



1989/08~迄今 臺灣科技大學電機系教授
2008/07~迄今 臺灣科技大學講座教授
2005/09~2008/05 教育部顧問室主任
2004/08~2008/05 教育部顧問
2004/07~2007/08 台灣電力公司董事
2000/12~2005/01 臺灣科技大學研發長
2004/01~2004/07 台灣電力公司董事會專家
2001/09~2003/12 台灣電力公司電力系統穩定度與可靠度改善小組諮詢委員
2002/05~2005/05 行政院公共工程委員會採購申訴審議委員會諮詢委員
2004/10~2005/03 教育部技術學院評鑑委員會委員兼組召集人
2005/01~2006/12 經濟部軌道車輛工業發展推動小組委員
2005/01~2006/12 交通部技術標準規範審定作業委員會委員
1986/08~1989/07 臺灣科技大學電機系客座研究副教授
1984/08~1986/07 San Francisco State University, Division of Engineering, Associate Professor
1980/12~1984/07 Pacific Gas & Electric Company, Transmission Planning Engineer
(1) 八十六學年度國科會傑出研究獎,八十七年十月十四日。
(2) 八十三學年度國科會優等研究獎,八十四年一月十八日。
(3) 八十二學年度國科會優等研究獎,八十三年三月九日。
(4) 85學年迄今曾主持之研究計畫 41 件,累計研究金額達三仟九佰九十九餘萬元。
(5) 中華民國發明專利 4 件、美國發明專利 1 件。
(6) 發表國內外學術期刊論文共 42 篇。
2008 軌道運輸系統之監控技術開發-子計畫三:軌道扣件影像即時辨識系統(3/3)
2008 軌道運輸系統之監控技術開發-總計畫(3/3)
2007 軌道運輸系統之監控技術開發-子計畫三:軌道扣件影像即時辨識系統(2/3)
2007 軌道供電系統暫態行為探討-總計畫(3/3)
2007 軌道供電系統暫態行為探討-子計畫二:集電弓與集電靴的電氣暫態特性分析(3/3)
2006 軌道運輸系統之監控技術開發-子計畫三:軌道扣件影像即時辨識系統(1/3)
2006 軌道運輸系統之監控技術開發-總計畫(2/3)
2006 軌道供電系統暫態行為探討-子計畫二:集電弓與集電靴的電氣暫態特性分析(2/3)
2006 軌道供電系統暫態行為探討-總計畫(2/3)
2005 軌道運輸系統之監控技術開發-總計畫(1/3)
2005 軌道供電系統暫態行為探討--子計畫二:集電弓與集電靴的電氣暫態特性分析(1/3)
2005 軌道供電系統暫態行為探討--總計畫(1/3)
2004 國立台灣科技大學貴重儀器使用中心服務計畫
2003 軌道運輸系統供電品質與保護系統─子計畫一:軌道運輸供電系統之監控研究(1/2)
2003 軌道運輸系統供電品質與保護系統─總計畫(1/2)
2002 軌道運輸系統供電品質與保護系統─子計畫一:軌道供電系統數位保護與監控系統設計(I)
2003 九十二年度績優技術移轉中心獎助計畫--台灣科技大學
2002 軌道運輸系統供電品質與保護系統─總計畫(I)
2001 軌道供電特殊變壓器數位保護與監控系統研製
2000 軌道機電系統研究(Ⅱ)--總計劃
2000 軌道機電系統研究(Ⅱ)--子計劃五:軌道供電系統數位保護之研究
2000 軌道機電系統研究-子計畫一:軌道供電系統數位保護之研究(Ⅲ)
1999 軌道機電系統研究─總計畫(Ⅰ)
1999 軌道機電系統研究─子計畫一:軌道供電系統數位保護之研究(Ⅰ)
1998 捷運機電系統研究─總計畫(III)
1998 捷運機電系統研究─子計畫二:捷運供電系統故障分析(III)
1998 電化鐵路變壓器差動保護之研究
1997 捷運機電系統研究-子計畫二:捷運供電系統故障分析(Ⅱ)
1997  LE-BLANC變壓器差動保護之研究
1997 捷運機電系統研究-總計畫(Ⅱ)
1996 捷運機電系統研究-總計畫(I)
1996 電力系統的最佳調度風險及備轉容量
1996 捷運機電系統研究-子計畫二:捷運供電系統故障分析(Ⅰ)

2010 動力電池模組之監控與保護研究 立錡科技股份有限公司 財團法人立錡教育基金會
2010 花東線鐵路關山及知本變電路新設專案檢討 交通部鐵路改建工程局東部工程處
2009  LED彩色動態廣告看板電源供應器之研究立錡科技股份有限公司、財團法人立錡教育基金會
2008 彩色動態廣告看板LED驅動電路之研究(第二期) 立錡科技股份有限公司、財團法人立錡教育基金會
2008 交通部事業鐵路人員升資考試鐵路工程技術類等9科應試科目命題大綱委託研究案考選部
2007 彩色動態廣告看板LED驅動電路之研究 立錡科技股份有限公司、財團法人立錡教育基金會
2006 高鐵車輛技術規範草案複審 交通部
2004 斗六一次配電變電所電磁場強度量測及分析檢討 泰興電機
2004 榴中一次配電變電所電磁場強度量策測及分析檢討 華城
2004 仕豐一次配電變電所電磁場強度量策測及分析檢討 華城
2003 虎菁一次配電變電所電磁場強度量測及分析檢討 亞力電機
2002 強化台灣電力系統穩定度研究 台電
2000 電力系統可靠度研究計畫 能委會
2000 路線擁擠成本及電壓限制對電力系統競爭市場最佳節點價格之分析 台電
2000  Studies on Synchronous Switching for Shunt Capacitor Banks 台電
1999 應用於並聯電力容器組之同步控制開關研究 台電
1999 台鐵西部幹線北部電力支援宜蘭線鐵路可行性評估 中華顧問工程
1999 台鐵西部幹線電化變電站電力改善計畫工程 中華顧問工程
1998 並聯電容器組加壓暫態之研究 台電
1997 發電業自由化下系統電源運用之研究 台電
1997 多回線地下電纜之排列與接地方式研究 台電
1996 捷運軌道車輛技術標準規範之研究 交通部

[1] 呂東軒,陳南鳴,「發電機的調速機頻率控制方式之介紹」,電機技師,第二十二卷,第四期,第39~45頁,民國九十七年八月。
[2] 林揚智,陳南鳴,「風速突增對拼接風力發電機的獨立電力系統之影響」,電機技師,第二十二卷,第六期,第128~135頁,民國九十七年十二月。
[3] K. L. Chen and N. Chen, “A New Method for Power Current Measurement Using a Coreless Hall Effect Current Transformer,” Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, (2010), (SCI, EI)
[4] Lee, C. H., B. K. Chen, N. Chen and C. W. Liu, “Lessons Learned from the Blackout Accident at a Nuclear Power Plant in Taiwan,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol.25, No.4, pp.2726-2733, (2010), (SCI, EI)
[5] 陳南鳴,柯博仁,「Improvement of Block-Layout Design for Saving Energy in Rapid Transit Systems」,中國電機工程學刊,Vol. 16, NO.1, (2009), (SCI)
[6] Lu, T. S. and N. Chen, “Introduction to Generator Frequency Control via Governors,” Journal of Professional Electrical Engineers, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 39-45, (2008)
[7] Lin, Y. C. and N. Chen, “The Effect of Ramp Increase of Wind Speed on an Isolated Power System with Wind Generation,” Journal of Professional Electrical Engineers, Vol. 22, No.6, pp. 128-135, (2008)
[8] Ke, B. J. and N. Chen, “Design of Signaling Block-Layout and Strategy of Train Operation for Saving Energy in Mass Rapid Transit Systems,”' accepted by IEE Proc. Electric Power Applications. (2005), (SCI,EI)
[9] F. Ke and N. Chen, "Signalling Block-Layout and Strategy of Train Operation for Saving Energy in Mass Rapid Transit Systems," IEE Proc. Electric Power Applications, Vol.152, No.2, 2005. (SCI,EI)
[10] S. Yu and N.Chen, "A Double-Filtration Algorithm for Optimal Scheduling of Thermal Units," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol.19, No.2 (2004). (SCI,EI)
[11] Chen,, C.L. and N. Chen, "Direct Search Method for Solving Economic Dispatch Problem Considering Transmission Capacity Constraints," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol.16, No.4, pp.764-769, (2001). (SCI,EI) NSC 89-TPC-7-011-009, EC-89-1372-E-0116
[12] Chen, C. L. and N. Chen, "Strategies to Improve the Dynamic Programming for Unit Commitment Application," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering, (to appear), (2002). (SCI,EI) NSC 89-TPC-7-011-009, EC-89-1372-E-0116
[13] J. Wu, and N. Chen, "On-line Methodology to Determine Reasonable Spinning Reserve Requirement for Isolated Power Systems," IEE Proceedings - Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Vol.150, No.4, (2003) . (SCI,EI)
[14] J. Wu and N. Chen, "Frequency-based method for fast-response reserve dispatch in isolated power systems," IEE Proceedings - Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Vol.151, No.1, (2003) . (SCI,EI)
[15] S. Yu and N. Chen, "Maintaining Transient Stability in Longitudinal System by Unit-Tripping Method," International Journal of Electrical Engineering,Vol.12, No.1, 2005. (EI)
[16] Lee, T.Y., Jan, R.M. ,Chang, B.S. and N. Chen, "Allocation of Generation Sources Under Electricity Industry Deregulation, "Monthly Journal of Taipower’s Engineering, Vol.608, pp56-66,April,(1999).
[17] Yang, C.F., Huang, C.S., Ku, C.H., N. Chen, Wang, J.L., Yang, J.S., Chang, W.Y., Kuo, T.Y., "A Study Fault Location for XLPE Underground Power Cables, " Monthly Journal of Taipower’s Engineering, Vol.637, pp17-31,September, (2001).
[18] Lu, K.C. and N. Chen, "A Two-Relay Differential Protective Scheme for Le-Blanc Transformers," IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol.14, No.3, pp.857-862, (1999). (SCI,EI) NSC86-2213-EOll-046.
[19] Hsiao, H. C. and N. Chen, "A Measurement Algorithm for Evaluating Light Flicker Effect of the Light Sources and Design of a Portable Light Flicker Meter ," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering, Vol.5, No.3, pp.183-194, (1998).
[20] Pu, G. C., and N. Chen, "Short Term Reactive Power/Voltage Scheduling by Sensitivity Factor Method," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp.365-372, (1998).
[21] Tzeng, Y. S., R. N. Wu, and N. Chen, "Electric Network Solutions of DC Transit Systems with Inverting Substations," IEEE Transactions on Vehicu1ar Techno1ogy , Vol. 47 , No . 4, pp.1405-1412, (1998). (SCI,EI) NSC83-0404-E-011-004, NSC84-2213-E-011-086.
[22] Liu, K. C. and N. Chen, "Voltage Peak Synchronous Closing Control for Shunt Capacitors," IEE Proceedings - Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Vo1.145, No.3, pp.233-238, (1998). (SCI,EI)
[23] Yang, C. F., N. Chen, C. B. Tsai, D. L. Wang, J. S. Yang, W. Y. Chang, and C. J. Liao, "A Study on the Arrangements and Grounding Methods for the Multi-Circuit Underground Power Cables," Monthly Journal of Taipower's Engineering, Vo1.598, pp.20-35, June, (1998).
[24] Chang, S. S., N. Chen, T. H. Liu, W. Y. Chang, and J. S. Yang, "Simulating Starting Characteristics of Static Frequency Converters of the Pumped Storage Power Plant with Electromagnetic Transient Program," Monthly Journal of Taipower's Engineering, Vo1.587, July, (1997).
[25] Lu, K. C. and N. Chen, "The Phasor Combination Differential Protection for Le-Blanc Transformers," IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vo1.12, No.4, pp. 1434- 1438, (1997). (SCI,EI) NSC86-2213-E011-046.
[26] Pu, G. C. and N. Chen, "Sensitivity Factor Based Short Term Dynamic Optimal Power Flow," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vo1.20, No.5, pp.585-592, (1997) (SCI,EI)
[27] Tzeng, Y. S., N. Chen, and R. N. Wu, "Modes of Operation in Parallel Connected 12-Pulse Uncontrol1ed Bridge Rectifiers without an Interphase Transformer," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vo1.44, No.3, pp.344-355, (1997). (SCI,EI) NSC84-2213-E-011-086.
[28] Wei, D. C. and N. Chen, "Hydrothermal Generation Coordination with Direct Load Control," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vo1.19, No.5, pp.585-595, (1996). (SCI,EI)
[29] Chen, N., R. N. Wu, and Y. S. Tzeng, "Harmonic Analysis in DC Electrified Transit Railway Systems Consisting of Uncontrolled Bridge Rectifiers with Commutation Impedances," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vo1.18, No.6, pp.813-824, (1995). (SCI,EI) NSC83-0404-E011-004 and NSC84-2213-E011-086 .
[30] Lee, T. Y. and N. Chen, "Determination of Optimal Contract Capacities and Optimal Sizes of Battery Energy Storage Systems for Time-of-Use Rates Industrial Customers," IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol.10, No.3, pp.562-568, (1995) (SCI,EI)
[31] Tzeng, Y. S., R. N. Wu and N. Chen, "Unified AC/DC Power Flow for System Simulation in DC Electrified Transit Railways, " IEE Proceedings - Electric Power Applications, Vo1.142, No.6, pp.345-354, (1995). (SCI,EI) NSC83-0404-EOll-004 and NSC84-2213-EOll-086.
[32] Tzeng, Y. S., N. Chen and R. N. Wu, "A Detailed R-L Fed Bridge Converter Model for Power Flow Studies in Industrial AC/DC Power Systems ," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics , Vo1.42, No.5, pp.531-538, (1995) . (SCI,EI) NSC83-0404-E011-004 and NSC84- 2213-E011-086.
[33] Pu, G. C. and N. Chen, "Neural Network Based Substation Short Term Load Forecasting," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vo1.18, No.3, pp.333-341, (1995) (SCI,EI)
[34] Jan, R. M. and N. Chen, "Application of the Fast Newton-Raphson Economic Dispatch and Reactive Power/Voltage Dispatch by Sensitivity Factors to Optimal Power Flow," IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol.10, No.2, pp.293-301, (1995). (SCI,EI) NSC82-0404-E011-046.
[35] Tzeng, Y. S., N. Chen and R. N. Wu, "An AC/DC Power Flow Program Including the Commutation Impedances of Converters," Rapid Transit Technology, No. 12, pp.58-72, (1995).
[36] Wei, D. C. and N. Chen, "Air Conditioner Direct Load Control by Multi-Pass Dynamic Programming," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol.10, No.1, pp.307-313, (1995). (SCI,EI)
[37] Lee, T. Y. and N. Chen, "Optimal Utility Contracts for Time-of-Use Rates Industrial Customers," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering, Vol.l, No.4, pp.247-257, (1994).
[38] Lee, T. Y. and N. Chen, "Effect of the Battery Energy Storage System on the Time-of-Use Rates Industrial Customers," IEE Proceedings - Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Vo1.141, No.5, pp.521-528, (1994) (SCI,EI)
[39] Lee, C. L. and N. Chen, "Ordering Improvements on the Sparse Inverse Matrix Technique via Sparse Vector Methods," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering, Vol.l, No.l, pp.13-22, (1994). NSC79-0404-EOll-03.
[40] Lee, T. Y. and N. Chen, "Optimal Capacity of the Battery Energy Storage System in a Power System," IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vo1.8, No.4, pp.667-673, (1993). (SCI,EI) NSC82-0404-EOll-054.
[41] Lee, C. Y. and N. Chen, "Derivations and Applications of Various Factors in Reactive Power Outage Studies," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vo1.16, No.2, pp.213-223, (1993). (SCI,EI) NSC81-0404-E011-016.
[42] Lee, C. L. and N. Chen, "Sparse Vector Method Improvements via Minimum Inverse Fill-In Ordering," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vo1.8, No. l, pp.239-24, (1993). (SCI,EI) NSC79-0404-EOll-03.
[43] Yang, J. S. and N. Chen, "Unit Commitment and Hydrotherma1 Generation Scheduling by Multi-Pass Dynamic Programming," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vo1.16, No. l, pp.73-81, (1993). (SCI,EI) NSC79-0404-EOll-07.
[44] Lee, T. Y. and N. Chen, "The Effect of Pumped Storage and Battery Energy Storage Systems on Hydrothermal Generation Coordination," IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 7, No.4, pp.631-637, (1992) (SCI,EI)
[45] Chen, N., "Economical Utilization of Electric Energy - Current Status and the Future of Applications of Battery Energy Storage to Utility Systems," Taiwan Economic Research Monthly, Vol. 15, No. 8, pp.23-26, (1992).
[46] Lee, C. Y. and N. Chen, "Distribution Factors of Reactive Power Flow in Transmission Line and Transformer Outage Studies," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp.194-200, (1992). (SCI,EI)
[47] Chen, N. and D. P. Carroll, "Damping Control of Power Systems with Magnetic Energy Storage," The International Journal of Energy Systems, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp.78-82, (1990). (SCI,EI)
[48] Yang, J. S. and N. Chen, "Short Term Hydrothermal Coordination Using Multi-Pass Dynamic Programming, " IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 1050-1056, (1989). (SCI,EI)NSC76-0404-EOll-10.
[49] Bechert, T. E. and N. Chen, "Area Automatic Generation Control by Multi-Pass Dynamic Programming," IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-96, No. 5, pp.1460-1469, (1977). (SCI,EI)

[1] K. L. Chen, Y. P. Tsai, and N. Chen, “Design of a Novel Power Current Micro-Sensor for Traction Power Supply Using Two Hall ICs,” paper accepted to IEEE VTC2009-Fall: Anchorage, (2009)
[2] Y. F. Wang and N. Chen, “Impact of WRIG and DFIG Wind Generation Ramping Down on Independent Power Systems,” paper accepted to IEEE Power & Energy Society Conference on Sustainable Alternative Energy, (2009)
[3] W. L. Shin, N. Chen and Y. S. Tzeng, “Electrical Transients Analysis for Conductor Rail Gaps of Taipei Rapid Transit System,” Proceedings of JRCICE2008 Joint Rail Conference & Internal Combustion Engine Spring Technical Conference , Wilmington, Delaware, (2008)
[4] Y. F. Wang and N. Chen, “Impact of Wind Generation Ramp Down on Independent Power Systems,” Proceedings of the 29th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Yunlin, Taiwan (2008)
[5] H. B. Du and N. Chen, “Simulation of Conducted EMI in Boost Power Factor Correctors,” Proceedings of the 29th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Yunlin, Taiwan (2008)
[6] T. S. Lu and N. Chen, “Effects of PV Grid-Connected System on an Isolated Island Power System,” Proceedings of the 29th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Yunlin, Taiwan (2008)
[7] Y. C. Lin and N. Chen, “Impacts of Gusts for Wind Powers on an Independent Power System,” Proceedings of the 29th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Yunlin, Taiwan (2008)
[8] Z. W. Chu and N. Chen, “An Eight-phase Buck Converter Design.” Proceedings of the 28th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, B08.4-1~B08.4-5, (2007)
[9] K. L. Chen and N. Chen, “Evaluation and Improvement of a Novel Hall Current Transformer.” Proceedings of the 28th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, C15.2-1~B15.2-5, (2007)
[10] C. F. Lin and N. Chen, “A Microgrid with Solar Generation Systems.” Proceedings of the 28th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, C10.4-1~C10.4-5, (2007)
[11] B. R. Ke and N. Chen, “Optimization of train-speed trajectory of mass rapid transit systems.” Proceedings of JRCICE2007 Joint Rail Conference & Internal Combustion Engine Spring Technical Conference, Pueblo, Colorado, pp. 249-253, (2007)
[12] H. Y. Hsieh, N. Chen and C. L. Liao, “Visual Recognition System of Elastic Rail Clips for Mass Rapid Transit Systems,” Proceedings of JRCICE2007 Joint Rail Conference & Internal Combustion Engine Spring Technical Conference , Pueblo, Colorado, pp. 1-7, (2007)
[13] B. R. Ke, N. Chen, C. L. Lin and C. W. Lai, “Optimization of Train Speed Trajectory on Mass Rapid Transit System, ” Proceedings of the 27th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Hsinchu, Taiwan, pp. OE7.6.1-OE7.6.5, (2006)
[14] Y. P. Tsai, K. L. Chen and N. Chen, “A New Current Transformer for Power Currents based on a Novel Structure of Hall Sensor, ” Proceedings of the 27th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Hsinchu, Taiwan, pp. OB2.5.1-OB2.5.4, (2006)
[15] S. L. Yang and N. Chen, “A Study on the Transient Phenomena of Wind Farm Interconnections to a Transmission System, ” Proceedings of the 27th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Hsinchu, Taiwan, pp. PA1.1.1-PA1.1.6, (2006)
[16] G. H. Lin and N. Chen, “Simulation of Conducted EMI in Two-Stage Converters,” Proceedings of the 26th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Jungli, Taiwan, pp. 779-783, (2005)
[17] K. L. Chen, N. Chen and Y. P. Tsai, “Estimation and Improvement of Power Current Microsensors,” Proceedings of the 26th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Jungli, Taiwan, pp. 302-306, (2005)
[18] K. H. Yang, N. Chen and B. Y. Ku, “Electrical Transients Analysis for Pantograph of Taiwan Railway Locomotive,” Proceedings of the 26th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Jungli, Taiwan, pp. 215-219, (2005)
[19] H. Y. Hsieh, N. Chen and C. L. Liao, “A Visual Recognition System of Elastic Rail Clips for Mass Rapid Transit System,” Proceedings of the 26th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Jungli, Taiwan, pp. 210-214, (2005)
[20] B. R. Ke and N. Chen, “Strategy of Train Operation between Neighboring Stations under Normal Operation in Rapid Transit System,” Proceedings of the 26th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Jungli, Taiwan, pp. 205-209, (2005)
[21] Y. C. Lee and N. Chen, “A Digital Surveillance System with Moving Object Tracking Function,” Proceedings of the 26th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Jungli, Taiwan, pp. 91-95, (2005)
[22] F. Ke, N. Chen, "Strategy of Train Operation Under Maximum Train Capacity in Mass Rapid Transit System," Proceedings of JRC2005 Joint Rail Conference, Pueblo, Colorado, USA, 2005.
[23] L. Huang and N. Chen, "Supervisory Control and Analysis for Power Supply of Railway System Using PDA," Proceedings of the 25th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Tainan, Taiwan, 2004.
[24] K. Hsiung and N. Chen, "Simulation of Conducted EMI in Boost Power Factor Corrector," Proceedings of the 25th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Tainan, Taiwan, 2004.
[25] C. Wang and N. Chen, "Supervisory Control and Protection Design for Power Supply of Railway System Using LabVIEW," Proceedings of the 25th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Tainan, Taiwan, 2004.
[26] S. Yu and N. Chen, "A Hybrid Method for Economic Dispatch with Discontinuous Fuel Cost Function," Proceedings of the 25th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Tainan, Taiwan, 2004.
[27] Y, Hsiao and N. Chen, "The Study of Regenerative Power Utilization for Taipei Rapid Transit Systems Electrical Multiple Units," Proceedings of the 24th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Tainan, Taiwan, 2003.
[28] C. Wang, N. Chen and K. Lu, "Application of LabVIEW Software Program for Digital Protection System of Modified-Woodbridge Connected Transformers," Proceedings of the 24th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Tainan, Taiwan, 2003.
[29] J. Wu and N. Chen, "Estimation of Load-Frequency Sensitivity Factor and Reasonable Spinning Reserve Requirement in the Taiwan Power System," The 6th IEE Hong-Kong International Conference on APSCOM, HongKong, China, 2003.
[30] S. Yu and N. Chen, " Economic Dispatch Considering Transmission Cost Using Gradient Method ," Proceedings of the 23rd Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, JungLi, Taiwan, 2002.
[31] J. Wu and N. Chen, "A study of Reasonable Spinning Reserve Scheduling for Isolated Power System," Proceedings of the 23rd Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, JungLi, Taiwan, 2002.
[32] Liao, C. L. and N. Chen, "The Grounding Interference and Safety Assessment of DC and AC Electrified Railway Systems at Cross-building Sections," Proceedings of the 22nd Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 1093-1098, (2001)
[33] Chen, C. L. and N. Chen, "Direct Search Method for Solving Multi-Area Reserve Constrained Economic Dispatch Problem," Proceedings of the 22nd Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 844-848, (2001)
[34] Wu, C. C. and N. Chen, "A Study of Operation Standards for Frequency Control and Spinning Reserve Scheduling for Taiwan Power System," Proceedings of the 22nd Symposium on El ectrical Power Engineering, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 591-595, (2001)
[35] Chen, C. L. and N. Chen, "Multi-Area Economic Generation and Reserve Dispatch," Proceedings of the IEEE PICA Conference, Sydney, Australia, pp. 368-373, (2001)
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[37] Lin, Y. T., N. Chen, and K. C. Lu, "A Two-Relay Method of the Differential Protective Scheme for Y-D Connected Transformers," Proceedings of the 21st Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 1192-1196, (2000)
[38] Lin, Y. T., N. Chen, and K. C. Lu, "A One-Relay Differential Protective Scheme for Modified-Woodbridge Connected Transformers," Proceedings of the 21st Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 1172-1176, (2000)
[39] Lin, Y. T., N. Chen, and K. C. Lu, "A Digital Protective System for Y-D and Modified-Woodbridge Connected Transformers Based on the Single-Chip Microprocessor," Proceedings of the 21st Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 1152-1156, (2000)
[40] Chen, C. L. and N. Chen, "Direct Search Method for Solving Economic Dispatch Problem Considering Transmission Capacity Constraints," Proceedings of the 20th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 952-956, (1999)
[41] Liu, Y. C., N. Chen, and K. C. Lu, "A One-Relay-Protection Method of the Differential Protective Scheme for V-V Connection Transformers," Proceedings of the 20th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 1237-1241, (1999)
[42] Tsay, C. B., C. F. Yang, N. Chen, J. S. Yang, W. Y. Chang, and T. Y. Guo, "Analysis and Improvement on Fault Responses of the Underground Pilot-Wire System," Proceedings of the 19th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 561-564, (1998)
[43] Lu, K. C., Y. C. Liu, P. L. Chyi, B. T. Lin, C. J. Luh, and N. Chen, "A Testing System for Differential Protective Schemes of Special Transformers," Proceedings of the 19th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.547-551, (1998)
[44] N. Chen and B. Z. Ke, "Load Forecasting and Electricity Rate Structure for Bulk Substations of Tamshui-Hsintien Line of Taipei Rapid Transit System," Proceedings of the 19th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.326-331, (1998)
[45] Lu, K. C., N Chen, and Y. C. Liu, " A One-Relay Differential Protective Scheme for Le-blanc Transformers," Proceedings of the 19th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.313-317, (1998)
[46] Liu, Y. C., N. Chen, and K. C. Lu "A Two-Relay-Protection Method of the Differential Protective Scheme for Scott Transformers," Proceedings of the 19th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.301-306, (1998)
[47] Lin, Y. T. and N. Chen, "Short Circuit Analysis for the Expansion Plan of a Co-Generation Plant," Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taipei , Taiwan, pp.855 -859, (1997)
[48] Lin, Y. T. and N. Chen, "Load Flow Analysis for the Expansion Plan of a Co-Generation Plant," Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.845-849, (1997)
[49] Hsiao, H. C. and N. Chen, "A New Estimation Technique of Lighting Flicker for Light Sources and Its Applications," Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.718-722, (1997)
[50] Liu, K. C. and N. Chen, "Voltage Peak Synchronous Closing for Shunt Capacitors," Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.411-415, (1997)
[51] Lu, K. C. and N. Chen, "The Differential Protective Scheme for Le-blanc Transformers ," Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.291-295, (1997)
[52] Chang, S. S., N. Chen, T. H. Liu, J. S. Yang, and W. Y. Chang, "Simulating Starting Characteristics of Static Frequency Converters of the Pumped Storage Power Plant with Electromagnetic Transient Program," Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Hsin -Chu, Taiwan, pp.363 - 367, (1996)
[53] Hwang, K. M. and N. Chen, "Fault Simulation of Power Systems with Rectifiers by EMTP," Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Kao-Hsiong; Taiwan, pp.407-411, (1995)
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[57] Jan, R. M. and N. Chen, "Application of the Fast Newton-Raphson Economic Dispatch and Reactive Power/Voltage Dispatch by Sensitivity Factors to Optimal Power Flow," Proceedings of the 15th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Tainan, Taiwan, pp.314-320, (1994). NSC82-0404-EOll-046
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[59] Tzeng, Y. S., R. N. Wu, and N. Chen, "Power Flow and Voltage Drop Studies for Rapid Transit Systems," Proceedings of the 14th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.121-126, (1993). NSCS3-0404-EOll-004 and NSC84-2213-EOll-086.
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[63] Liu, K. C., N. Chen, C. J. Lin, and S. S. Yen, "Applications of the Electromagnetic Transients Program to Analyze the Transient Responses of Large Rectifiers," Proceedings of the 14th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.l-6, (1993).
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[68] Lee, C. Y. and N. Chen, "Contingency Analysis of Reactive Power Load Outages," Proceedings of the 12th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.476-481, (1991). NSC81-0404-E011-016
[69] Lin, C. H. , N. Chen, J. H. Shen, H. H. Kuo, C. C. Liang, K. K. Chen, T. S. Rai, and S. Y. Lee, "The Dynamic Analysis of Power Systems with Pressurized Water Reactor Nuclear Plants," Proceedings of the 12th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.417-421, (1991).
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[78] Chen, K. T., N. Chen and F.L. Chu, "A Programmable Multistub Impedance Matching and Measurement in Microwave Ovens," Proceedings of the Symposium on High Efficiency Industrial Electroheating Technology, pp. 21-34, June, (1989).
[79] Kuo, H. H. and N. Chen, "The Effects of Power System Dynamics on Nuclear Power Generating Units," Proceedings of the 9th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, pp. 235-255, December, (1988).
[80] Lee, C. Y., N. Chen, C. J. Lin, C. K. Ko and Y. F. Chuang, "Accurate Calculation of Generator Short Circuit Currents," Proceedings of the 9th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, pp. 134-156, December, (1988).
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