所) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
學經歷: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
學歷: 國立台灣大學電信所博士 經歷: 美國加州大學聖塔芭芭拉分校訪問學者(2003/7~2004/7) |
專業技術 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
多媒體訊號處理,數位影像處理,數位視訊處理,電腦視覺,數位半色調技術,數位浮水印技術 |
專利介紹 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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專利技術櫥窗 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
研究成果與計畫 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
教授課程 數位影像處理(英文授課),影視訊編碼與安全(英文授課),電子電路,電子電路實習 榮譽獎項 1. 2010年獲升IEEE Senior Member 國科會計畫 2010 調技術之改良、分類及逆向重建之全面深入研究(兩年期計畫之第二年)
2009 目標車牌即時辨識系統
2009 色調技術之改良、分類及逆向重建之全面深入研究(兩年期計畫之第一年)
2009 慧型家庭的開發-子計畫六:智慧型家庭中監測整合(整合型三年期計畫之第三年)
2008 慧型家庭的開發-子計畫六:智慧型家庭中監測整合(整合型三年期計畫之第二年)
2008 錯誤擴散法為核心之列印效率、品質改進並結合高效率壓縮技術與數位浮水印技術混成應用之研究(兩年期計畫之第二年)
2007 色階浮水印隱藏於列印圖像之應用
2008 自動化車牌辨識 教育部
2008 熱感應式印表機列印效率及品質改善計畫 Fly-Tech Co., Ltd.
2004 自動化人臉辨識系統 V-Tech Co., Ltd.
2001 通訊教育改進計畫 教育部
1999 智慧型文件處理系統之第四子計畫 - 影像壓縮 中華電信研究所
[1] J. M. Guo*, C. C. Lin, M. F. Wu, C. H. Chang, and Hua Lee, “Complexity Reduced Face Detection Using Probability-Based Face Mask Prefiltering and Pixel-Based Hierarchical-Feature Adaboosting,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Accepted. (SCI impact factor: 1.173, Ranking: 103/244) (NSC 98-2221-E-011-097-MY2)
[2] J. M. Guo* and Y. F. Liu, “Halftone-Image Security Improving Using Overall Minimal-Error Searching,” IEEE Trans. Image Processing, Accepted. (SCI impact factor: 2.848, Ranking: 18/244)
[3] Y. F. Liu and J. M. Guo*, and J. D. Lee, “Halftone Image Classification using LMS Algorithm and Naive Bayes,” IEEE Trans. Image Processing, Accepted. (SCI impact factor: 2.848, Ranking: 18/244)
[4] J. M. Guo*, Y. F. Liu, C. H. Hsia, M. H. Shih, and C. S. Hsu, “Hierarchical Method for Foreground Detection Using Codebook Model,” IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Accepted. (SCI impact factor: 2.548, Ranking: 24/244) (NSC 96-2221-E-011-172-MY3)
[5] Y. F. Liu, J. M. Guo*, and J. D. Lee, “Inverse Halftoning Based on the Bayesian Theorem,” IEEE Trans. Image Processing, Accepted. (SCI impact factor: 2.848, Ranking: 18/244) (NSC 98-2221-E-011-097-MY2)
[6] J. M. Guo* and J. J. Tsai, “Data Hiding in Halftone Images Using Adaptive Noise-Balanced Error Diffusion and Quality-Noise Look-Up Table,” IEEE Multimedia, Accepted. (SCI impact factor: 2.258, Ranking: 13/86) (NSC 98-2221-E-011-097-MY2)
[7] J. M. Guo*, S. C. Pei and H. Lee, “Watermarking in Halftone Images with Parity-Matched Error Diffusion,” Signal Processing, vol. 91, issue 1, pp. 126-135, January 2011. (SCI impact factor: 1.135, Ranking: 107/244) (NSC 98-2221-E-011-097-MY2)
[8] J. D. Lee, Y. H. Chiou, and J. M. Guo*, “Reversible Data Hiding Based on Histogram Modification of SMVQ Indices,” IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 638-648, Dec. 2010. (SCI impact factor: 2.338, Ranking: 29/244) (NSC 99-2631-H-011-001)
[9] J. M. Guo* and T. N. Le, “Secret Communication Using JPEG Double Compression,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 17, no. 10, pp. 879-882, Oct. 2010. (SCI impact factor: 2.338, Ranking: 29/244) (NSC 98-2221-E-011-097-MY2)
[10] J. M. Guo*, S. C. Pei and H. Lee, “Watermarking in halftone images with noise balance strategy,” International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 202-214, Sep. 2010. (SCI impact factor: 0.653, Ranking: 159/244) (NSC 98-2221-E-011-097-MY2)
[11] J. M. Guo* and J. H. Huang, “Data hiding in halftone images with secret-shared dot diffusion,” International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 294-300, Sep. 2010. (SCI impact factor: 0.653, Ranking: 159/244) (NSC 98-2221-E-011-097-MY2)
[12] J. M. Guo* and Y. F. Liu, “Joint Compression/Watermarking Scheme Using Majority-Parity Guidance and Halftoning-Based Block Truncation Coding,” IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 19, no. 8, Aug. 2010. (SCI impact factor: 2.848, Ranking: 18/244) (NSC 98-2221-E-011-097-MY2)
[13] J. M. Guo* and C. H. Chang, “Prediction-Based Watermarking Schemes Using Ahead/Post AC Prediction,” Signal Processing, vol. 90, no. 8, pp. 2552-2566, August, 2010. (SCI impact factor: 1.173, Ranking: 103/244) (NSC 96-2221-E-011-172-MY3)
[14] J. M. Guo* and C. Y. Lin, “Parallel and element-reduced error-diffused block truncation coding,” IEEE Trans. on Communications, vol. 58, no. 5, May 2010. (SCI impact factor: 2.07, Ranking: 54/229) (NSC 98-2221-E-011-097-MY2)
[15] J. M. Guo* and Y. F. Liu, “Hiding multitone watermarks in halftone images,” IEEE Multimedia, vol. 17, issue 1, pp. 34-43, March 2010. (SCI impact factor: 2.258, Ranking: 13/86) (NSC 96-2622-E-011-013-CC3)
[16] J. M. Guo, “High efficiency ordered dither block truncation coding with dither array LUT and its scalable coding application,” Digital Signal Processing, vol. 20, issue 1, pp. 97-110, Jan. 2010. (SCI impact factor: 1.486, Ranking: 74/229) (NSC 96-2221-E-011-124-MY2)
[17] A. P. Buslaev, J. M. Guo, N. J. Wang, and M. V. Yashina, “Stability of moving on (2+a) chain,” Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, vol. 12, no. 1-A, pp. 55-75, 2010. (SCI impact factor: 0.614, Ranking: 66/85) (NSC 96-2221-E-011-172-MY3)
[18] J. M. Guo* and C. Y. Lin, “Complexity-reduced and contrast-enhanced halftoning with hybrid model,” International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, vol. 19, issue 4, pp. 356-361, Nov. 2009. (SCI impact factor: 0.415, Ranking: 182/229) (NSC 98-2221-E-011-097-MY2)
[19] J. M. Guo*, M. F. Wu, and Y. C. Kang, “Watermarking in Conjugate Ordered Dither Block Truncation Coding Images,” Signal Processing, vol. 89, issue 10, pp. 1864-1882, October 2009. (SCI impact factor: 1.256, Ranking: 96/229) (NSC 96-2221-E-011-172-MY3)
[20] J. M. Guo* and Y. F. Liu, “Improved dot diffusion by diffused matrix and class matrix co-optimization,” IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 18, no. 8, pp. 1804-1816, August 2009. (SCI impact factor: 3.315, Ranking: 15/229) (NSC 96-2221-E-011-124-MY2)
[21] C. H. Hsia, J. M. Guo*, and J. S. Chiang, “An Improved Low Complexity Algorithm for 2-D Integer Lifting-Based Discrete Wavelet Transform Using Symmetric Mask-Based Scheme,” IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 19, no. 8, pp. 1202-1208, August 2009. (SCI impact factor: 2.951, Ranking: 24/229) (NSC 96-2221-E-011-124-MY2)
[22] J. M. Guo and M. F. Wu, “Improved block truncation coding based on the void-and-cluster dithering approach,” IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 211-213, January 2009. (SCI impact factor: 3.315, Ranking: 15/229) (NSC 96-2221-E-011-124-MY2)
[23] J. M. Guo, “Watermarking in dithered halftone images with embeddable cells selection and inverse halftoning,” Signal Processing, vol. 88, issue 6, pp. 1496-1510, June 2008. (SCI impact factor: 1.256, Ranking: 96/229) (NSC 96-2221-E-011-124-MY2)
[24] J. M. Guo and Y. F. Liu, “License plate localization and character segmentation with feedback self-learning and hybrid-binarization techniques,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, vol. 57, no. 3, May 2008. (SCI impact factor: 1.308, Ranking: 90/229) (NSC 95-2221-E-011-218)
[25] J. M. Guo*, “Improved block truncation coding using modified error diffusion,” IET Electronics Letters, vol. 44, no. 7, pp. 462-464, March 2008. (SCI impact factor: 1.140, Ranking: 108/229) (NSC 96-2221-E-011-124-MY2)
[26] J. M. Guo*, " Improved data hiding in halftone images with cooperating pair toggling human visual system," International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 328-332, 2008. (SCI impact factor: 0.415, Ranking: 182/229) (NSC 96-2221-E-011-124-MY2)
[27] J. M. Guo* and H. Lee, "Watermarking in halftone images with mixed halftone techniques," International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 303-314, Feb. 2008. (SCI impact factor: 0.41 5, Ranking: 182/229) (NSC 96-2221-E-011-124-MY2)
[28] J. M. Guo, S. C. Pei, and H. Lee, " Paired sub-image matching watermarking method on ordered dither images and its high-quality progressive coding," IEEE Trans. Multimedia, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 16-30, Feb. 2008. (SCI impact factor: 2.288, Ranking: 13/86)(NSC 96-2221-E-011-172-MY3)
[29] J. M. Guo, “A new model-based digital halftoning and data hiding designed with LMS optimization,” IEEE Trans. Multimedia, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 687-700, July 2007. (SCI impact factor: 2.288, Ranking: 13/86) (NSC 94-2218-E-182-008)
[30] J. M. Guo, S. C. Pei, and H. Lee, "A new progressive coding scheme for halftone dithered images using bit-interleaving," Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, vol. 16, Issue 4, pp. 121-127, Feb. 2007. (SCI impact factor: 0.415, Ranking: 182/229) (NSC 94-2218-E-182-008)
[31] S. C. Pei, and J. M. Guo, “High capacity data hiding in halftone images using minimal error bit searching and least mean square filter,” IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 1665-1679, June, 2006. (SCI impact factor: 3.315, Ranking: 15/229) (NSC 93-2219-E-002-004 and NSC 93-2752-E-002-006-PAE)
[32] S. C. Pei, J. M. Guo, and H. Lee, “Novel robust watermarking techniques in dithering halftone images,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 12, Issue: 4, pp. 333-336, Apr. 2005. (SCI impact factor: 1.203, Ranking: 104/229) (NSC 93-2752-E-002-006-PAE and NSC 93-2219-E-002-004)
[33] S. C. Pei and J. M. Guo, “Hybrid pixel-based data hiding and block-based watermarking for error-diffused halftone images,” IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for video technology, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 867-884, August, 2003. (SCI impact factor: 2.951, Ranking: 24/229) (NSC 91-2219-E-002-044)
[34] S. C. Pei and J. M. Guo, “Data hiding in halftone images with noise-balanced error diffusion,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 10, Issue: 12, pp. 349-351, Dec. 2003. (SCI impact factor: 1.203, Ranking: 104/229) (NSC 91-2219-E-002-044)
[1] J. M. Guo* and Y. F. Liu, “Alteration detection and image recovery using halftone replacement prior watermark embedding,” IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Qingdao, Shandong, China, July 11-14, 2010. (NSC 98-2221-E-011-097-MY2)
[2] J. M. Guo* and Y. F. Liu, “Continuous-tone watermark hiding in halftone images,” International Asia-Pacific Web Conference, Busan, Korea, April 6-8, 2010. (NSC 98-2221-E-011-097-MY2)
[3] A. P. Buslaev, N. J. Wang, J. M. Guo, and M. V. Yashina, “On recovery of plane object shape by projects,” International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, & Pattern recognition, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 13-16, 2009. (NSC 96-2221-E-011-172-MY3)
[4] J. M. Guo* and C. Y. Lin, “Parallel and element-reduced error-diffused block truncation coding,” International Conference on Image Processing, Cairo, Eygpt, Nov. 7-10, 2009. (NSC 98-2221-E-011-097-MY2)
[5] J. M. Guo and M. F. Wu, “Watermarking in conjugate ordered dither block truncation coding images,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, May 24-27, 2009. (NSC 96-2221-E-011-124-MY2)
[6] C. H. Hsia, J. M. Guo, J. S. Chiang, and C. H. Lin, “A novel fast algorithm based on SMDWT for image applications,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, May 24-27, 2009. (NSC 96-2221-E-011-172-MY3)
[7] J. M. Guo* and J. H. Chen, “Inverse Halftoning with Variance Classified Filtering,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Taipei, Taiwan, April 19-24, 2009. (NSC 96-2221-E-011-124-MY2)
[8] J. M. Guo* and J. J. Tsai, “Reversible Data Hiding in Highly Efficient Compression Scheme,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Taipei, Taiwan, April 19-24, 2009. (NSC 96-2221-E-011-172-MY3)
[9] J. M. Guo* and Y. F. Liu, “Majority-Parity-Guided Watermarking for Block-Truncated Images,” International Conference on Information Assurance and Security, Xi’an, China, August 18-20, 2009. (NSC 96-2221-E-011-124-MY2)
[10] J. M. Guo* and J. J. Tsai, “Data Hiding in Halftone Images Using Adaptive Noise-Balanced Error Diffusion and Quality-Noise Look Up Table,” International Conference on Information Assurance and Security, Xi’an, China, August 18-20, 2009. (NSC 96-2221-E-011-124-MY2)
[11] J. M. Guo* and C. H. Chang, “Prediction-Based Watermarking Schemes for DCT-Based Image Coding,” International Conference on Information Assurance and Security, Xi’an, China, August 18-20, 2009. (NSC 96-2221-E-011-172-MY3)
[12] J. M. Guo, S. C. Pei, and H. Lee, "Watermarking in Halftone Images with Dither-Referenced and Parity-Matched Error Diffusion," The 22th IPPR Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing Conference, Nanto, Taiwan, pp. 19-26, Aug. 2009. (NSC 96-2221-E-011-124-MY2)
[13] J. M. Guo and Y. F. Liu, "Majority-Parity-Guided Watermarking for Block-Truncated images," The 22th IPPR Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing Conference, Nanto, Taiwan, pp. 27-34, Aug. 2009. (NSC 96-2221-E-011-172-MY3)
[14] J. M. Guo and J. H. Chen, "Improbed Inverse Halftoning with Adaptive Filter Sets," The 22th IPPR Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing Conference, Nanto, Taiwan, pp. 1028-1035, Aug. 2009. (NSC 96-2221-E-011-124-MY2)
[15] J. M. Guo*, “Error-diffused image security improving using overall minimal-error searching,” Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology, Tokyo, Japan, January 13-16, 2009.
[16] Y. F. Liu, J. M. Guo*, and J. D. Lee, “Inverse halftoning based on bayesian theorem,” Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology, Tokyo, Japan, January 13-16, 2009.
[17] J. M. Guo*, Yu-Quan Tzeng, and J. D. Lee, “A blind wavelet-based watermarking with detail-subband coefficients prediction,” 34th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Orlando, Florida, USA, November 10-13, 2008.
[18] J. M. Guo*, Yang-Chen Tian, and J. D. Lee, “Object matching using hybrid modified RGB color model and HRR-based background detection,” 34th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Orlando, Florida, USA, November 10-13, 2008.
[19] Y. F. Liu, J. M. Guo*, and J. D. Lee, “Inverse halftoning based on bayesian theorem,” IPPR Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing Conference, August, 2008.
[20] J. M. Guo*, Y. Q. Tzeng, and J. D. Lee, “A blind wavelet-based watermarking with detail-subband coefficients prediction,” IPPR Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing Conference, August, 2008.
[21] J. M. Guo*, Y. C. Tian, and J. D. Lee, “Object matching using hybrid modified RGB color model and HRR-based background detection,” IPPR Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing Conference, August, 2008.
[22] J. M. Guo*, C. T. Yang, and J. D. Lee, “Mean-classified and hierarchical block matching watermarking in fractal coding,” IPPR Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing Conference, August, 2008.
[23] J. M. Guo*, Y. C. Lu, and J. D. Lee, “Variance-classified capacity watermarking using discrete cosine transform,” IPPR Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing Conference, August, 2008.
[24] C. T. Yang, J. M. Guo*, and J. D. Lee, “Robust fractal-based watermarking,” National Symposium on System Science and Engineering, I-Lan, Taiwan, June 6-7, 2008.
[25] Y. C. Lu, J. M. Guo*, and J. D. Lee, “Prediction-based watermarking using discrete cosine transform,” National Symposium on System Science and Engineering, I-Lan, Taiwan, June 6-7, 2008.
[26] Y. Q. Tzeng, J. M. Guo*, and J. D. Lee, “Coefficient-prediction watermarking with wavelet transform,” National Symposium on System Science and Engineering, I-Lan, Taiwan, June 6-7, 2008.
[27] Y. C. Tian, J. M. Guo*, and J. D. Lee, “Object matching with modified color model and background detection,” National Symposium on System Science and Engineering, I-Lan, Taiwan, June 6-7, 2008.
[28] J. M. Guo*, Y. C. Lu, and J. D. Lee, “Variance-classified capacity watermarking using discrete cosine transform,” IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Harbin, China, August 15-17, 2007.
[29] J. M. Guo*, C. T. Yang, and J. D. Lee, “Mean-classified and hierarchical block matching watermarking in fractal coding,” IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Harbin, China, August 15-17, 2007.
[30] J. M. Guo, “Improved dot diffusion using optimized diffused weighting and class matrix,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processin, Las Vegas, U.S.A., March. 2008.
[31] S. C. Pei, J. M. Guo, and H. Lee, "A new progressive coding algorithm of dithered images," IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation, U.S.A., pp. 61-65, March 2004.
[32] J. M. Guo and Y. Lin, "Image compression for halftone display," IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, U.S.A., pp. 508-511, August 2004.
[33] S. C. Pei, J. M. Guo, and H. Lee, "Watermarking in halftone images with cooperating error diffusion and ordered dithering," IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, U.S.A., pp. 11-16, August 2004.
[34] S. C. Pei and J. M. Guo, "High-capacity data hiding in halftone images using minimal error bit searching," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Singapore, pp. 3463-3466, Oct. 2004.
[35] J. M. Guo, S. C. Pei, and H. Lee, "Watermarking in halftone images with parity-matched error diffusion," IEEE International Conference on Speech, Acoustics, and Signal Processing, U.S.A. pp. 825-828, March 2005.
[36] J. M. Guo, “A new digital halftoning and data hiding designed with LMS optimization,” Proceedings of the 2005 18th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing (CVGIP 2005), Taipei, August 2005.
[37] J. M. Guo and C. Y. Lin, “High efficiency and contrast enhanced halftoning with hybrid ordered dithering and error diffusion model,” Proceedings of the 2005 18th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing (CVGIP 2005), Taipei, August 2005.
[38] S. C. Pei, and J. M. Guo, “Novel data hiding and blind decoding in dithering halftone images,” Proceedings of the 2005 18th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing (CVGIP 2005), Taipei, August 2005.
[39] S. C. Pei, and J. M. Guo, “3-Step bi-Level images for multiscaling and lossless compression,” Proceedings of the 2005 18th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing (CVGIP 2005), Taipei, August 2005.
[40] J. M. Guo, “Robust Watermarking with Kernels-Alternated Error Diffusion and Weighted Lookup Table in Halftone Images,” IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, Irvine, Dec. 2005.
[41] J. M. Guo, “A new digital halftoning and data hiding designed with LMS optimization,” IEEE International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing, Thailand, pp. 1010-1015, Dec. 2005.
[42] J. M. Guo and C. Y. Lin, “High efficiency and contrast enhanced halftoning with hybrid ordered dithering and error diffusion model,” IEEE International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing, Thailand, pp. 31-35, Dec. 2005.
[43] S. C. Pei, and J. M. Guo, “Novel data hiding and blind decoding in dithering halftone images,” IEEE International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing, Thailand, pp. 1006-1009, Dec. 2005.
[44] S. C. Pei, and J. M. Guo, “3-Step bi-level images for multiscaling and lossless compression,” IEEE International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing, Thailand, pp. 886-889, Dec. 2005.
[45] C. H. Hsia, J. M. Guo, and J. S. Chiang, “Complexity reduction for 2-D integer lifting-based DWT using symmetric mask scheme,” IPPR Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing Conference, pp. 1040-1047 , August 2006.
[46] J. M. Guo and Y. F. Liu, “License plate localization and character segmentation with feedback self-learning and hybrid-binirization techniques,” IPPR Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing Conference, pp. 943-949, August 2006.
[47] J. M. Guo and S. C. Pei, “Watermarking in halftone images with kernels-alternated error diffusion and haar wavelet transform ,” IPPR Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing Conference, pp. 461-467, August 2006.
[48] J. M. Guo and S. C. Pei, “High payload complementary steganography in error-diffused block truncation coding images,” IPPR Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing Conference, pp. 282-289 , August 2006.
[49] J. M. Guo and J. H. Chen, “High Efficiency Digital Halftoning with Two-Element Error Kernel,” IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, GA, U.S.A. pp. 1501-1504, Oct. 2006.
[50] J. M. Guo, “A complete printer model in error-diffused halftoning,” IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, GA, U.S.A. pp. 1529-1532, Oct. 2006.
[51] J. M. Guo and Y. F. Liu, “Multi-tone watermark hiding in halftone images,” IPPR Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing Conference, August, 2007.
[52] J. M. Guo and J. H. Chen, “Quality compressed watermarking using hidden referenced halftoning,” IPPR Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing Conference, August, 2007.
[53] J. M. Guo, “Improved pair toggling data hiding by cooperating human visual system in halftone images,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Hawaii, Honolulu, U.S.A. pp. II-285-288, April 2007.
[54] J. M. Guo and J. H. Chen, “Watermarking in halftone images with kernels-alternated error diffusion and Haar Wavelet Transform,” IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo, Beijing, China, pp. 623-626, July 2007.
[55] J. M. Guo and Y. F. Liu, “License plate localization and character segmentation with feedback self-learning and hybrid-binarization techniques,” IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference (TENCON 2007), Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 2007.
[56] J. M. Guo, “Complementary steganography in error-diffused block truncation coding images,” IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Nov. 2007.
[57] C. H. Hsia, J. M. Guo, and J. S. Chiang, “Complexity reduction for 2-D integer lifting-based DWT using symmetric mask scheme,” IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, Dec. 2007.
[58] J. M. Guo and J. H. Chen, “Quality compressed watermarking using hidden referenced halftoning,” IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, Dec, 2007.
[1] 郭景明“多色階浮水印隱藏技術於列印圖像之應用”,國科會小產學計畫成果報告,(NSC 96-2622-E-011-013-CC3),2008年10月。
[2] 郭景明“智慧型家庭的開發-子計畫六:智慧型家庭中監測整合(整合型三年期計畫之第一年)”,國科會專題計畫成果報告,(NSC 96-2221-E-011-172-MY3),2008年8月。
[3] 郭景明“熱感應式印表機列印效率及品質改善計畫”,產學合作計畫成果報告,2008年3月。
[4] 郭景明“資通訊人才培育計畫-居家保全”,教育部計畫成果報告,2008年2月。
[5] 郭景明“智慧校園之發展-智慧校園監控系統”,國科會專題計畫成果報告, (NSC95-2221-E-011-218),2006 年8 月。
[6] 郭景明“數位浮水印技術於數位監視系統之應用”,國科會產學合作計畫成果報告,(NSC94-2622-E-011-025-CC3),2007 年3 月。
[7] 郭景明“調適性雜訊平衡式錯誤擴散法於半色調影像之資料隱藏應用”,國科會專題計畫成果報告,(NSC94-2218-E-182-008),2005 年8 月。
[8] 郭景明“自動化人臉辨識系統”, V-Tech Co., Ltd. 產學合作計畫成果報告, 2005 年8 月。