高等精密量測學,精密量測學,製造學,微細製造 量測與實務,精密量測實習,圖學,機械製圖,基礎Pro/E
1. K. C. Fan and F. J. Shiou, “An Optical Flatness Measurement System for Medium-sizedSurface Plates,” Precision Engineering, Vol.21, No. 1, pp.1-11, 1997 (SCI, EI).
2. Shiou, F. J., Pfeifer, T., “Strategies and Processes to Measure the Dimensional Geometry of Sheet Metal Parts for Exact Laser Cutting”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 19, pp. 106-116, 2002, (SCI, EI NSC88-2212-E-011-030).
3. Shiou, F. J., Lin, Y. F., ” Calculation of the Normal Vector Using the 3x3 Mask Moving Method for the Free Form Surface Measurement ant Its Application ”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 19, pp. 516-524, 2002, (SCI, EI, NSC89-2623-D-011-001).
4. Shiou, F. J., Chen, C. H., “Determination of Optimal Ball Burnishing Parameters for Plastic Injection Mold Steel”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 177-185, 2003, (SCI, EI, NSC89-2212-E-011-059).
5. Shiou, F. J., Chen, M. J., “Possible Intermittent Measurement of a Free-Form Surface Profile with a Circular Triangulation Laser Probe on a Machining Center”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 21, No.5, pp. 365-376, 2003, (SCI, EI, NSC90-2212-E-011-027).
6. Shiou, F. J., Chen, C. H., “Freeform surface finish of plastic injection mold by using ball-burnishing process,” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol. 140, pp. 248-254, 2003 (SCI, EI, NSC89-2212-E-011-059).
7. Shiou, F.J., Lin, Y. F., Chang, K.H., “Determination of the Optimal Parameters for Freeform Surface Measurement and Data Processing in Reverse Engineering”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 21, No. 9, pp. 678-690, 2003, (SCI, EI).
8. Fan, K. C., Wang, H., Shiou, F. J., Ke, C. W., “Development of a 3D Laser Ball Bar for the Volumetric Error Measurement of Multi-axis Machines,” Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (NAMRI/SME), vol. XXXI, pp. 249-256, 2003.
9. Shiou, F. J., Gao, J. S., “Effect of Slice Thickness on the Profile Accuracy of Model Maker Rapid Prototyping Measured by a Circular Triangulation Laser Probe”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 22, No. 9, pp. 796-804, 2003, (SCI, EI, NSC91-2212-E-011-033).
10. Shiou, F. J., Chen, M. J., “Intermittent hybrid measurement system on the machining centre,” International Journal of Production Research, vol. 41, No. 18, pp. 4403-4427, 2003, (SCI, EI, NSC90-2212-E-011-027).
11. Shiou, F. J., Chen, Chao-Chang A., Li, Wen-Tu, “Automated surface finishing of plastic injection mold steel with spherical grinding and ball burnishing processes”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2004 (accepted), (SCI, EI).
1. K. C. Fan and F. J. Shiou, "A Parallel Beam Scanning System for Flatness Measurement of Thin Plates", Proc. of the 2nd Int. ISMTII'93 Conf., SPIE, China Wuhan, pp.42-53, (1993.11).
2. 修芳仲,「非接觸雷射探頭整合於工具機做自由取面資料取樣之研究」中國機械工程學會第十六屆全國學術研討會 , 新竹,1999 .
3. Shiou, F. J., Pfeifer, T., “Strategies and Processes to Measure the Dimensional Geometry and Deformations of Sheet Metal Parts for Exact Laser Cutting”, Proc. Of the 6th Int. Conference on Automation Technology, May 9-11, 2000
4. 修芳仲, 林義富:「九點視窗移動法計算法向量作自由曲面量測之研究」中國機械工程學會第十七屆全國學術研討會, 高雄,2000
5. 范光照,修芳仲,柯智偉,「三維雷射追蹤球桿之研製」中國機械工程學會第十七屆全國學術研討會,高雄,2000
6. 修芳仲,陳明俊,「三角雷射探頭之量測不確定度分析及其在工具機上做自由曲面之加工間量測」,第十二屆全國自動化學術研討會, 國立虎尾技術學院 ,2001.
7. 修芳仲,張國輝,「二維低通濾波器在自由曲面逆向工程點資料平滑化處理之應用」,第十二屆全國自動化學術研討會, 國立虎尾技術學院,2001.
8. 修芳仲,陳建樺,「以田口式實驗法作球擠光加工之參數最佳化」中國機械工程學會第十八屆全國學術研討會,台北,2001.
9. 修芳仲,楊景焜,「鋼材精製面之非接觸式表面粗糙度量測系統研究」中國機械工程學會第十八屆全國學術研討會,台北,2001
9. Shiou, F. J. and Chen, M. J., “Possible intermittent hybrid measurement system containing contact and non-contact probe on a CNC machining center”, Proceedings of the Int. Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Education in the 21th
Century, August 11-14, National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan, 2002
10. 修芳仲,邱如德,「以球擠光與拋光製程對PDS5 塑膠模壓鑄用鋼之表面精加工研究」,中國機械工程學會第十九屆全國學術研討會,雲林縣虎尾技術學院,2002.
11. 修芳仲,吳佳聰,「以影像處理系統作微鑽頭之磨耗檢測」,中國機械工程學會第十九屆全國學術研討會,雲林縣虎尾技術學院,2002.
12. Shiou, F. J., Gao, J. S., “Effect of Slice Thickness on the Profile Accuracy of Model Maker Rapid Prototyping”, Proc. of the 6th Int. Conference on Mechatronics Technology (ICMT 2002), Sep. 29-Oct. 3, 2002.
13. 林鴻鈞,修芳仲,「二行程引擎活塞裙部形狀圓周方向偏差量測之研究」,中國機械工程學會第二十屆全國學術研討會,國立台灣大學,2003.
14. 修芳仲,陳信宏,蔡青憲,「環形三角雷射探頭系統整合於四軸量測機台做小元件之三維輪廓量測」,第三屆精密機械製造研討會,高雄,國立中山大學,2003.
15. Shiou, F. J., Tsai, C. H., “Reverse Engineering Measurement of Small Objects on a 4-axis PC-based Measurement Machine”, Proc. of the 7th Int. Conference on Mechatronics Technology (ICMT 2003), Dec. 2-6, Taipei, Taiwan, 2003.
16. Shiou, F. J., Chen, Chao-Chang A., Li, Wen-Tu, “Automated surface finishing of plastic injection mold steel by using grinding and ball burnishing processes on the machine tool”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICoPE 2003/4), March 2-5, Singapore, 2004.
17. Shiou, F. J., Wu, Chia-Tsung, Chen, Chao-Yang, “Development of a computer vision flank wear measurement system for microdrills”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mechanical Measurements (ISPMM’2004), Aug. 24-28, Beijing, China, 2004.
18. 修芳仲,鄭至雄,徐智誠,「以球擠光與拋光製程於鏡面鋼材模仁之自動化表面精加工研究」,中國機械工程學會第二十一屆全國學術研討會,國立中山大學,高雄,台灣,2004.
19. 修芳仲,方建智,呂哲瑋,「於多軸CNC 雕刻機作氧化鋯全瓷內冠義齒之逆向工程及最佳研磨參數研究」,中國機械工程學會第二十一屆全國學術研討會,國立中山大學,高雄,台灣,2004.
20. 修芳仲,鄭境明,「對模具用鋼之表面施以球擠光與電鍍加工製程,並利用田口方法作拋光加工之最佳參數決定」,中國機械工程學會第二十一屆全國學術研討會,國立中山大學,高雄,台灣,2004.
1. 修芳仲,「SMC 試片表面特性量測法研究」 國立臺灣大學碩士論文 (1990) .
2. Shiou, F.J.,( 1998), “Strategien und Messverfahren zur Erfassung dimensioneller
Bauteilgroessen fuer die Laserbearbeitung”, dissertation, RWTH-Aachen
3. 修芳仲,「三次元量測儀量測及模擬雷射切割三維加工路徑研究」,國科會專題研究計畫成果報告,1999.
4. 修芳仲,「大型三次元量床統合性自動化校正技術開發」,國科會專題研究計畫成果報告,2000.
5. 修芳仲,「塑膠模具用鋼之球擠光加工研究」,國科會專題研究計畫成果報告,2001
6. 修芳仲,「接觸式探頭與接觸式探頭整合於CNC 工具機之混合量測研究」,國科會專題研究計畫成果報告,2002
7. 修芳仲,「環形三角雷射探頭系統整合於四軸量測機台做小元件之三維輪廓量測」,國科會專題研究計畫成果報告,2003
8. 修芳仲,「CNC 雕刻機之多軸非接觸式量測系統與牙醫用陶瓷加工研究」,