2009 有庠科技論文獎
2009 曾任或現任13 種 SCI 期刊審查委員
2008 台灣科技大學教學優良獎
2007 台灣科技大學研究與創作優良獎
2006 電信國家型計畫NTP期中執行績效最佳團隊
2005 中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會會員
2004 中國電機工程師學會優秀青年電機工程師獎
1999 中華民國光學工程學會青年學術獎
1999 宏碁基金會龍騰博士論文獎
1999 經濟部中心企業研究博士論文獎 (R&D類)
1999 教育部產學問題研究 博士論文獎
1998 中華電信公司研究與教學獎第一名
- A. Povolotskiy, T. Ivanova, A. Manshina, Y. Tver’yanovich, S.-K. Liaw and C.L. Chang, “Er3+ as glass structure modifier of Ga–Ge–S chalcogenide system”, Appl Phys A no. 96, pp. 887–891, July 2009.
- K.-C. Hsu, N.-K. Chen, S.-Y. Chou, S.-K. Liaw, Y. Lai and S. Chi, “Wideband tunable Gaussian-shaped spectral filters based on dispersion-engineering”, Optical Fiber Technology, vol. 15, pp.373-376, June 2009.
- K.-C. Hsu, N.-K. Chen, S.-Y. Chou, S.-K. Liaw, Y. Lai and S. Chi, “Bandpass filter with variable bandwidth based on at tapered fiber with external polymer cladding”, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. vol. 21, no.13, pp. 935-937, July 2009.
- S.-Y. Chou, K.-C. Hsu, N.-K. Chen, S.-K Liaw, Y.-S. Chih, Y. Lai, and S. Chi, “Analysis of thermo-optic tunable dispersion-engineered short- wavelength-pass tapered-fiber filters,” IEEE/OSA J. of Lightwave Technology, vol. 27, no. 13, pp. 2208-2215, July 2009. (SCI)
- S.-K. Liaw, L. Dou, A Xu and Y.-S. Huang, “Optimally gain-flattened and dispersion-managed C + L-band hybrid amplifier using a single-wavelength pump laser”, Optics Communications, no. 282, pp. 4087–4090, 2009.
- S.-K. Liaw, I. G. Lai, C. L Chang and Oliver Sung, "AWG-based WDM PON monitoring system using an optical switch and a WDM filter”, Laser Physics Journal, vol. 18, no.9, pp.1052-1055, 2008. (SCI)
- S.-K. Liaw, K.-L. Hong and Y.-S. Shei, "Real-time monitoring implement in a remote-pumped WDM PON", Laser Physics Journal, vol. 18, no.8, pp.992-995, 2008. (SCI)
- S.-K. Liaw and Y.-S. Huang, “C+L band hybrid amplifier using FBGs for dispersion compensation and power equalisation”, Electronics Letters, vol. 44, no. 14, pp.844-846, 2008. (SCI)
- N.-K. Chen, K.-C. Hsu, S.-K. Liaw, Yinchieh Lai and S. Chi, “Influence of depressed-index outer ring on evanescent tunneling loss in tapered double-cladding fibers”, Optics Letters, vol. 13, no. 15, 1666-1668, August, 200 8. (SCI)
- S.-K. Liaw, G.-S. Jhong, L.-T. Cho and C.-L. Chang, ”Implementation of tunable erbium doped fiber laser using a broadband fiber mirror”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.50, no.7, pp.1722-1724, July, 2008. (SCI)
- S.-K. Liaw, K.-L. Hung, G.-S. Jhong, T. Yu. Ianova, A.A. Manshin and Yu.S. Tveryanovich, “Pump slope-improved fiber ring laser by recycling the residual pump power”, vol. 18, no.9, pp. 1040-1043, 2008. Laser Physics Journal. (SCI)
- S.-K. Liaw and K.-L. Hong, “Inclination sensing based on fiber ring laser and fiber Bragg grating with precise resolution", Laser Physics Journal, vol. 18, no.9, pp.1044-1047, 2008. (SCI)
- S.-K. Liaw, C.-K. Huang and Y.-L. Hsiao, “Parallel-type C+L band hybrid amplifier pumped by 1480 nm laser diodes", Laser Physics Letters, vol.5, no.7, pp.543-546, 2008. (SCI)
- S.-K. Liaw, Y.-S. Hsieh, W.-L. Cheng, C.-L. Chang and H.-F. Ting, “Bi-directional reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer with power compensated using built-in optical amplifiers”, OSA J. of Optical Networking, vol. 7, no. 7, pp. 622-671, 2008. (SCI)
- S.-K. Liaw and G.-S. Jhong, “Tunable fiber laser using a broadband fiber mirror and a tunable FBG as laser-cavity ends”, IEEE J. Quantum Electronics, vol. 44, no.6, pp.520-527, June 2008. (SCI)
- S.-K. Liaw, K.-L. Hung, Y.-T. Lin, C.-C. Chiang and C.-S Shin, “C-Band continuously tunable lasers using tunable fiber Bragg gratings”, Optics and Laser Technology, vol. 39, pp. 1214-1217, 2007. (SCI)
- L. Dou, S.-K. Liaw, M. Li, Y.-T. Lin and A. Xu, “Parameters optimization of high efficiency discrete Raman fiber amplifier by using the coupled steady-state equations”, Optics Comm. vol. 273, pp.149-152, January 2007. (SCI)
- S.-K. Liaw, W.-Y. Jang, C.-J. Wang and K.-L. Hung, “Pump efficiency improvement of a C-Band tunable fiber laser using optical circulator and tunable fiber gratings”, Applied Optics. vol.46, No.12, pp.2280-2285, April 2007. (SCI)
- S.-K. Liaw, C.-J. Wang, S.-H. Chen and Y.-T. Lin, “Reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer with 8.0 Db net gain using dual-pass amplified scheme”, IEICE Trans. Comm. vol. E90-B, no. 8, pp. 2016-2021, August 2007. (SCI)
- S.-K. Liaw, L. Dou and A. Xu, “Fiber-Bragg-grating -based dispersion- compensated and gain-flattened Raman fiber amplifier”, Optics Express, vol.19, no. 15, pp. 12356-12361, 2007. (SCI)
- C.-S. Shin, C.-C. Chiang and S.-K. Liaw, “Comparison of single and double cladding long period fiber grating sensor using an intensity modulation interrogation system”, Optics Comm. vol.1, no.258, pp. 23-29, 2006. (SCI)
- C.-S. Shin, C.-C. Chiang, C.-H. Lin and S.K. Liaw, “Temperature compensated fiber Bragg grating using fiber reinforced polymeric composites”, J. the Chinese Institute of Engineer.vol.29, no.3, pp.519-526, 2006 (SCI).
- L. Dou, M. Li, G. Li, A. Xu, D. Lan and S.-K Liaw, “Improvement in characteristics of a distributed Raman fiber amplifier by using signal-pump double-pass scheme”, Optical Engineering, vol. 45, No. 094201, pp.1-4, Sept. 2006. (SCI)
- M. Li, D. Liang, A. Xu, C.-K. Huang, Y.-G. Lai and S.-K. Liaw, “Performance enhancement of C+L band EDFA by recycling the residual pump lasers”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. vol. 48, no.10, pp. 1953-1955, 2006. (SCI)
- S.-K. Liaw, I.-G. Lai, M.-H. Chang and Y.-G. Lai, “High dynamic range C+L band variable optical attenuator using a tilted angle shutter" Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. vol.48, no.5, pp.1000-1002, 2006 (SCI)
- S.-K. Liaw, C.-K. Huang, L.-C. Mau, H.-X. Cao, J.-B. Horng and K.-P. Ho, “Low noise-figure miniature erbium-doped fiber amplifier using uncooled pump laser", Optical and Quantum Electronics. vol. 38, no. 7, pp. 625-631, 2006 (SCI).
- J.-A. Huang; K.-P. Ho; H.-K. Chen; S.-K. Liaw, and H.-C. Wang “Impacts of nonlinear phase noise to DPSK signals: experimental verification of a simplified theoretical model", IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. vol.17, no.10, pp.2236-2238, 2005. (SCI)
- S.-K. Liaw, F.-C. Hung, Z. Xu, Y. Jiao, T. Qin, H. Zhang, Y. Guo, X. Zheng, “Wavelength tuning and multiple wavelengths array waveguide grating Lasers,” Optical Engineering., vol.42, no. 8, pp. 2178-2179, 2003. (SCI)
- S.-K. Liaw, K.-P. Ho and Y.-F. Chiang, “Polarization control technique to reduce power penalty in tri-directional transmission systems,” Fiber and Integrated Optics, vol. 22, pp. 275-282, 2003. (SCI)
- S.-K. Liaw and K.-P. Ho, “Reduction of power penalty in bidirectional wavelength reused lightwave system using polarization-control technology”, IEICE Trans. on Comm., vol. E86-B, No.5, pp.1585-1590, May 2003. (SCI)
- S.-K. Liaw, Z.-M. Hung and C.-F. Chen, “Reconfigurable optical cross-connect devices for optical information interchange in optical switching networks, Optical Memory & Neural Networks, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 165-171, 2002. (SCI)
- C.-K. Liu, J.-J. Jou, S.-K. Liaw, and H.-C. Lee, "Computer-aided analysis of transients in fiber lasers and gain-clamped fiber amplifiers in ring and line configurations through a circuit simulator," Optics Comm., vol. 209, pp. 427-436, Aug., 2002. (SCI)
- S.-K. Liaw, S.-L. Tzeng and Y.-J. Hung, "Rayleigh backscattering induced power penalty on bidirectional wavelength reuse fiber systems”, Optics Communications 188, pp. 63-67, February 2001. (SCI)
- S.-K. Liaw, H.-Y. Tseng, S. Chi, Y.-J. Hung and K.-Y. Hsu, “Dynamic power-equalized fiber laser arrays using strain tunable pump reflectors” Optics and Lasers in Engineering, vol. 33, no.7, pp.231-235, 2000. (SCI)
- S.-K. Liaw, H.-Y. Tseng and S. Chi, “Parallel pump-shared linear-cavity lasers array using 980 nm pump reflectors or N pieces of gain fibers as self-equalizers,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 12, no.1, pp.19-21, 2000. (SCI)
- K.-P. Ho, S.-K. Liaw and F.-K. Tong, “Bidirectional single-fiber multiwavelength ring networks,” IEICE Trans. on Communications., vol. E83-B, no. 10, pp. 2245-2252, October 2000. (SCI)
- S.-K. Liaw, S. Chi and H.-Y. Tseng, “Fiber-grating-based optical limiting amplifier module for dual-wavelength, hybrid data rate transmission,” Fiber and Integrated Optics, vol. 19, pp. 19-23, 2000. (SCI)
- S.-K. Liaw, C.-C. Lee, K.-P. Ho, C.-Y. Chen, S. Chi and Y.-K. Chen, “Dynamically wavelength-switching, gain-equal and high SNR fiber Bragg gratings ring laser,” CLEO’98, San Francisco, CA, paper CThO48
- S.-K. Liaw, O. Seung, C.-L. Lai, Y.-L. Yu, K.-C. Hsu and N.-K. Chen, “L band tunable fiber laser based on mirror reflector and tunable fiber gratings", CLEO/PR 2009, Shanghai, China, paper no. 1091.
- S.-K. Liaw, W.-L. Cheng, Y.-S. Hsieh, C.-L. Chang and H.-F. Ting, “Power compensated bi-directional reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer using built-in optical amplifier”, 2008 Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC2008), Paper No. JWA39, San Diego, CA, USA2008.
- S.-K. Liaw, G.-S. Jhong, Yu. S. Tver’yanovich and M. Alina, "C-band tunable fiber laser based on broadband fiber mirror as laser cavity ends" Paper No. 621-081, The International Conference on "Wireless and Optical Communications"(WOC 2008). Quebec city, Quebec, Canada.
- S.-K. Liaw, K.-P. Ho, C.-K. Huang, Y.-L. Hsiao and Y.-T. Lai, “Broadband hybrid EDFA/RFA using a single-wavelength pump laser” Paper No. 621-069, The International Conference on "Wireless and Optical Communications"(WOC 2008). Quebec city, Quebec, Canada.
- S.-K. Liaw, K.-L. Hong and G.-S.. Jhong, “Improved pump efficiency fiber Ring laser by recycling the residual pumping power”, submitted to 2008 Optoelectronic and Communication Conference 208 (ECOC2008).
- Y. S. Hsieh, S.-K. Liaw, Y.-T. Lai, C.-L. Chang and Oliver Shan, “Real time monitoring in a WDM PON based on array waveguide grating incorporated a DWDM filter”, 2008 Optoelectronic and Communication Conference (OECC2008).7-10 July 2008 Sydney, Australia.
- S.-K. Liaw, K. L. Hong, G.-S. Jhong and C.L. lee. ”Residual pumping power reused in fiber ring laser for pump slope improvement”, 2008 Optoelectronic and Communication Conference (OECC2008). 7-10 July 2008 Sydney, Australia. Paper No. 1-2.
- N.K.Chen, K.C. Hsu, S.-K. Liaw, Y. Lai and S.Chi, “Highly wavelength- dependent evanescent tunneling loss in dispersion-engineered tapered double-cladding fibers,” IEEE LEOS 2008 annual meeting, Paper Number: ThU 3, CA, USA.
- S.-K.Liaw, Y.S.Huang, N.K.Chen and K.C. Hsu, “Dispersion Management and Gain Flattened a hybrid EDFA/RFA in Pumping Recycling Mechanism”, IEEE LEOS 2008 annual meeting, Paper Number: TuX 3, CA, USA.
- S.-K. Liaw, K.-Lun Hong, Y.-S. Shei, N.-K. Chen and K.-C. Hsu, “Remote-pumped integrated real-time monitoring in a WDM-PON”, paper no. conf195a195, IEEE Global@Singapore 2008.
- S.-K. Liaw, L. Dou, M. Li, Y.-T. Lin and A. Xu, "Characteristic Optimization of Discrete Raman Fiber Amplifier by Using the Coupled Steady-State Equations" Paper No. 565-107, The International Conference on "Wireless and Optical Communications"(WOC 2007). Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
- S.-K. Liaw, W.Y. Jang, C.-J. Wang, K. L. Hung and T.-F. Wu, “High pumping efficiency tunable fiber laser based on optical circulator and fiber Bragg gratings", Paper No. 565-106, The International Conference on "Wireless and Optical Communications"(WOC 2007). Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
- C.-L. Lee, R.-K.Lee and S.-K. Liaw, “Design of dispersionless fiber Bragg grating filters by using Lagrange multiplier constrained optimization algorithm”, The 12th Optoelectronics and Communication Conference (OECC’2007), Yokohama, Japan, paper No. 12P-20.
- S.-K. Liaw, K.-L. Hung, G.-S. Jhong, L.-T. Cho, Y.-T. Lin and C.-C. Lee, “Wavelength tunable fiber laser using broadband fiber mirror integrated tunable fiber Bragg gratings”, The 12th Optoelectronics and Communication Conference (OECC’2007), Yokohama, Japan, paper No. 13P-18.
- L. Dou, A. Xu, S.-K. Liaw, C.-L. Chang and Y.-S. Huang, “Dispersion compensated and gain flattened Raman fiber amplifier using cascaded fiber Bragg gratings”, paper No. THP-6, 5th IEEE workshop on fibers and optical passive components (WFOPC 2007), Taipei Taiwan 2007.
- L. Dou, M. Li, Z. Li, A. Xu, C.-Y. David Lan and S.-K. Liaw, "Parameters optimization of a high efficiency discrete Raman fiber amplifier," to be presented in SPIE Asia-Pacific Optical Communications, Wuhan, China, 2007.
- S.-K. Liaw, G.-S. Jhong, C.-L. Chang, Y.-S. Hsieh and Jimmy Chen, “Tunable fiber laser based on broadband fiber mirror and tunable fiber Bragg gratings as fiber cavity ends”, paper No. F2A-5, 5th IEEE workshop on fibers and optical passive components (WFOPC 2007), Taipei Taiwan 2007.
- K.-L. Hong, S.-K. Liaw and C.-S. Shin”, Fiber Bragg gratings based ring laser for precisely inclination sensing”, paper No. W2A-4, 5th IEEE workshop on fibers and optical passive components (WFOPC 2007), Taipei Taiwan 2007.
- X. Zheng, X. Yu, H. Zhang, Y.-T. Lin and S.-K. Liaw, “Optical generation of tunable microwave by using PSRF and M-Z modulator”, OECC2006, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, paper PD-06.
- S.-K. Liaw, K.-P. Ho, C.-K. Huang, H.-C. Wang and Y.-T. Lai, “Hybrid C+L band EDFA/RFA with shared 1480 nm pump laser”, OECC2006, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 4P-016.
- S.-K. Liaw, M. H. Chang, C.-J. Wang, W.-L. Cheng, X. Zheng and H. Zhang, “Dual-pass amplified reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer with 8.0 dB net gain”, OECC2006, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, paper 6E1-4.
- D. Liang, M. Li, Z. Li, A. Xu, C.-Y. Lan, Y.-T. Lai and S.-K. Liaw, “Characteristics imporvement of Raman fiber amplifier by using signal/pump double pass scheme” OECC2006, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, paper 4P-011.
- M. Li, D. Liang, A. Xu, C.-K. Huang, Y.-L. Hsiao and S.-K. Liaw, “Characteristics improvement of C+L band EDFA by recycling the residual pump power”, OECC2006, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, paper 4P-010.
- S.-K. Liaw, C.-C. Chiang, C.-S. Shin, G.-H. Chung and K.-L. Hung, “High performance ring-cavity tunable lasers based on fiber Bragg gratings”, The six International Joint Conf. on Information and Computing (JCIS2006), Kaohsoung, Taiwan, paper PNC-12.
- S.-K. Liaw, K.-P. Ho, C.-K. Huang, W.-T. Chen and Y.-L. Hsiao, “Investigate C+L band EDFA/Raman amplifiers by using the same pump lasers”, The six International Joint Conf. on Information and Computing (JCIS2006), JCIS2006, Kaohsoung, Taiwan, paper PNC-11.
- C.C. Chiang, C.S. Shan and S.K. Liaw, “An intensity modulation based high-speed and high-resolution long-period fiber grating sensor interrogating system,” No. 6377-30, Optics East 2006, Boston, MA, USA.
- S.-K.Liaw, C.Chiang and C.S. Shan, “Reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer with 8.0 dB net gain using double pass amplified scheme”, No.6389-44, Optics East 2006, Boston, MA, USA
- S.-K. Liaw, Y.-G. Lai, M.-H. Jang and T.-F. Wu, “High-dynamic-range variable optical attenuator using a titled-angle movable shutter”, OECC2005, Seoul, Korea, Paper No. 5E2-4.
- C.-S. Shin, C.-H. Lin, C.-C. Chiang, C.-J. Wang, and S.-K. Liaw, “Temperature compensated fiber Bragg grating using fiber reinforced polymeric composites”, OECC2005, Seoul, Korea, Paper No.8D2-5.
- S.-K. Liaw, C.-K. Huang, L.-C. Mau, H.-X. Cao and J.-B. Horng, “Temperature independent mini-size erbium-doped fiber amplifiers with low noise-figure”, IQEC/CLEO-PR 2005, Tokyo, Japan, Paper No. 00836.
- S.-K. Liaw, M. H. Chang and C.-J. Wang, “Reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer with 23.5 dB gain using dual pass amplification scheme”, IQEC/CLEO-PR 2005, Tokyo, Japan, Paper No. 00827.
- S.-K. Liaw, H.-H. Liao, H.-H. Chi, Y.-J. Liu and J.-S. Ko, “Tunable fiber grating based active optical add/drop multiplexer with 15.2 dB gain, The 9th Optoelectronics and Communication Conference (OECC’2004), Yokohama, Japan, paper 13P-105, pp. 320-321.
- S.-K. Liaw, H.-C. Chen, Y-C. Lai, and Y.-J. Liu and J.-S. Ko, “C-band continuously tunable lasers based on fiber Bragg gratings, The 9th Optoelectronics and Communication Conference (OECC’2004), Yokohama, Japan, paper 13P-89, pp. 288-289.
- Z. Xu, Y. Jiao, T. Qin, S.-K. Liaw, F.-C. Hung, H. Zhang, Y. Guo, X. Zheng, “Array Waveguide Grating Based Fiber Lasers,” The 8th Optoelectronics and Communication Conference (OECC’2003), Shanghai, China, Shanghai.,pp. 507-508
- S. –K. Liaw, F.-C. Hung, Y.-F. Chiang, Y.-M. Liu, J.-W. Liaw, H. Zhang, “Gain flattened Raman fiber amplifier using parameter optimization and DCF fiber,” The 8th Optoelectronics and Communication Conference (OECC’2003), Shanghai, China, pp. 493-494, 2003.
- S.-K. Liaw, S.-C. Liu, C.-K. Liu, C.-F. Chen, K.-H. Lin and C.-Z. Nee, “Gain-flattened optical amplifier using strain-tunable fiber grating filters”, Conference of Optics in Computing 2002, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC., paper PTuB7.
- S.-K. Liaw, S.-C. Liu and K.-P. Ho “Polarization-controlled wavelength-reused bidirectional transmission, The 7th Optoelectronics and Communication Conference (OECC’2002), Yokohama, JP, paper 10P-14.
- S.-K. Liaw, C.-M. Hung, S.-C. Liu, C.-W. Hsiao and T.-F. Wu, “Experimental demonstration of a 3x3 optical cross-connect device using strain-tunable fiber gratings, The 7th Optoelectronics and Communication Conference (OECC’2002), Yokohama, JP, paper 9B2-3.
- S.-K. Liaw, B. Z. Lo and S. Chi, “Simultaneously dispersion compensation and gain flattened signals in a lightwave system using grating based amplifiers”, SCI’2001, Orlando, FL, USA. (withdraw)
- S.-K. Liaw and C.-C Yang, “Wavelength-selective NxN optical cross-connect devices using strain-tunable fiber Bargg gratings”, Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics, Pacific Rim, CLEO/PR2001, Chiba, Japan, paper ThI2-5, II692~693.
- S.-K. Liaw, S.-L. Tzeng and Y.-J. Hung, “Power penalty induced by Rayleigh backscattering in a bi-directional wavelength reused system,” Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics, CLEO’2001, Baltimore, MY, paper CThL54.
- S.-K. Liaw and S. Chi, “Possible impairments on fiber-Bragg gratings-based optical cross-connect devices,” International Photonics Conference 2000, (IPC2000), Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, ROC., paper Th-T2-P011.paper F-T4-G006.
- H.-Y. Tzeng, S.-K. Liaw and S. Chi, “Power-equalized fiber-Bragg- grating-based fiber lasers using parameter-adjustment,” International Photonics Conference 2000, (IPC’2000), Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, ROC., paper Th-T2- P011.paper Th-T2-D006.
- S.-K. Liaw, K.-P. Ho, L.-K. Chen, F. Tong and S. Chi, “Fiber Bragg gratings based multiwavelength cross-connect device with high dynamic range, “, 1999 Conference on Optical Fiber Communication, OFC’1999, San Diego, CA, USA. paper WM42.
- K.-P. Ho, S.-K. Liaw, and F. F.-K. Tong, “Bidirectional multiwavelength ring networks: Performance analysis and experimental studies,”' IEEE 1999 International Conference on Communications, (ICC’1999), Vancouver, Canada, June 6-10, 1999, paper S51.5.
- Y.-K. Chen, C.-C. Lee, S.-K. Liaw, C.-S. Wang and Y.-K. Tu, “Wavelength conversion by erbium-doped fiber ring cavity with fiber grating,” in Proc. LEOS’97, (IEEE) paper MK3, 1997.
- S.-K. Liaw, C.-C. Lee, Y.-K. Chen, K.-P. Ho and S. Chi, “Chirped-fiber grating integrated optical limiting amplifier for dispersion compensation,” in Proc. LEOS’97, (IEEE) paper MC3, 1997.
- C.-.C. Lee, Y.-K. Chen, S.-K. Liaw, F.-Y. Tsai, C.-S. Wang, Y.-K. Tu, “Single-longitudinal-mode fiber laser by using passive multiple-ring-cavity technique,” CLEO’98, San Francisco, CA, paper ThO47.
- Y.-K. Chen, S.-K. Liaw and C.-C. Lee, “Multiwavelength dynamically selective cross-connect based on fiber Bragg gratings and optical switches,” CLEO’98, San Francisco, CA, paper CWT4, 1998.
- S.-K.Liaw, K. -P. Ho and S. Chi, “Proposed fiber Bragg gratings integrated optical switches for wavelengths cross-connect in WDM networks,” in Proc. LEOS’98, (IEEE) paper FE1, 1998.
- Y.-K. Chen, C.-C. Lee, S.-K. Liaw, C.-H. Chang and Y.-K. Tu, “Large nonblocking multi- wavelength cross-connects based on fiber Bragg gratings for WDM networks,” in International Photonics Conference 1998, IPC’98.(SPIE Taiwan chapter).
- C.-.C. Lee, Y.-K. Chen, S.-K. Liaw, F.-Y. Tsai, C.-S. Wang, Y.-K. Tu, “Single- longitudinal-mode fiber laser by using passive multiple-ring-cavity technique,” in International Photonics Conference 1998, IPC’98. (SPIE Taiwan chapter).
- K.-P. Ho and S.-K. Liaw, “Multiwavelength WDM source generated by four- wave-mixing in a dispersion-shifted-fiber,” in International Photonics Conference 1998, IPC’98. (SPIE Taiwan chapter).
- S.-K. Liaw, Y.-K. Chen and C.-C. Lee, “System demonstration of four-channel wavelength tunable WDM add/drop multiplexer using an optical-switch pair and fiber Bragg gratings,” OFC’98, San Jose, CA, paper WM39.
- K.-P. Ho and S.-K. Liaw, “Crosstalk rejection requirements for hybrid WDM system with analog and digital channels,” OFC’98, San Jose, CA, paper WM32.
- S.-K. Liaw, K.-P. Ho, C. Lin and S. Chi, “Repeated multi-channel bidirectional transmission by using of a WDM MUX/DMUX pair for narrowband filtering,” CLEO’97, Baltimore, MY, paper CWF66.
- K.-P. Ho, S.-K. Liaw and C. Lin, “Frequency doubling photonic mixer with low conversion loss,” OFC’97, Dallas, TX, paper FD2.
- C. Lin, K.-P. Ho, H. Dai, S.-K. Liaw, H. Gysel and M. Ramachandram, “High capacity digital and analogy video trunking distribution based on hybrid WDM systems,” OFC’97, Dallas, TX, paper ThS3.
- F. Shehadeh, T. Suzaki, J.-C. Chiao, K.-P. Ho, S.-K. Liaw and R. S. Vodhanel, “Impact of external modulator chirp for 10 Gb/s transmission in an 8-wavelength 8 node WDM ring network,” OFC’97, Dallas, TX, paper TuE4.
- S.-K. Liaw, K.-P. Ho and C. Lin, “High output power erbium-doped fiber grating ring laser,” CLEO’97, Baltimore, MY, paper CThL69.
- K.-P. Ho, S.-K. Liaw and C. Lin, “Performance of an eight-wavelength bidirectional WDM add/drop multiplexer with 80 Gb/s capacity,” OFC’97, Dallas, TX, paper TuR1.
- S.-K. Liaw, Y.-K. Chen, J.-W. Liaw and Y –K. Tu, “Gain-equalized EDFA using samarium-doped fiber and forward pumping,” 1996 International Telecommunication Symposium (ITS’96), Taipei, Taiwan, paper TE4.
- Y.-K. Chen, S.-K. Liaw, W.-Y. Guo, and S. Chi, "Multi-wavelength optical power limiting amplifier and its applications in SONET WDM self-healing ring network," CLEO’96, San Francisco, CA, paper CTuU7.
- Y.-K. Chen, S.-K. Liaw, W.-Y. Guo, and S. Chi, "Multi-wavelength optical power limiting amplifier and its applications in SONET WDM self-healing ring network," CLEO’96, San Francisco, CA, paper CTuU7.
- S.-K. Liaw, Y.-K. Chen, H.-Y. Yang, C.-L. Tzeng, and J.-W. Liaw, "Passive gain equalization of erbium-doped fiber amplifier using samarium-doped fiber for multiwavelength transmission," CLEO’96, San Francisco, CA, paper CMA5.
- 廖顯奎、黃政凱、王俊容,“光纖雷射泵激光源架構”中華民國專利 No. I303908, 2008.12.01-2026.03.27
- S.-K. Liaw, G. S. Jhong and C. A. Chen, “Broadband fiber laser—part 1 ”, US paten no.7616667 B2
- 廖顯奎、黃政凱、王俊容,“光纖雷射泵激光源架構”中華民國專利 No. I303908, 2008.12.01-2026.03.27
- 廖顯奎、詹君儀、柯錦山,“光信號可重構元件”中華民國專利 No. I259127, 2008.03.21-2022.12.26
- I. G. Lai, S.-K. Liaw and Y.T. Lin, “Detection system for identifying faults in passive optical networks”, US paten pending since 2007.09 Reg. No. 11/852622, Since 2007.9, 聯誠專利事務所代辦(申請中)
- S.-K. Liaw, G. S. Jhong and C. A. Chen, “Broadband fiber laser”, US paten,聯誠專利事務所內部案號: 2817.4-P-22096 (申請中)
- 廖顯奎 、卓立庭、蔡宗憲,“顯示器之光源模組”, 中華民國專利申請,開元專利事務所代辦 Since 2007.06(申請中)
- 廖顯奎、黃政凱、王俊容,“利用殘餘雷射功率提升光纖模組性能之方法”中華民國專利-崧鋸專利事務所代辦案號No. P2005-191TW. Since 2006.08(申請中)
- 廖顯奎、詹君儀、柯錦山“光信號可重構元件及其塞取方法” 大陸專利實質審查 (20060412申請案號CN03107383.2) 開元專利事務所代辦 Since 2006(申請中)
- C.S.Chin, Z.H. Lin, C.C. Chaing, S.K. Liaw, Y. C. Tzeng and S.C. Chen, “Device and method of temperature compensated fiber based components”, US Patent number: 7031570, Issue date: Apr 18, 2006
- 廖顯奎、王俊榮、陳宣臣,“光纖雷射泵激光源架構法”, 2005.12, 崧鉅專利事務所代辦(申請中)
- 廖顯奎、陳宣臣、柯錦山、劉又瑞,“光纖雷射裝置”中華民國專利 No. I238581, 2005.08.21-2024.03.29
- 賴英澤、廖顯奎、林益增,“被動光網路之斷點偵測系統”,中華民國專利No. 200814567, 公告中, 聯誠專利事務所代辦(申請中)
- 廖顯奎、鍾國興、陳建安,“寬頻光纖雷射裝置” 中華民國專利申請,No. 200843264, 公告中, 聯誠專利事務所代辦(申請中)
- 單秋成、林志豪、江家慶、廖顯奎、曾昱璋、陳宣臣“光纖元件的溫度補償裝置” 大陸專利、CN03266885.6 2004.10.06-2014.10
- 廖顯奎、洪志明,“多路由光信號交換與切換系統架構” 中華民國專利、No. 225623. 2004.06.21–2013.06.05
- 單秋成、林志豪、江家慶、廖顯奎、曾昱璋、陳宣臣“光纖元件之溫度補償方法” 中華民國專利、No. 201863. 2004.04.21-2022.12.29
- 廖顯奎、曾昱璋、吳定豐、楊文彬、江羿凡“功率可調之光衰減裝置”中華民國專利、No. 091134216, 2004.04.01-2022.11.24 (讓與宇東)
- 廖顯奎“功率等化的光纖元件”大陸專利、CN2521792, No.523618, 2003.10-2013.10 (讓與宇東)
- 廖顯奎、曾弘毅、祁甡、簡碧堯“功率等化多波道光纖雷射陣列”中華民國專利、No.188035, 2002.03.11-2012.05.04 (讓與宇東)
- 廖顯奎 宋皇志 “形成功率等化之光纖元件的方法”中華民國專利、No. 158406. 2002.06.11-2021.04.15 (安提亞部分授權)
- 廖顯奎“多路由的光信號交換與切換系統”大陸專利、CN01271094.6, 2002.10-2012.10
- 廖顯奎、許光裕、祁甡 “在分波多工系統中之兩種光信號交換模組架構”中華民國專利、No.169694. 2001.01.11-2011.01.28
- 廖顯奎、江衍旭、廖枝旺“光纖光柵群於多波道傳輸系統之三種增益等化應用架構”中華民國專利、No.132257 2001.05-2018.02
- 廖顯奎、許光裕、祁甡 “在分波多任務系統中的兩種光信號交換模塊架構”大陸專利、CN00268237.0 2001.10-2011.10
- 廖顯奎、簡碧堯“雙向傳輸功率額定光纖放大器模組”中華民國專利、No.183072, 2001.11.11-2012.05.04
- 廖顯奎、廖枝旺、楊弘宇、江衍旭“額定光放大器於色散補償系統之應用架構”中華民國專利N o. 145853 1999.04-2009.09
- 廖顯奎、廖枝旺、陳建源、楊弘宇“多波道雙向中繼式光放大傳輸系統架構”中華民國專利No. 135959 1998.05-2009.07
- 廖顯奎、陳永光、江衍旭、廖枝旺、涂元光“使用摻釤光纖作為摻鉺光纖放大器之增益等化之方法”中華民國專利、No.088304, 1997.06-2007.06 5
- 廖顯奎譯 (原著:James N. Downing) “Fiber Optic Communications”, 高立圖書公司 2005.06