

技術名稱 Technology
發明人 Inventor
曾昭雄, 游立得,
所有權人 Asignee 國立臺灣科技大學

專利國家 Country 申請號 Application No. 專利號 Patent No. 中心案號 Serial No.
中華民國 108111482 I705795 1070041TW0
美國 16/402,301 US11,368,160B2 1070041US0

a new phase-locked and self-injection-locked radar sensor with a self-oscillating active-integrated-antenna and a phase-locked-loop demodulator is presented for noncontact vital sign detection. The AIA is developed to simultaneously radiate the radio-frequency signal and receive the scattered-back injection signal, which is phase-modulated by the chest movement of the human subject. According to the injection-locking theory, the oscillation frequency of the AIA will be shifted by injecting a signal with a phase variation, which amounts to the frequency modulation. Hence, the vital sign can be demodulated by a PLL demodulator. The developed radar sensor has been experimentally verified as the human subject is located at the distances of 1.5 m away from the radar sensor.
