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明尼蘇達大學 外語教育 博士
明尼蘇達大學 外語教育 碩士
國立台灣師範大學 英語系 學士

國立台灣科技大學 人文社會學院 院長
國立台灣科技大學 應用外語系 教授兼系主任
國立雲林科技大學 應用外語系 教授兼系主任
美國明尼蘇達大學 課程教學系 助教
台北市立中山國中 英語科 教師
國立政治大學 英國語文研究所 兼任教授


(A) 期刊

Teng, Huei-Chun, & Huang, Liang-Meng. (2011). A study of reading aloud to EFL

elementary school students. Studies in English Language and Literature, 28,


Teng, Huei-Chun. (2011). Exploring note-taking strategies of EFL listeners. Procedia

Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15, 480-484.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2010). Factors influencing foreign accent in EFL speech

The International Journal of Learning, 17(5), 559-573.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2009). A study of EFL listening styles. The International Journal

of Learning, 16(3), 1-12.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2008). Listening style preference and L2 listening proficiency.

Journal of Applied English, 1, 1-14.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2008). A study of listening style preference and EFL listening

proficiency. Studies in English Language and Literature, 21, 1-9.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2007). Analysis of task type for EFL speaking assessment. Studies

in English Language and Literature, 19, 27-35.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2006). A study of listening strategy instruction to EFL college

students. Studies in English Language and Literature, 18, 29-39.

Teng, Huei-Chun, & Chang, Shu-Mei. (2005). An investigation of EFL listening

difficulties for senior high school students in Taiwan. Journal of Science and

Technology, 14, Human and Sociology (1), 63-72.


14 5 期,頁178-188

鄧慧君(民91)英文口試施測之探討。人文及社會學科教學通訊,12 5 期,


鄧慧君 (89) 如何寫英文筆記。人文及社會學科教學通訊,11 3 期,頁


鄧慧君 (89) 實施英語聽測驗之探討。人文及社會學科教學通訊,10 4


鄧慧君 (87) 測驗方式對英語聽之影響。人文及社會學科教學通訊,8


鄧慧君 (87) 聽前活動對英語聽力理解之成效研究。教育研究資訊,62期,


Teng, Huei-Chun. (1997). Schema-theoretic perspectives on listening comprehension.

Journal of Yunlin Institute of Technology, 6(2), 181-187.

鄧慧君 (86) 英語聽力理解策之使用探討。英語教學,21 3 期,頁24-39

Teng, Huei-Chun. (1996). The influence of notetaking on EFL lecture comprehension.

Journal of Yunlin Institute of Technology, 5(2), 165-168.

鄧慧君 (85) 聽前活動之應用。英語教學,20 4 期,頁64-71

鄧慧君 (84) 簡介英語電腦輔助教學。敦煌英語教學,5 期,頁7-9

Teng, Huei-Chun. (1994). The relationship between reading and listening. Journal of

Yunlin Institute of Technology, 3, 89-94.

鄧慧君 (83) 文化背景知與語言解。英語教學,184期,頁48-54


(B) 專書及專書

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2008). A Study of task type for L2 speaking assessment. In M.

Mantero, P. C. Miller, & J. L. Watzke (Eds.), ISLS readings in language studies

(pp. 433-446 ). St. Lois, MO: International Society for Language Studies.





鄧慧君 (88) The effects of syntactic modification and speech rate on EFL listening

comprehension. :文出版有限公司。


(C) 研討會

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2011). Communication strategy use of EFL college students. In A.

Stewart (Ed.), JALT2010 Conference Proceedings, 113-123. Tokyo: JALT.

Yuan, Huei-Chun & Teng, Huei-Chun. (2010). A study of task types in new TOEIC

writing test. Selected Papers from the Nineteenth International Symposium on

English Teaching, 502-514.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2010). Relationship between comprehensibility and foreign

accent in EFL speech. Proceedings of the 2009 Korea TESOL International

Conference, 43-52.

Yuan, Huei-Lan & Teng, Huei-Chun. (2010). A study of EFL listening difficulties

and strategies of senior high school students. Proceedings of the 27th

International Conference on English Teaching and Learning in the Republic of

China, 294-314.

Lee, Po-Yu & Teng, Huei-Chun. (2009). A study of EFL learning strategies used by

cadets in Taiwan. Selected Papers from the Eighteenth International Symposium

on English Teaching, 108-120.

Teng, Huei-Chun & Haung, Liang-Meng. (2009). A study of reading aloud to EFL

elementary school students. Proceedings of 2009 International Conference

on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching, 216-224.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2009). Speaker effects on perceived EFL foreign accent. In A.

Stoke (Ed.), PAC7 at JALT2008 Conference Proceedings, Tokyo, 193-201.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2008). A study of teaching EFL listening strategies. Proceedings of

33rd Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning

(JALT), Tokyo, 346-358.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2008). Relationship between EFL listening proficiency and

speaking test performance. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Convention of the

International Listening Association (ILA), Frankfurt, 151-160.

Teng, Huei-Chun & Chan, Chi-Yeu. (2008). An investigation of metacognitive

strategies used by EFL listeners. The 9th International Conference of the

Association for Language Awareness (ALA), Hong Kong. (ERIC Clearinghouse

on Languages and Linguistics, ED504568).

Ho, Pei-Ying, & Teng, Huei-Chun. (2007). A Study of the EFL Reading Strategies

Used by Vocational High School Students in Taiwan. 第十屆中華民國英語


Teng, Huei-Chun. (2007). Listening styles and EFL listening proficiency. 第二十四


Teng, Huei-Chun. (2007). A study of task types for L2 speaking assessment. 2007

Conference of the International Society for Language Studies (ISLS), Hawaii.

(Best of Conference Award) (ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and

Linguistics, ED496075 ).

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2007). Listening style preference and L2 listening proficiency. The

Proceedings of 2007 International Conference and Workshop on TEFL &

Applied Linguistics, 462-472.

Chen, Hsiao-Ju, & Teng, Huei-Chun. (2006). The correlation between EFL learners’

listening proficiency and speaking test performance. 第十五屆中華民國英語


Lin, Pei-Hui, & Teng, Huei-Chun. (2006). A study of task types on EFL writing

assessment. 第二十三屆中華民國英語文教學國際研討會文集,頁


Chan, Chih-Yu, & Teng, Huei-Chun. (2006). Analysis of metacognitive strategies in

EFL listening comprehension with different cultural texts. Proceedings of the

Third International Conference on Teaching of Language, Linguistics, and

Literature, 183-198.

Hung, Jui-Chien, & Teng, Huei-Chun. (2006). An investigation of EFL listening

strategies with interactive CD-ROMs. The Proceedings of 2006 Taiwan TESOL

Conference, 82-94.

Chan, Chih-Yu, & Teng, Huei-Chun. (2005). A study of metacognitive strategies in

EFL listening comprehension. 第二十二屆中華民國英語文教學國際研討會


鄧慧君、吳振嘉 (2005). An investigation of EFL learning strategies by vocational

high school students in Taiwan. The Proceedings of 2004 International

Conference and Workshop on TEFL & Applied Linguistics, 572-578.

黃詩琦、鄧慧君 (2004). Washback effects of the Basic Competence English Test on

EFL teaching in junior high school in Taiwan. 第十三屆中華民國英語文教學


鄧慧君 (2004). A study of task type for EFL speaking tests. 第二十一屆中華民國英


王慧娟、鄧慧君 (2004). A study to develop EFL cultural competence test for

Taiwanese college students. 第二十一屆中華民國英語文教學國際研討會


Teng, Huei-Chun. (2004). A study of the models for assessing EFL listening

comprehension. The Proceedings of 2004 International Conference and

Workshop on TEFL & Applied Linguistics, 458-467.

Teng, Huei Chun. (2003). Teaching EFL listening strategies to college students in

Taiwan. 第二十屆中華民國英語文教學研討會文集,頁385-394

Teng, Huei Chun. (2002). An investigation of EFL listening difficulties for Taiwanese

college students. Selected Papers from the Eleventh International Symposium on

English Teaching/Fourth Pan Asian Conference, 526-533.

鄧慧君、陳獻忠 (91). 二技招語文英文組試題分析。第十七屆全國技術


鄧慧君 (91). 英文寫作測驗新題型之研究。第十九屆中華民國英語文教學研


Teng, Huei-Chun. (2001). Impact of speech modification on EFL listening.

Proceedings of 2001 JALT-the Third Pan-Asian Conference (PAC3), Kitakyushu,

Japan, 532-539.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2001). Effects of syntactic modification and speech rate on

listening comprehension. 第十屆中華民國英語文教學國際研討會文集,頁


Teng, Huei-Chun (2001). The influence of syntactic modification on EFL Listening

comprehension. 第十八屆中華民國英語文教學研討會文集,頁288-305

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2000). A study of EFL listening needs by college students. 第九屆

中華民國英語文教學國際研討會。(ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and

Linguistics, ED462862 FL027203).

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2000). The development of listening curriculum for novice EFL

students. Proceedings of the Conference on ELT Curriculum for Young Learners

in East Asia 2000, 139-146.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2000). An evaluation study of CALL software for EFL learners.

Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Foreign Language

Education and Technology, Kobe, Japan, 272-278.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2000). An investigation of English learning strategies used by

technology college students. 第十五屆全國技術及職業教育研討會文集,


鄧慧君 (88) 科技大學學生英語學習策之探討。 第八屆中華民國英語文教


Teng, Huei-Chun. (1999). Needs analysis of EFL listening by Taiwanese college

students. Proceedings of the 1999 KOTESOL-the Second Pan-Asian Conference

(PAC2), Seoul, 169-178.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (1999). Effects of question type and preview on listening

assessment. American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference (AAAL

'99), Stamford, U.S.A.. (ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics,

ED432920 FL025936).

Teng, Huei-Chun. (1998). Analysis of college students’ performance on EFL listening

test. 第七屆中華民國英語文教學國際研討會文集,頁791-796

Teng, Huei-Chun. (1998). An investigation of EFL listening comprehension strategies.

The 32nd Annual International Convention of Teachers of English to Speakers of

Other Languages (TESOL '98), Seattle. (ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and

Linguistics, ED422745 FL025451).

Teng, Huei-Chun. (1997). An investigation of EFL listening strategies by Taiwanese

college students. 屆中華民國英語文教學國際研討會文集,頁


鄧慧君 (86) 技職學生英語聽力理解策使用之探討。第十二屆全國技術及職


鄧慧君 (85) 聽前活動對台灣技職學生英文聽之影響。語言學門專題計畫研


鄧慧君 (84) 聽前活動對技職學生英文聽成效之探討。全國技職體系英語教


Teng, Huei-Chun. (1994). Effects of cultural schemata and visual cues on Chinese

students' EFL listening comprehension. 第十一屆中華民國英語文教學研討會


Teng, Huei-Chun. (1994). The effects of visual cues on the EFL listening

comprehension by technology college students in Taiwan. 第九屆全國技術及
