



(26)國立台灣工業技術學院營建工程系暨研究所副教授 (民76年-民83年)



(1) Member of the organizing committee of the 17th South East Asia Geotechnical Conference (17SEAGC)

(2) 邀請專題演講(五天的workshop中主講兩天,其他為京都大學、澳洲大學等校教授主講)Workshop on Deep Excavations for Basements of Buildings, Cut and Cover Tunnels and Mined Tunnels for MRT Works, Griffith University, Australia2010)。
(3) 邀請專題演講─中國建築學會地基基礎分會2010學術年會(上海)(2010)。
(4) 邀請專題演講─第十三屆大地工程學術研討會(宜蘭)(2009
(5) 第十三屆大地工程學術研討會優良論文獎(共兩篇論文獲獎)(2009
(6) 邀請專題演講(2-days lecture)Workshop on Deep Excavations, Griffith University, Australia2008
(7) 邀請專題演講─第五屆中國深基坑學術研討會(天津)(2008
(8) 榮獲國科會傑出特約研究員(2007年)
(9) 國科會特約研究員(8995年)
(10)     榮獲國科會848688年度國科會傑出研究獎。
(11)     榮獲國科會82年度優良研究獎
(12)     榮獲中國土木水利學會90年度「論文獎」
(13)     榮獲中國工程師學會85年度「詹氏論文獎章」。
(14)     榮獲中國土木水利學會85年度「論文獎」
(15)     榮獲「地工技術」82年度之年度最佳論文獎
(16)     榮獲「地工技術」舉辦之「二十一世紀大地工程研究發展─腦力激盪運動」第二名
  1. Ou, C. Y., Chien, S. C. and Chang, H. H. (2008), Soil improvement using electroosmosis withthe injection of chemical solutions: field tests, accepted by Canadian Geotechnical Journal.
  2. Ou, C. Y., Chien, S. C. andWang, Y. G. (2008), On the enhancement of electroosmotic soilimprovement by the injection of saline solutions, accepted by Applied Clay Science (SCI,impact factor=1.861).
  3. Ou, C. Y. and Hsieh, P. G. (2008), Building protection measures in deep excavations, ChineseJournal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 10, Supplement.
  4. Ou, C. Y., Liu, C. C. and Chin, C. K. (2008), Development of time dependent stress-strainsimulation of clay, Journal of Mechanics (accepted)
  5.  Kung, T. C. (Ph.D student), Ou, C. Y. and Juang, C. H (2008), Modeling small-strain behaviorof Taipei clays for finite element analysis of braced excavations, Computers and Geotechnics(in press).
  6. Ou, C. Y., Teng, F. C. andWang, I. W. (2008), Analysis and design of partial groundimprovement in deep excavations, Computers and Geotechnics, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 576-584.
  7. Ou, C. Y., F. C. Teng, F. C., Seed, R. B. andWang, I. W. (2008), Use of buttress walls to reduceexcavation-induced movements, Geotechnical Engineering, ICE, Vol. 161, No. 4, pp. 209-222.
  8. Hsieh, P. G., Ou, C. Y. (corresponding author) and Liu, H. T. (2008), Basal heave analysis ofexcavations with consideration of anisotropic undrained strength of clay, CanadianGeotechnical Journal, Vol. 45, No. 6, pp. 788-799.
  9. 簡紹琦、歐章煜 (2008),電滲透化學灌漿介紹與應用,中國土木水利學會會刊,第35卷,第二期,第1至7頁。
  10. Ou, C. Y., Lin, Y. L., and Hsieh, P. G. (2006), A case record of an excavation with cross walls
    and buttress walls, Journal of GeoEngineering, Vol. 1. No. 2, pp.579-86.
  11.  Hsieh, P. G., Kung, T. C., and Ou, C. Y. (2005), Simulation of stress-strain curve underundrained condition, Geotechnical Engineering, SEAGS, No. 1, Vol. 36, pp. 91-95.
  12. 歐章煜(2004) ,深開挖工程理論分析之發展,地工技術,第100期,六月,第127 至134頁。
  13. Kung, T. C. and Ou, C. Y. (2004), Stress-strain characteristics of the Taipei silty clay at smallstrain, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 27, No. 7, pp. 1077-1080.
  14. Kung, T.C., Ou, C. Y. and Hsieh, P. G. (2004), Measurement of shear modulus of soil using
    bender elements, Geotechnical Engineering, SEAGS, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 1-7.
  1. Ou, C. Y. (2008), Building protection measures in deep excavations, The 5thNational Conference on Deep Excavation, Tianjin, China (Keynote speech).
  2. Ou, C. Y., Chien, S. C. and Hsieh, P. G. (2008), Soil Improvement using eleectroosmosis with
    injection of chemical solutions in urban underground construction, Proceedings of the International Geotechnical Conference, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
  3. C. Y. Ou (2007), Analysis of settlement induced by deep excavation (Keynote speech),Proceedings of the 12th Geotechnical Conference on Current Research, Nanto, Taiwan.
  4. 簡紹琦、歐章煜、李盈瑲 (2007),電滲透注入化學藥劑應用於軟弱黏土之改良,2007 年海峽兩岸地工技術/岩土工程交流研討會。
  5. Ou, C. Y.,Wu, S. H., and Hsieh, P. G. (2006), Analysis of ground improvement for building protection in deep excavations, Proceeding of the International Symposium on Geohazards Mitigation, pp. C1-c22, Nov. 1, Taiwan (Invited lectures).
  6. Chien S. C., Ou, C. Y., and Chang, H. H. (2005), Field test of electroosmosis with the injection
    of saline solution of Taipei silty clay, 30th Annual Conference on Deep Foundations, The Fairmont Chicago, IL, pp 325-331
  7. 歐章煜、謝百?和石強,「深開挖鄰產保護研究」,九十三年度防救災專案計畫成果研討會,坡地領域,台南(2005)。
  8. Chien, S. C., Ou, C. Y. andWang, Y. K., Soil improvement using electroosmotic method with the injection of saline solution, Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, pp.689-695, Toulon, France (2004).
  9.  Hsieh, P. G., Kung, T. C., and Ou, C. Y., Simulation of stress-strain curve under undrained condition with small strain stiffness of clay considered, 15th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society Conference, Bangkok, Thailand. Pp.863-866 (2004).
  10. Chien, S.C., and Ou, C.Y. “ E l e c t r o o s mo t i c   C h e mi c a l   G r o u t i n g   S t r e n g t h e n i n g   o f   T a i p e i   S i l t Clays,” 15th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, pp 509-516 (2004).
  11. 王翊光、簡紹琦、歐章煜,「電滲透化學工法於沉泥質黏土上之應用」,2004海峽岩土工
    程交流研討會,台北,台灣,第409-418 頁,(2004)。


  1. Ou, C. Y. and Hsieh, P. S. and Duan, S. M., Estimation of ground settlement induced by excavation in soft clay, submitted to Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE.
  2. Kung, T. C., Ou, C. Y. and Juang, C. S., Modeling small-strain behaviour of Taipei clays for finite element analysis of braced excavations, submitted to Geotechnique.
  3. 歐章煜、謝百鉤、段筱玫,開挖引致之地表沈陷之簡化分析法,國立台灣科技大學,營建工程系大地工程研究報告,GT200502,台北(2005)。
  4. 歐章煜、陳建謀、林宏達、廖洪鈞,深開挖工程抽水穩定地盤最佳化策略之研究,榮民工
    程股份有限公司,台北 (2005)。
  5. Seed, R.B., Duncan, J.M. and Ou, C.Y., "Finite Element Analyses of Compaction Problems," Chapter 7 of the text Advanced Geotechnical Analyses,(P.K. Banerjee and R. Butterfield, Editors), Elsevier Publ., Inc.
  6. 歐章煜,深開挖與地下施工研討會論文輯,台灣營建研究中心 (1996)。
  7. 歐章煜,「深開挖工程─分析設計理論與實務」,科技圖書公司 (2002)。
  8. 歐章煜、唐雨耕和李磑柏,以單梁模式分析深開挖引致之擋土壁變形,國立台灣科技大學,營建工程系大地工程研究報告GT200006 (2000)。
  9. 歐章煜和楊玲玲,連續壁施工引致之地盤變位探討,國立台灣科技大學,營建工程系大地工程研究報告,GT200005,台北(2000)。
  10. 歐章煜和蕭振良,深開挖內擠穩定性分析,國立台灣科技大學,營建工程系研究報告,編號GT99005 (1999)。
  11. 歐章煜和林雅雯,地中壁應用於深開挖之分析研究,國立台灣科技大學營建工程系,大地工程研究報告,GT99006 (1999)。
  12. 歐章煜和胡敏一,軟弱粘土層開挖穩定性分析之探討,國立台灣科技大學營建工程系研究報告,編號GT99007 (1998)。
  13. 歐章煜和王怡文,深開挖工程改善壁體變形行為之措施研究,國立台灣科技大學營建工程系,大地工程研究報告,GT97006 (1997)。
  14. 歐章煜,軟弱黏土深開挖引致之地表沈陷與改善措施分析(I),國科會專題計劃成果報告,中華民國八十六年八月 (1997)。
  15. 歐章煜,軟弱黏土深開挖引致之地表沈陷與改善措施分析---深開挖引致之地表沈陷(I),國科會專題計劃成果報告,中華民國八十六年八月 (1997)。