







2002 IEC 61131-3於客戶應用導向之變頻器控制研究
2009 中龍鋼鐵廠電壓閃爍量測分析 研發產字第3236號、電機建字第0346號
2009 應用IED於設備狀態監測及IEC61850通訊協定評估研究.研發產字第3221號、電機產字第0343號
2009 自動線路開關應用於配電饋線自動化保護協調最適化研究 97建能產字第018號、研發產字第3076號
2008 台北市大同區大同國小運動中心新建工程第二標機電工程高低壓配電盤檢驗台北市政府工務局新建工程處
2008 台北市大同區大同國小運動中心新建工程第二標機電工程高壓變壓器檢驗台北市政府工務局新建工程處
2007 臺北市資訊產業大樓新建統包工程高低壓配電盤檢驗 振基工程股份有限公司(出資)
2007 小型風力與太陽光發電系統技術開發 台科大
2004 配電系統架空線路被覆方式及其保護之研究 台電
2000 電壓閃爍量測分析研究計畫 能委會
2000 電力系統可靠度研究計畫 能委會
2000 數位電驛訊號處理與保護邏輯設計與模擬 台電
2000 子計畫三--考慮配電自動化下各種配電型態之保護協調研究NSC89-TPC-7-011-004 工研院
1999 基因演算法應用於配電多重接地系統之設計及電驛保護 台電
1999 智慧型家庭用電力管理系統 台電
1998 雙迴路傳輸線及串聯閘流體控制電容補償傳輸線之調適測距保護台電
1996 諧波對電力設備之影響 台電電力綜合研究所
[1] W. S. Chu and J. C. Gu, "Design of New Load Balancers for Modern High Speed Railway Systems", International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, 2009. (Accepted)
[2] K. Y. Shen, J. C. Gu, and T. H. Chen, “A Novel Protection Scheme for Ring Type Distribution Systems,” The International Journal of Power and Energy Systems, Vol.27, No.3, pp.247-255, 2007.(EI)
[3] M. T. Yang and J. C. Gu, “Using Wavelet Transform and Neural Networks Detection High Impedance Fault,” The International Journal of Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 27, No.3, pp.272-280, 2007.(EI)
[4] T. H. Chen, J. C. Gu, Y. F. Hsu, J. S. Yang, C. C. Yen, C. Y. Chen, Y. S. Lin, J. R. Hsu, „A Study on the Islanding Prevention of Grid Connection of DG,“ Monthly Journal of Taipower’s Engineering, Vol. 712, pp.31-49, December 2007.
[5] Ming-Ta Yang and J. C. Gu, “A Novel Composite High Impedance Faults Detection Systems,” Wseas Transactions on Systems, Vol. 5, Issue 7, pp.1687-1692, July 2006.(EI)
[6] Jyh-Cherng Gu, Kun-Yuan Shen , Sun-Li Yu, and Chi-Shan Yu, "emoval of DC Offset and Sub-synchronous Resonance in Current Signals for Series Compensated Transmission Lines Using a Novel Fourier Filter Algorithm," Electric Power Systems Research, 2006. (SCI,EI)
[7] Ming-Ta Yang and Jyh-Cherng G, "Detecting High Impedance Faults Utilizing Combined Phase Voltages with Neutral Line Curren," International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, Vol.2, No.2, 2005.
[8] Kun-Yuan Shen, Jyh-Cherng Gu, and Tsai-Hsiang Chen "A Novel Protection Scheme for Ring Type Distribution Systems," The International Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2005. (EI)
[9] 張源吉、辜志承、楊明達、酗敹? "分散式風力電源模型建構和保護模擬," 電機月刊, Vol.14, No.9, 2004.
[10] Tsai-Hsiang Chen, Wei-Tzer Huang, Jyh-Cherng Gu, Chih-Shun Lin, Chih-Lung Tsai, Tzong-Yih Guo, Guan-Chih Pu, and Yen-Feng Hsu, "Feasibility Study of Upgrading Primary Feeders From Radial and Open-Loop to Normally Closed-Loop Arrangement," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol.19, No.8, 2004. (SCI,EI)
[11] Jin-Lung Guan, Jyh-Cherng Gu, and Chi-Jui Wu, "Real-time Measurement Approach for Tracking the Actual Coefficient of ΔV/Δv of Electric Arc Furnace," IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol.19, No.1, 2004. (SCI,EI)
[12] 辜志承、莊志鴻、沈混源、廖文彬, "應用Matlab/Simulink於常閉環路配電系統IED保護策略之研究," 電驛協會會刊, Vol.17, 2003.
[13] 辜志承、廖芳麟、廖晰勳、林清茂, "IEC 61131-3標準於變頻器之應用," 電機技師, Vol.17, No.5, 2003.
[14] 辜志承, "弧光保護與過電流電驛之整合," 電機月刊, Vol.13, No.3, 2003.
[15] 陳在相、辜志承、黃維澤、沈混源、趙恆寬、游伯煌、莊宗霖、浦冠志、郭宗益、釭Ⅹ? "配電系統採同一變電所不同主變常閉環路建置研究," 台電工程月刊, No.655, 2003.
[16] Yen-Nien Wang, Jyh-Cherng Gu, and Chih-Ming Chen, "An Improved Adalline Algorithm for On-line Tracking of Harmonic Components," International Journal of Power and Energy Systems, Vol.12, 2003.
[17] 辜志承、陳順斌、朱文賢 "線性規劃法應用於輸電系統中過電流保護電驛之保護協調," 電驛協會會刊, No.15, 2003.
[18] 陳在相、辜志承、黃維澤、沈混源、游伯煌、趙恆寬、莊宗霖、浦冠志、郭宗益、釭Ⅹ? "配電系統採同一主變常閉環路之建置," 台電工程月刊, No.664, 2002.
[19] Wei-Jen Lee, Jyh-Cherng Gu, Ren-Jun Li, and Ponpranod Didsayabutra, "A Physical Laboratory for Protective Relay Education," IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol.45, No.2, 2002. (SCI,EI)
[1] J. C. Gu, C. C. Wang and K. C. Hsu, “Islanding Detection and Protection of a Utility Connected Wind Turbines via a Novel FPGA-based Relay,” International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, Jeju, Korea, P-103, October 18-21, 2009.
[2] 李俊彥、辜志承,”整套型變電站之弧光保護分析”,第29屆電力工程研討會,2008,pp. 1508-1512。
[3] 黃偉恆、辜志承,”風力發電機?網於閉環路配電系統之過流電驛最佳設定分析”,第29屆電力工程研討會,2008,pp. 461-464。
[4] 辜志承、徐國城,”應用於孤島偵測保護之FPGA 型IED 之研發”,第29屆電力工程研討會,2008,pp.495-502。
[5] J. C. Gu, K. Y. SHEN, and W. B. LIAO, ”Performance Assessment for Normally Closed-loop Type Distribution Power Systems,” Proceedings of the WSEAS International Conferences, Beijing, China, pp.138-145, September 15-17,2007.
[6] J. C. Gu, K. Y. SHEN, and W. B. LIAO, ”Performance Assessment for Normally Closed-loop Type Distribution Power Systems,” Proceedings of the WSEAS International Conferences, Beijing, China, pp.138-145, September 15-17,2007.
[7] J. L. Guan, M. T. Yang, J. C. Gu, H. H. Chang and C. L. Huang, “The Effect of Harmonic Power Fluctuation for Estimating Flicker,” Proceeding of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Prague, Czech Republic, Vol.22, pp.200-205, July 2007.
[8] M. T. Yang, J. L. Guan and J. C. Gu, “High Impedance Faults Detection Technique Based on Wavelet Transform,” Proceeding of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Prague, Czech Republic, Vol.22, pp.308-312, July 2007.
[9] J. L. Guan, J. C. Gu, M. T. Yang, H. H. Chang, “New Assessment and Prediction for Arc Furnace Flicker,” IEEE/PES 2006 General Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 18-22, 2006.
[10] M. T. Yang, J. C. Gu, J. L. Guan, and C. Y. Cheng, “Evaluation of Algorithms for High Impedance Faults Identification Based on Staged Fault tests,” IEEE/PES 2006 General Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 18-22, 2006.
[11] W. S. Chu and J. C. Gu, “A New Hybrid SVC Scheme with SCOTT Transformer for Balance Improvement,” Proceedings of JRC 2006 Joint Rail Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA, April 4-6, 2006.
[12] M. T. Yang, J. C. Gu, and J. L. Guan, "Detection of Downed Conductor in Distribution Systems," San Francisco, USA, 2005.
[13] J. L. Guan, J. C. Gu, M. T. Yang, C. L. Huang, and H. H. Chang, "Novel Method to be Applied for Voltage Flicker Prediction Caused by EAF," San Francisco, USA, 2005.
[14] 辜志承、廖芳麟, "IEC61131-3標準之研究與應用," 第二十三屆電力研討會, Taouyan, Taiwan, 2002
[15] M. T. Yang, J. C. Gu, W. S. Hsu, Y. C. Chang, C. Chen, "A Novel Intelligent Protection Scheme for High Impedance Fault Detection on Distribution Feede," IEEE TENCON Analog and Digital Techniques in Electrical Engineering Conference, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2004.
[16] M. T. Yang, J. C. Gu, C. Y. Jeng and W. S. Kao, "Detection High Impedance Fault in Distribution Feeder Using Wavelet Transform and Artificial Neural Networks," International Conference on Power System Technology, Singapore, 2004.
[17] 朱文賢、辜志承、沈混源, "科學園區常閉及常開饋線自動化系統之檢討," 第二十五屆電力研討會, Tainan, Taiwan, 2004.
[18] 關錦隆、張信宏、辜志承、吳啟瑞、黃慶隆, "電弧爐電壓閃爍值之新的估算法," 第二十五屆電力研討會, Tainan, Taiwan, 2004.
[19] 黃國書、辜志承, "PDA應用於家庭自動化之系統開發," 第二十五屆電力研討會, Tainan, Taiwan, 2004.
[20] 楊明達、辜志承、林育存, "利用中性線電流及相電壓偵測高阻抗故障," 第二十五屆電力研討會, Tainan, Taiwan, 2004.
[21] 黃慶隆、辜志承、關錦隆、簡文吉, "應用及時量測於電壓閃爍值之分析," 第二十五屆電力研討會, Tainan, Taiwan, 2004.
[22] 張源吉、辜志承、陳景隆, "利用Matlab/Simulink模擬分散型風力發電加入配電系統之保護協調," 第二十五屆電力研討會, Tainan, Taiwan, 2004.
[23] W. B. Liao, J. C. Gu, K. Y. Shen and Y. L. Chen, "An Experimental Kit for Undergraduate PWM Power Converter Laboratory," IEEE The 38th International University Power Engineering Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2003.
[24] 關錦龍、辜志承、吳啟瑞, "電弧爐電力變動對電壓閃爍之影響," 第二十四屆電力研討會, Tainan, Taiwan, 2003.
[25] Kun-Yuan Shen and J. C. Gu, "Protection Coordination Analysis of Close-Loop Distribution Systems," IEEE-PES/CSEE International Conference on Power System Technology, Kuming, China, 2002.
[26] 辜志承、陳在相、沈混源、黃維澤、莊宗霖、趙恆寬、郭宗益、浦冠志、釭Ⅹ? "環路式配電系統之保護協調分析," 第二十三屆電力研討會, Taouyan, Taiwan, 2002
[27] 辜志承、沈混源、莊志鴻, "配電系統保護協調升級技術之探討與分析," 第二十三屆電力研討會, Taouyan, Taiwan, 2002.
[1] 辜志承,智慧型漏水保護器,中國,專利號碼200530095806.5,200602-201602