





  1. 湛淵源、黃兆龍,1996,「模糊聚類法評估混凝土建物損傷之探討」,技術學刊,第十一卷,第二期,第173~183頁。
  2. 林維明、黃兆龍、彭耀南、吳鶯榮,1996,「海砂屋調查及分析」,防蝕工程,第十卷,第二期,第92~108頁。
  3. 黃兆龍、陳建成,1996,「反覆載重下高性混凝土抗蝕效能之研究」,防蝕工程,第十卷,第二期,第109~123頁。
  4. 張炳坤、黃兆龍,1997,「高性能混凝土漿體之微觀特性探討」,技術學刊,第十一卷,第四期,第441~449頁。
  5. 湛淵源、黃兆龍,1997,「混凝土建物施工震動損傷評估與維修方法研究」,技術學刊,第十二卷,第一期,第29~39頁。
  6. 林維明、黃兆龍、彭耀南,1997,「台灣區建材劣化現象調查研究」防蝕工程,第十一卷,第一期,第36~57頁。
  7. 黃兆龍、沈永年,1997,「高性能混凝土水化作用機理之研究」,土木水利季刊,第二十四卷,第一期,第3~17頁。
  8. 林維明、黃兆龍、彭耀南、饒正,1997,「台灣濱海鋼筋混凝土結構物腐蝕調查研究」防蝕工程,第十一卷,第四期,第149~155。
  9. 王和源、黃兆龍,1997,「高溫對飛灰水泥漿性質之影響」,材料科學,第二十九卷,第三期,第167~176頁。
  10. 林豐益、張炳坤、黃兆龍,1997,「高性能混凝土之力學性質探討」,中華民國建築學會「建築學報」,第二十二期,第01~12頁。
  11. 黃兆龍、沈永年、朱惕之,1997,「由Zeta電位解析水泥漿體組成材料保斥水性質」,材料科學,第二十九卷,第四期,第278~288頁。
  12. 黃兆龍、陳建成、江明英、郭金祥,1997,「拌和用水量對混凝土工程性質之影響」,中國土木水利工程學刊,第九卷,第四期,第561~570頁。
  13. 沈永年、黃兆龍,1997,「連續超音波解析高性能混凝土之強度特性」,建築學報,第二十三期,冬季號,第67~74頁。
  14. 李隆盛、黃兆龍、陳志南,1998,「高性能混凝土之單軸應力應變行為」中國土木水利學刊,第十卷,第三期,第791~794頁。
  15. 李隆盛、黃兆龍、張大鵬,1998,「由超音波速評估高性混凝土抗壓強度品質」,中國土木水利學刊,第十卷,第四期,第591~594頁。
  16. 林建宏、顏聰、黃兆龍、施永銅,1998,「國產輕質骨材混凝土梁版之行為」,中國土木水利工程學刊,第十卷,第三期,pp.477-484。
  17. 王和源、黃兆龍,1998,「超高層建築使用高性能混凝土之品質研究」,建築學報,中華民國建築學會,第25期,pp.79-86。
  18. 黃兆龍、盧雪卿,1999,「濕養護時間對混凝土工程性質之影響」,中國土木水利工程學刊,第十一卷,第四期,pp.757-762。
  19. 王和源、黃兆龍,1999,「飛灰增進混凝土結構耐久性之研究」,防蝕工程,第十三卷第二期,第55~61頁。
  20. 黃兆龍、蔡宗勳,2000,「水泥型別及漿量對高性能混凝土性質之影響」,中國土木水利工程學刊,第十二卷,第一期,第1~9頁。
  21. 黃兆龍、湛淵源、林治強,2000,「飛灰燒失量對高流動化高強度混凝土工程性質之影響」,中國土木水利工程學刊,第十二卷,第二期,第217~223頁。
  22. 盧雪卿、黃兆龍,2000,「漿量及水量對混凝土體積穩定性之影響」,中國土木水利工程學刊,第十二卷,第三期,第621~626頁。
  23. 湛淵源、黃兆龍,2001,「建築結構混凝土抗鹽害設計與驗證」,中華民國建築學會「建築學報」,第三十六期,第39~52頁。
  24. 黃兆龍、湛淵源、盧雪卿,2000,「水固比(W/S)對混凝土體積穩定性的影響」,中國土木水利工程學刊,第十二卷,第四期,第831~838頁。
  25. 湛淵源、黃兆龍、2001,「總膠結漿量對混凝土性質之影響」,中國土木水利工程學刊,第十三卷,第一期,第207~215頁。
  26. 黃兆龍、湛淵源,2001,「混凝土電阻性質與氯離子電滲行為之探討」,中國土木水利工程學刊,第十三卷,第二期,第293 ~302頁。
  27. 陳建成、黃兆龍,2002,「鋼筋混凝土腐蝕機理與耐蝕策略」,中國工程師學會會刊,第七十五卷,第三期,第54~63頁。
  28. 張炳坤、黃兆龍、蔡宗勳,1999,「以同步輻射解析高性能混凝土漿體水化性質之研究」,中國土木水利工程學刊,1999第十一卷,第二期,第411~417頁。
  29. 黃兆龍、洪盟峰、湛淵源,2002,「ACI混凝土規範與緻密配比在防蝕耐久性設計之差異評估」,防蝕工程,第十六卷,第四期,第281~296頁。
  30. 黃兆龍、湛淵源,2003,「粉煤灰燒失量及材料配合比對混凝土工程性質的影響」,粉煤灰綜合利用雙月刊,2003 NO.1,第9~13頁。
  31. 黃兆龍,2003,「見證台灣二十年的混凝土材料科技發展」,高雄應用科技大學學報,40週年校慶特刊,第151-167頁。
  32. 黃兆龍,湛淵源,2004,「見證台灣數十年的混凝土材料科發展」,材料會訊,第11卷第1期, pp.46-57.
  33. 江奇成,湛淵源,林庭亦,黃兆龍,2004,「電弧爐煉鋼還原渣應用於高性能混凝土之特性研究」,防蝕工程,Vol.16, No.1, pp.167-178.
  34. 黃兆龍,蔡志達,胡文正,戴文達,2004,「既有混凝土污水管線修復防蝕系統相關性能研究」,防蝕工程,Vol.18 No.1, pp.1-12
  35. 蔡志達,曾銘棟,黃兆龍,2004,「混凝土污水管之耐久性設計與驗證」,防蝕工程,Vol.18, No.1, pp.13-24.
  36. 沈得縣,黃兆龍,蔡志達,2004,「高性能混凝土應用於公車專用道施工之案例分析」,鋪面工程,Volume 2, No.4,pp.1-16.
  37. 江奇成,黃兆龍,吳文龍,2004,「混合廢鑄件砂應用於CLSM之研究」,中國土木工程學刊,Vol.16, No.3, pp.533-542.
  38. 洪盟峰,黃兆龍,2005,「淤泥輕質骨材高性能混凝土特性之研究」,中國土木工程學刊,Vol.17, No.1, pp.81-95.
  39. 洪盟峰,黃兆龍,顏聰,蕭江碧,陳豪吉,王和源,葉祥海,2005,「台灣水庫淤泥燒製輕質骨材可行性之探討」,中國土木工程學刊,Vol.17, No.3, pp.413-424, 2005.
  40. 黃兆龍,洪盟峰,蔡昌宏,2005,「高性能輕骨料混凝土的電阻及氯離子電滲特性之研究」,建築材料學報,Vol.8, No.4, pp.341-348, 2005.
  41. 蔡志達,張建智,葉叔通,李隆盛,黃兆龍, 2009,「利用粒料裹漿厚度推演混凝土配比設計方法」,建築材料學報,第十二卷,第二期,第152~157頁。
  42. 劉益雄、翁榮洲、黃兆龍、羅俊雄,2008,「由台灣橋樑腐蝕現況調查看防蝕設計與海岸距離之關係」,防蝕工程,第二十二卷,第二期,第121~136頁。
  43. 張建智、蔡志達、李隆盛、葉叔通、黃兆龍, 2009,「骨材裹漿厚度對混凝土性質影響之研究」,建築材料學報,第12卷,第4期。
  44. Wu, Z.Q., J. Hrilijac, C.L.Hwang, J.F.Young, 1983, “Orthosilicate Analysis: A Measure of Hydration in Pastes of Alite and Portland Cement,” Communications of the American Ceramic Society, pp. C86-C87.
  45. Young, J.F., C.J.Duston, C.L.Hwang, 1984, “Adsorption and Hydration Behavior of Tricalcium Aluminate -Water Gypsum-Water and Tricalcium Aluminate-Systems in the Present of Superplasticizer,” ACI Journal (March-April), pp. 199-200.
  46. Hwang, C.L., J.F. Young, 1984, “Drying Shrinkage of Portland Cement Pastes, I. Microcracking During Drying,” International Journal of Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 14, pp. 585-594.
  47. Hwang, C.L., and C.Y. Ling, 1985, “A Study on Quality Improvement of Sidewalk Flags,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 63~70.
  48. Hwang, C.L., and Y.L. Chao, 1986, “Strength Development of Blended Blast-Furnace Slag-Cement Mortar,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 233-239.
  49. Hwang, C.L., Y.L. Chao and S.S. Hong, 1986, “Strategies of Using Fly-Ash and their Effects on the Properties of Cement Mortars,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 289-299.
  50. Wang, H.Y., C.L. Hwang and C.Y. Ling, 1986, “The Effect of Water-Cement Ratio on the Strength Development and Properties of Blended Slag-Cement Paste,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 27~36.
  51. Hwang, C.L., and D.H. Shen, 1986, “Mechanical Properties of Asphalt Concrete,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 37~48.
  52. Hwang, C.L., and R.Y. Lin, 1986, “The Effect of Gypsum on The Microstructure of Cement Paste,” Material Science, Vol. 18A, No. 2, pp. 60~69.
  53. Hwang, C.L., and R.Y. Lin, 1987, “Relation between Parameter of Hydration and Compressive Strength of Ordinary Portland Cement Paste,” Material Science, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 49~57.
  54. Hwang, C.L.,1987, “A study on the Strategy of Purchasing Retarding Water- Reducing Agent of Cement Concrete,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 93~102.
  55. Hwang, C.L., C.Y. Ling and H.Y. Wang, 1987, “The Effects of Slags Cooled with Different Rates on Properties of Blended Slag-Cement Pastes,” Journal of Technology, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 231~238.
  56. Hwang, C.L., and D.H. Shen, 1987, “Feasibility Study of Blast-Furnace Slag Used as Aggregate and Filler of Asphalt Concrete Mixture,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 3~88.
  57. Wang, H.Y., C.L. Hwang and C.Y. Ling, 1987, “The Effects of Slag Fineness on the Strength Development of Blended Slag-Cement Paste,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 75~80.
  58. Hwang, C.L., and D.H. Shen, 1988, “A Study on Hydration Mechanism of Portland Cement,” National Science Council, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 275~283.
  59. Hwang, C.L., R.Y. Lin and H.Y. Wang, 1988, “An Evaluation of Material Properties of a Fire Damaged Building,” Journal of Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 107~118.
  60. Hwang, C.L., N. Su, 1988, “A study on the Micro Properties of Coarse Aggregate in the Major Streams of Mid-Northern Taiwan,” Chinese Journal of Materials Science, Vol.20, No.3, pp.133-143.
  61. Hwang, C.L., 1989, “The Leakage Problem of Concrete Structure and the Strategy of Water Proofing, Structural Engineer,” Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 85~103.
  62. Hwang, C.L., M.S. Song, B.R. Liu, R.Y. Lin and H.Y. Wang, 1989, “The Effect of Adding MBR/SBR Latex on the Properties of Mortar,” Journal of Technology, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 297~307.
  63. Hwang, C.L., and Lin, R.Y., 1989, “The Effect of Ettringite (3CaO -Al2O3 -3CaSO4 -32H2O) on the Property of Cement Paste,” Journal of Technology, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 193~201.
  64. Hwang, C.L., and N. Su, 1989, “An Investigation on the Resource, Nature and Macro Properties of Aggregate from Major Streams of Taiwan,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 61~76.
  65. Hwang, C.L., L.Y. Su, G.Z. Chen and S.L. Xie, 1989, “Evaluation of the Physics Teaching and its Relation to Actual Demand in Construction Industry,” Journal of Technology, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 213~218.
  66. Hwang, C.L., R.Y. Lin and H.Y. Wang, 1989, “Micro/Macro Properties and Behavior of Fire Damaged Building,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 49~60.
  67. Hwang, C.L., and H.Y. Wang, 1989, “The Effects of Sulfate Attack on the Microstructure of Cement Paste,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 95~101.
  68. Hwang, C.L., L.Y. Xue, G.Z. Chen and S.L. Xie, 1989, “The Evaluation of the Contribution of Physics Teaching to Construction Industry,” Journal of Technology, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 341~345.
  69. Wang, H.Y., and C.L.Hwang, 1990, “Causes and Restoration Strategy of Cracks on Terrazzo Floors,” Journal of Architecture, No. 1, pp. 107~124.
  70. Wang, H.Y., and C.L. Hwang, 1990, “The Micro-properties of Interface Bonding of Reinforcement Concrete,” Structural Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 45~53.
  71. Hwang, C.L., and N. Su, 1990, “A Study on the Macro Properties of Coarse Aggregate in Middle Northern Major Streams of Taiwan,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 43~57.
  72. Shen, Y.N., R.Y. Lin and C.L. Hwang, 1990, “A study on the Effects of Water- proofing Admixture on the Micro and Marco-Structures of Cement Paste and Mortar,” Journal of Technology, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 95~106.
  73. Hwang, C.L., T.F. Peng and L.G. Lin, 1990, “Effect of Burning Temperature on the Pozzolanic Reactivity of Rice Husk Ash,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 263~272.
  74. Hwang, C.L., and D.H. Shen, 1990, “The Effect of Blast-Furnace Slag and Fly Ash on the Hydration of Portland Cement,” Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 21, No. 3.
  75. Lin, R.Y., Y.N. Shen and C.L. H wang, 1991, “29Si NMR Correlation analysis between W/C, Curing Temperature, and Hydration in Cement Paste,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 255~265.
  76. Hwang, C.L., and G.M. Xu, 1991, “A study on the Transmission of Ultrasonic Pulse through Concrete and its Application,” Journal of Architecture,” No. 4, pp. 83~99.
  77. Shen, D.H., and C.L. Hwang, 1991, “Effects of Blast-Furnace Slag and Fly Ash on the Hydration Mechanism of Fresh Cement Paste,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 333~338.
  78. Lin, C.H., F.S. Ling and C.L. Hwang,1992, “Flexural Behavior of High Strength Fly Ash Concrete Beams,” Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineering, Vol. 15, No.1, pp.85-92.
  79. Hwang, C.L., and H.Y. Wang, 1992, “The Effect of Sea Sand/Sea Water on Sulfate Attack of Mortar from Micro-Structure Viewpoint and the Strategies of Prevention,” Corrosion Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 1~8.
  80. Hwang, C.L., R.Y. Lin and S.L Xie, 1992, “The Study on the Effect of Compaction and Sintering Technologies on Cement/Clay Based Segments,” Material Science, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 147~153.
  81. Hwang, C.L., C.Y. Ling, T.P. Chang, J.C. Chen and Y.J. Qiu, 1992, “The Effect of Admixture on the Anti-corrosion Potential of the Steel in Concrete,” Corrosion Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 52~66.
  82. Hwang, C.L., M.L. Wang and S. Miao, 1993, “Proposed Healing and Consolidation Mechanisms of Rock Salt Revealed by ESEM,” Microscopy Research and Technique, No. 25, pp. 456-464.
  83. Hwang, C.L., D.H. Shen and S.L. Fang, 1993, “The Effect of Relative Humidity on the Quality of Cement Paste,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 277~283.
  84. Shen, Y.N, R.Y. Lin and C.L. Hwang, 1993, “The Application of NMR to Study the Pozzolanic Reaction of Cement Paste With Fly Ash,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 387~392.
  85. Hwang, C.L., T.P. Chang, H.Y. Wang and Y.J. Qiu, 1993, “The Study of the Steel Corrosion on Bond Strength of Reinforced Concrete,” Corrosion Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 45~51.
  86. Hwang, C.L., 1994, “The Overall Planning of the Application of HPC to Tuntex 85 Stories High-rise Building,” Structural Engineer, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 43~52.
  87. Hwang, C.L. , J.J. Liu and R.Y. Lin,1994, “The Prediction of Water-to-Cement Ratio of Cement Paste by Pore Parameter,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 1., pp. 93~100.
  88. Hwang, C.L., J.J. Liu, M.F. Hung and Q.C. Jiang, 1994, “The Mechanical Property and Behavior of Railroad Sleeper Materials,” Material Science, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 184-193。
  89. Wang, H.Y., J.J. Liu and C.L. Hwang, 1994, “Degradation Diagnosis and Remedy Suggestion to Black Spots on Floor Tiles,” Journal of Architecture, No. 11, pp. 1~12.
  90. Chang, T.P., C.L. Hwang, C.Y. Ling, Y.F. Wang, 1995, “The Engineering Properties of Pelletized Fly Ash Aggregates and The Characteristics of the High-Strength Concrete with these Aggregates,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 191~198.
  91. Hwang, C.L., and F.Y. Lin, 1995, “The Study on the Materials and Properties of High Performance Concrete,” Civil Engineering Technology, No. 1, pp. 75~87.
  92. Shen, Y.N., and C.L. Hwang, 1995, “The Study of the Hydration Model and the Strength Development of Cement Paste By NMR,” Journal of Technology, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 151~156.
  93. Chang, T.P., C.Y. Ling, C.L. Hwang and Y.F. Wang, 1995, “The Influence of Steel Fiber and Silica Fume on the Properties of Pelletized Fly Ash Aggergate high Strength Concrete,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 379~385.
  94. Lin, W.M., C.L. Hwang, G.H. Xie, G.H. Xie and, Y.N. Peng, 1995, “The Thermal Behavior of Cement Clinker,” Journal of Material, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 280~293.
  95. Chern, J.C., C.L. Hwang and D.H. Tsai, 1995, “Research and Development of High Performance Concrete in Taiwan,” Concrete International, ACI, pp. 71~76.
  96. Hwang, C.L., J.J. Liu, L.S. Lee and F.Y. Lin, 1996, “Densified Mixture Design Algorithm and Early Properties of High Performance Concrete,” Journal of the Chinese and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 207-219.
  97. Chen, Y.Y., and, C.L. Hwang, 1996, “The Evaluation of Construction Damage of Concrete Building by Fuzzy Cluster Analysis Method,” Journal of Technology, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 173~183.
  98. Lin, W.M., C.L. Hwang, Y.N. Peng and Y.R. Wu, 1996, “The Investigation and Analysis of Sea-Sand Buildings,” Corrosion Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 92~108.
  99. Hwang, C.L., and, J.C. Chen, 1996, “The Anti-Corrosion Behavior of High Performance Concrete Beam under Cyclic Loading,” Corrosion Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 109~123.
  100. Zhang, B.K., and C.L. Hwang, 1997, “The Study on the Micro-Structure of Cement Paste of High Performance Concrete,” Journal of Technology, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 441~449.
  101. Chen, Y.Y., and C.L. Hwang, 1997, “The Evaluation of Damage of Reinforced Concrete Buildings Due to Adjacent Construction Activity and Recommended Repairing Method,” Journal of Technology, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 29~39.
  102. Lin, W.M., C.L. Hwang and Y.N. Peng, 1997, “The Deterioration Investigation of Construction Materials under Marine Environment of Taiwan,” Corrosion Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 36~57.
  103. Hwang, C.L., and Y.N. Shen, 1997, “A study on the Hydration Mechanism of High Performance Concrete,” Journal of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 3~17.
  104. Lin, W.M., C.L. Hwang, Y.N. Peng and Z. Rao, 1997, “The Corrosion Investigation of Offshore Reinforced Concrete Structures in Taiwan,” Corrosion Engineering ,Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 149~155.
  105. Wang, H.Y., C.L. Hwang, 1997, “The Effect of the Elevated Temperature on the Properties of Fly Ash Paste,” Material Science, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 167~176.
  106. Hwang, C.L., Y.Y. Chen and Y.N. Shen, 1997, “The Study on the Quality Assurance of Ready-mixed Concrete,” Taiwan Ready-Mixed Concrete, No. 7, pp. 19~23.
  107. Lin, F.Y., B.K. Zhang and C.L. Hwang, 1997, “The Study on the Mechanical Properties of High Performance Concrete,” Journal of Architecture, No. 22, pp. 1~12.
  108. Hwang, C.L., Y.N. Shen and, T.Z. Zhu, 1997, “The Study of the Retention and Repelling Properties of Cementitious Material by Zeta Potential,” Material Science, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 278~288.
  109. Hwang, C.L., J.C. Chen, M.Y. Jiang and J.X. Guo,1997, “The Effects of Water Content on the Properties of Concrete,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 561~570.
  110. Shen, Y.N, and C.L. Hwang, 1997, “The Continuous Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Device for Analyzing Strength Growth of HPC,” Journal of Architecture, No. 23, pp. 67~74.
  111. Hwang, C.L., and S. Chandra, 1997, “The Use of Rice Husk Ash in Concrete,” Waste Materials Used in Concrete Manufacturing, Westwood, New Jersey, U.S.A. pp. 184-234.
  112. Hwang, C.L., and Lee, L.S., 1997, “Future Research Trends in High-Performance Concrete Cost Effective Consideration,” Transportation Research Board, No. 1574, pp. 49~55.
  113. Lee, L.S., C.L. Hwang and Z.N. Chen, 1998, “The Uni-axial Stress-Strain Behavior of High Performance Concrete,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 251~252.
  114. Lee, L.S., C.L. Hwang and T.P. Chang, 1998, “The Evaluation of Compressive Strength of High Performance Concrete By Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 591~594.
  115. Lin, C.H., C. Yan, C.L. Hwang and, Y.T. Shi, 1998, “The Behavior of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete Beams and Slabs,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 477~484.
  116. Lin, W.M., T.D. Lin, C.L. Hwang and Y.N. Peng, 1998, “Fundamental Study on Hydration of Cement and Cement Minerals with Steam,” ACI Materials Journal, Jan.-Feb, pp.1-13.
  117. Wang, H.Y., and C.L. Hwang, 1998, “The Study of the Concrete Quality of Skyscraper by Using High Performance Concrete,” Journal of Architecture, No. 25, pp. 79-86.
  118. Hwang, C.L., H.Y. Wang and Y.N. Sheen, 1999, “Quality Assurance in a High-Rise Tower”, ACI Concrete International, July. ACI.
  119. Hwang, C.L., and X.Q. Lu, 1999, “The Effect of Wet Curing Time on the Properties of Concrete,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 757-762.
  120. Wang, H.Y., and C.L. Hwang, 1999, “The Study of the Improvement of Concrete Durability by Adding Fly Ash,” Corrosion Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 55~61.
  121. Hwang, C.L., and Z.X. Tsai, 2000, “The Effects of Cement Type and Paste Content on the Properties of High Performance Concrete,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 1~9.
  122. Hwang, C.L., Y.Y. Chen and Z.Q. Lin, 2000, “The Effect of Ignition Loss of Fly Ash on the Property High Flowing and High Strength Concrete,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 217~223.
  123. Lu, X.Q., and C.L. Hwang, 2000, “The Effect of Paste Content and Water Content on the Volume Stability of Concrete,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 621~626.
  124. Chen, Y.Y., and C.L. Hwang, 2001, “The Design and Verification of Structural Concrete to Prevent Salt Attack,” Journal of Architecture, No. 36, pp. 39~52.
  125. Hwang, C.L., Y.Y. Chen and X.Q. Lu, 2000, “The Significance of Water-to-Solid Ratio to Volume Stability of Concrete,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 831~838.
  126. Chen, Y.Y., and C.L. Hwang, 2001, “The Effect of Total Binder Amount on the Properties of Concrete,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 207~215.
  127. Hwang, C.L., and Y.Y. Chen, 2001, “The Study on the Behavior of Electrical Resistivity and Chloride Ion Penetration of Concrete,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 293 ~302.
  128. Chen, J.C., and C.L. Hwang, 2002, “The Corrosion Mechanism and Anti-corrosion Strategy of Reinforced Concrete,” The Chinese Engineering Association, Vol. 75, No. 3, pp. 54~63.
  129. Hwang, C.L., M.F. Hung and Y.Y. Chen, 2002, “The Comparison of the Anti-corrosion and Durability Design of both ACI Mixture Design Algorithm and Densified Mixture Design Algorithm of HPC,” Corrosion Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 281~296.
  130. Chang, P.K., C.L. Hwang and Y.N. Peng, 2001, “Application of High-Performance Concrete to High-Rise Building in Taiwan,” Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 65~73.
  131. Hwang, C.L., and Y.Y. Chen, 2003, “The Durability Design Consideration of High Performance Concrete,” Fly Ash Comprehensive Utilization, Bi-Monthly, No. 1, pp. 9~13.
  132. Hwang, C.L., 2003, “Twenty Years Evidence of Concrete Science and Technology in Taiwan,” National Kaohsiung University of Applied Science, 40th Years Special Publication, pp. 151~167.
  133. Hou, W.M., P.K. Chang and C.L. Hwang, 2003, “A Study on the Anti-corrosion Effect of High-Performance Concrete by the Pozzolanic Reaction of Slag,” Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 613~620.
  134. Hwang, C.L, and Y.Y. Chen, 2004, “The Experience of the Development of Concrete Materials in Taiwan for Several Decades,” Material Science Bulletin, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 46~57.
  135. Jiang, Q.C., Y.Y. Chen, T.Y. Lin and C.L. Hwang, 2004, “The Application of Electric Arc Furnace Reduction Slag to High Performance Concrete,” Corrosion Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 167-178.
  136. Hwang, C.L., C.T. Tsai, W.M. Hu and W.T. Dar, 2004, “The Research on Related Functions of the Restoration of Anti-Corrosion System of Concrete Sewage Pipes,” Corrosion Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 1~12.
  137. Tsai, C.T., M.D. Zeng and C.L. Hwang, 2004, “The Design and Verification on Anti-Sulfate and Anti-Corrosion of Reinforced Concrete,” Corrosion Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 13~24.
  138. Hwang, C.L., and M.F. Hung, 2005, “Durability Design and Performance of Self-Consolidating Lightweight Concrete,” Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 19, pp. 619~626.
  139. Shen, D.X., C.L. Hwang and Z.D. Cai, 2004, “A Case Study of the High Performance Concrete Application in Exclusive Bus Lane Construction,” Pavement Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 1~16.
  140. Jiang, Q.C., C.L. Hwang and W.L. Wu, 2004, “The Application of Blended Castening-Sand on CLSM,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 533~542.
  141. Hwang, C.L., and M.F. Hung, 2005, “Durability Design and Performance of Self-consolidating Lightweight Concrete,” Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 19, pp. 619~626.
  142. Hung, M.F., and C.L. Hwang, 2005, “The Study of the Properties of High Performance Lightweight Concrete by Using Sediment Lightweight Aggregate,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 81~95.
  143. Hung, M.F., C.L. Hwang, C. Yan, J.B. Xiao, H.J. Chen, H.Y. Wang, X.H. Ye, 2005, “A Feasibility Study of Manufacturing Lightweight Aggregate From Fine Sediments of Reservoirs,” Journal of The Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 413~424.
  144. Hwang, C.L., M.F. Hung and C.H. Cai, 2005, “Study on Electrical Resistivity and Chloride Ion Permeability of High-Performance Lightweight Aggregate Concrete (HPLWC),” Journal of Building Materials, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 341~348.
  145. Hwang, C.L., and M.F. Hung, 2005, “The Feasibility Study of Making Lightweight Aggregate from Fine Sediment of Shimen Reservoir,” Journal of Building Materials, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 467~473.
  146. Tasi, C.T., Li, L.S. and Hwang, C.L., 2006, “The Effect of Aggregate Gradation on Engineering Properties of High Performace Concrete”, Journal of ASTM Interantional, Vol.3, No.3.
  147. Liao, T.S., Hwang, C.L., Ye, Y.S. and Hsu, K.C., 2006, “Effects of a carboxylic acid/sulfonic acid copolymer on the material properties of cementitious materials”, Cement and Concrete Research Vol.36, No.4, pp.650-655.
    Tu, T.Y., Chen, Y.Y. and Hwang, C.L., 2006, “Properties of HPC with recycled aggregates”, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 36, No. 5, pp. 943-950.
  148. Hung, M.F. and Hwang, C.L., 2007, “Study of fine sediments for making lightweight aggregate”, Waste Management & Research Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 449-456.
  149. Hwang, C.L. and Hsieh, S.L., 2007, “The Effect of fly ash/slag on the Property of Reactive Powder Motor Designed by Using Fuller’s ideal curve and Error Function”, Computers and Concrete, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 425-436.
  150. Hwang, C.L., Hsieh, S.L., Chan, Y.Y. and Yeh, S. T., 2007 (suhmissited), “A New Approach of Optimizing Mix Design Method for Self-Compacting Concrete by Fuller’s Ideal Curve”, Cement and Concrete Research.
  151. Lin, C.H., Hwang, C.L., Lin, S.P. and Liu, C.H., 2008, “Self-Consolidating Concrete Columns under Concentric Compression,” ACI structural Journal, Vol. 105, No. 4, pp. 425~432.
  152. Tsai, C.T., Li, L.S., Chang, C.C. and Hwang, C.L., 2009, “Durability design consideration and application of fiber reinforced concrete in Taiwan」,The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering”, Vol. 34, No. 1B, pp. 57~79.
  153. Hwang, C.L. and Guo, C. H., 2009, “Study on Activity of Reducing Steed Slag of FAF”, Journal of Wuhan University of yechnilogy- Materials Science Edition. (paper is accepted)
  154. Tsai, C.T., Kung, Grodon T.-C. and Hwang, C.L., 2009,“Use of high performance concrete on rigid pavement construction for exclusive bus lanes”, Construction and Building Materials. (paper is accepted)
  155. Hwang, C.L., Peng, S.S., Wang, E., Lin, S. H., Hung, H.L., 2009, “A Quantitative Measurement of Concrete Air Content Using Image Analyses”, Computers and Concrete. (paper is accepted)
  156. Lin, K.L., Wu, H.H., Shie, J.L., Hwang, C.L. and Cheng, A., 2009, “Recycling waste brick from construction and demolition of buildings as pozzolanic materials”, Waste Management and Research. (paper is accepted)


  1. 黃兆龍、劉俊杰、楊錦懷、楊至弘,1996,「緻密骨材堆積對優生混凝土工程性質影響」,第11屆全國技術及職業教育研討會,工業類V,第31~40頁。
  2. 黃兆龍、李隆盛、張家仁,1996,「優生纖維混凝土基本性質與配比之探討」,第11屆全國技術及職業教育研討會,工業類V,第41~49頁。
  3. 黃兆龍、李隆盛,1996,「高性能混凝土單軸抗壓行為研究」,第11屆全國技術及職業教育研討會,工業類V,第51~60頁。
  4. 黃兆龍、沈永年、江明英,1996,「應用水化放熱及超音波速率量測探討,高性能混凝土之早期水化行為」,第11屆全技術及職業教育研討會,工業類V,第151~159頁。
  5. 黃兆龍、湛淵源,1996,「預拌混凝土的問題與對策」,預拌混凝土品管與認證研討會,第40~86頁。
  6. 林維明、黃兆龍、彭耀南,1996,「建材劣化的天候因素及影響性」,(台灣區建材耐久性暨標準化研討會),第13~56頁。
  7. 林維明、黃兆龍、彭耀南,1996,「建材劣化現象與環境因素之相關性」,八十五年防蝕學會論文集,第41~50頁。
  8. 林維明、黃兆龍、彭耀南,1996,「熱分析技術在材料腐蝕上之應用」,八十五年防蝕學會論文集,第51~58頁。
  9. 林維明、林銅柱、黃兆龍、彭耀南,1996,「蒸氣催化水泥單礦物之物理化學模型研究」,第三屆結構工程研討會,第1043~1052頁。
  10. 黃兆龍、李隆盛、詹宜峰,1996,「高性能混凝土強度發展效率及機理探討」,第三屆結構工程研討會,第1053~1062頁。
  11. 林維明、林銅柱、彭耀南、黃兆龍,1996,「蒸氣催化水泥單礦物之水化機理」,第五屆國防科技學術研討會論文集,第2-83~2-90頁。
  12. 黃兆龍、張大鵬、李隆盛、沈永年、張家仁,1996,「低放射性硫酸鈉固化廢料高性能容器研發(1)高性能混凝土研發」行政院原子能委員會八十五年度專題研究計畫成果發表會,第III109~III128頁。
  13. 黃兆龍,1997,「結構學會高性能混凝土推動現況」,高性能混凝土新近發展與應用,台北市,第107~117頁。
  14. 黃兆龍,1997,「飛灰混凝土發展與應用趨勢」,如何使用飛灰以提昇混凝土品質,第27~64頁。
  15. 黃兆龍,1997,「高性能混凝土在公共工程上應用」,新進混凝土技術對未來土木工程的影響研討會,第52~71頁。
  16. 黃兆龍、陳建成,1997,「優生混凝土抗蝕行為之研究」,新進混凝土技術對未來土木工程的影響研討會,第121~140頁。
  17. 黃兆龍、沈永年、王秋斌,1997,「水泥漿量對高性能混凝土工程性質之影響」,第十二屆全國技術及職業教育研討會,工業類V,第249~258頁。
  18. 黃兆龍、鄭棟元,1997,「反覆載重下鋼纖混凝土樑腐蝕行為之研究」,第十二屆全國技術及職業教育研討會,工業類V,第259~268頁。
  19. 黃兆龍、湛淵源、蔡志達,1997,「骨材堆積型態對高性能混凝土性質的影響」,第十二屆全國技術及職業教育研討會,工業類V,第319~328頁。
  20. 沈得縣、黃兆龍、林佳柏、呂正宗,1997,「高性能輕質骨材混凝土之配比設計技術與性質量測分析」,第十二屆全國技術及職業教育研討會,工業類V,第349~358頁。
  21. 黃兆龍、陳建成、郭金祥,1997,「拌合水對優生混凝土工程性質之影響」。台中港研究所研討會, 1~20。
  22. 劉俊杰、童尚仁、黃兆龍,1997,「高性能混凝土拌合技術與新拌性質」。台中港研究所研討會,7-1~7-19。
  23. 李隆盛、黃兆龍,1997,「高性能混凝土之工程性質」。高性能混凝土之應用研習會,港灣技術研究所,第8-1~8-21頁。
  24. 黃兆龍,1997,「HPC之配比設計考慮重點」。高性能混凝土之應用研習會,港灣技術研究所,第9-1~9-17頁。
  25. 林維明、黃兆龍、彭耀南、饒正,1997,「高性能混凝土在港灣工程上應用之展望」。高性能混凝土之應用研習會,港灣技術研究所,第11-1~11-28。
  26. 王和源、黃兆龍,1997,「高性能混凝土(HPC)應用於防爆牆之品質評估」。第四屆三軍官校基礎學術研討會,理工類論文集下冊,第1~10頁。
  27. 黃兆龍,1997,「高性能混凝土在公共工程上應用」。中華工學院第三屆,鋼筋混凝土品質控制研討會,第1~21頁。
  28. 黃兆龍、王和源,1997,「高性能混凝土應用於結構物之質量評估」。中華人民共和國混凝土技術論文輯,第1~18頁。
  29. 黃兆龍、沈永年、黃火烈、周文宗,1997,「高性能混凝土泵送作業-東帝士85層國際廣場大樓案例」,中華人民共和國混凝土技術論文輯,第1~26頁。
  30. 黃兆龍、李隆盛,1997,「高性能混凝土單軸抗壓行為研究」。中華人民共和國混凝土技術論文輯,第1~12頁。
  31. 王和源、黃兆龍,1997,「飛灰增進混凝土耐久性之研究」,防蝕年會論文,第307~316頁。
  32. 黃兆龍、陳建成、郭金祥,1997,「優生混凝土裂縫寬度與腐蝕行為之研究」,防蝕年會論文,第317-328頁。
  33. 林維明、黃兆龍、彭耀南、饒正,1997,「台灣地區海洋鋼筋混凝土結構腐蝕調查與遠景」,防蝕年會論文,第285~296頁。
  34. 黃兆龍,1997,「高性能混凝土在公共工程上應用」,混凝土工程技術研討會論文集,第1~21頁。
  35. 黃兆龍、張大鵬、李隆盛、沈永年、蔡志達,1997,「低放射性廢料包裝容器製造用之高性能混凝土性能評估」,八十六年度專題研究計畫成果發表會論文專輯,行政院原子能委員會,第256~276頁。
  36. 林維明、黃兆龍、彭兆龍、彭耀南、饒正,1998,「台灣濱海鋼筋混凝土結構物腐蝕調查研究」,公共工程穚樑問題暨防蝕對策研討會論文輯,第3~12頁。
  37. 湛淵源、黃兆龍,1998,「台北聯外橋樑目視監測分析」,公共工程穚樑問題暨防蝕對策研討會論文輯,第13~56頁。
  38. 王和源、黃兆龍,1998,「飛灰增進混凝土耐久性之研究」,公共工程穚樑問題暨防蝕對策研討會論文輯,第71~80頁。
  39. 黃兆龍、陳建成、郭金祥,1998,「 優生混凝土裂縫寬度與腐蝕行為之研究」,公共工程橋樑問題暨防蝕對策研討會論文輯,第81~92頁。
  40. 黃兆龍、陳建成、詹宜峰,1998,「高性能混凝土梁海洋環境下腐蝕性質之研究」,公共工程穚樑問題暨防蝕對策研討會論文輯,第93~106頁。
  41. 黃兆龍、陳建成,1998,「反覆載重下高性能混凝土樑抗蝕效能之研究」,公共工程穚樑問題暨防蝕對策研討會論文輯,第117~135頁。
  42. 黃兆龍,1998,「優生混凝土配比設計法」,高性能混凝土配比設計實作,台灣營建研究院,台北,第135~168頁。
  43. 林維明、黃兆龍,1998,「再生骨材混凝土在舖面工程上應用之可行性研究」,中華民國第三屆鋪面材料再生學術研討會論文輯,第110~121頁。
  44. 王和源、黃兆龍,1998,「飛灰高性能混凝土之效能評估」,中華民國第三屆鋪面材料再生學術研討會論文輯,第154~163頁。
  45. 沈永年、黃兆龍,1998,「剛性路面混凝土耐久性設計理念」,中華民國第三屆鋪面材料再生學術研討會論文輯,第417~423頁。
  46. 黃兆龍,1998,「台灣海域建築物材料設計應有之防災意識」,建築物防災檢測與補強技術研討會論文輯,台北,第65~90頁。
  47. 湛淵源、黃兆龍,1998,「優生高性能混凝土品質檢測技術之研究」,建築物防災檢測與補強技術研討會論文輯,台北,第217~229頁。
  48. 黃兆龍、湛淵源,1998,「結構混凝土的耐久性設計」,第四屆結構工程研討會,台北,第161~168頁。
  49. 林維明、黃兆龍、彭耀南,1998,「蒸氣化水泥單礦物之微觀結構特性」,第四屆結構工程研討會,台北,第227~234頁。
  50. 王和源、劉育明、黃兆龍,1998,「高性能水泥漿體力學行為模擬之研究」,第四屆結構工程研討會,台北,第453~460頁。
  51. 林維明、F. Papworth、陳冠宇、黃兆龍、張恆誠,1998,「高性能矽灰混凝土在耐久性能之研究」,中華民國防蝕工程學會八十七年年會論文輯,新竹,第1~8頁。
  52. 黃兆龍、王和源,1998,「高性能混凝土的耐久性策略」,中華民國防蝕工程學會八十七年年會論文輯,第35~40頁。
  53. 黃兆龍、湛淵源,1998,「高性能混凝土電阻及電滲行為研究」,中華民國防蝕工程學會八十七年年會論文輯,新竹,第77~86頁。
  54. 王和源、黃兆龍,1998,「高性能混凝土抑制材料界面硫酸鹽侵蝕之研究」,海峽兩岸腐蝕與防震研討會,廈門,第509~515頁。
  55. 黃兆龍、詹宜峰、陳建成,1998,「高性能混凝土梁海洋環境下腐蝕之研究」,海峽兩岸腐蝕與防震研討會,廈門,第78~85頁。
  56. 黃兆龍,2000,「混凝土耐久性設計及實務-以海洋生物博物館為例」,災後重建提昇混凝土品質研討會論文集,行政院公共工程委員會,第101-154頁。
  57. 湛淵源、黃兆龍,2001,「高性能混凝土工程性質的質量觀」,海峽兩岸高性能混凝土研討會,上海,第83-129頁。
  58. 黃兆龍、廖東昇、湛淵源、朱龍華、楊富全,2001,「硅酸鹽水泥製作高性能混凝土研究」,海峽兩岸高性能混凝土研討會,上海,第12-48頁。
  59. 江奇成、蔡明達、顏韶竫、黃兆龍,2001,「高強度高性能混凝土工作性與水化熱行為之研究」,第十六屆全國技術及職業教育研討會,花蓮,第41-50頁。
  60. 洪盟峰、樊孝勇、柯金德、方裕欽、黃兆龍,2001,「混凝土配比與乾縮性質之研究」,第十六屆全國技術及職業教育研討會,花蓮,第71-80頁。
  61. 黃兆龍、郭金祥、林澤仁、林益民,2001,「優生混凝土電學性質之探討」,第十六屆全國技術及職業教育研討會,花蓮,第61-69頁。
  62. 黃兆龍、杜宗嶽,2001,「混凝土在綠建築指標上之研究」,第十六屆全國技術及職業教育研討會,花蓮,第51-60頁。
  63. 黃兆龍、湛淵源,2002,「高性能混凝土致密配比法耐久性的設計策略」,新世紀海峽兩岸高性能混凝土研究與應用學術會議論文集,第14~20頁。
  64. 廖東昇、黃兆龍、王建國、楊富全、朱龍華,2002,「水泥品質對高性能混凝土之影響」,新世紀海峽兩岸高性能混凝土研究與應用學術會議論文集,第43~49頁。
  65. 廖東昇、黃兆龍、周文宗、徐振文、林錦秀,2002,「HPC-1000型強塑劑工程性質之研究」,新世紀海峽兩岸高性能混凝土研究與應用學術會議論文集,第73~79頁。
  66. 侯威銘、張炳坤、黃兆龍,2002,「飛灰高性能混凝土防蝕效益之研究」,新世紀海峽兩岸高性能混凝土研究與應用學術會議論文集,第219~225頁。
  67. 杜宗嶽、黃兆龍,2002,「混凝土綠色性質之探討」,新世紀海峽兩岸高性能混凝土研究與應用學術會議論文集,第270~275頁。
  68. 張炳坤、侯威銘、黃兆龍、彭耀南,2002,「高性能混凝土工程性質之探討」,新世紀海峽兩岸高性能混凝土研究與應用學術會議論文集,第358~357頁。
  69. 郭金祥、陳建成、黃兆龍,2002,「優生混凝土抗蝕設計理念之探討」,第三屆海峽兩岸材料腐蝕與防護研討會論文集,第37到42頁。
  70. 黃兆龍,2002,「921與911災后建築及建築材料的審思」,承受荷重與侵蝕環境複合作用之混凝土結構物耐久性設計研討會論文集,B1~B12頁。
  71. 黃兆龍、洪盟峰、蔡昆城、陳正一、楊錦麟,2002,「紙漿污泥分別與飛灰及水庫淤泥混合製造輕質骨材之研究」,中華民國環境工程學會第十四屆年會論文集,第十七屆廢棄物處理研討會,台灣大學,s-d-o03。
  72. 黃兆龍、江奇成、湛淵源、林庭亦、吳文龍,2002,「電弧爐還原碴基本性質與應用於混凝土材料之可行性研究」,工業減廢暨永續發展研討會,臺北,p1-17。
  73. 黃兆龍、江奇成,2002,「鋼鐵工業爐碴作為混凝土再生材料應用策略探討」鋼鐵工業爐渣資源化再利用實務研討會,高雄市,p1-18。
  74. 黃兆龍、洪盟峰、蔡昌宏,2003,「台灣海洋氣候使用輕質骨材混凝土的防蝕耐久性質評估」,中華民國防蝕工程學會2003年論文發表會論文集,屏東。
  75. 黃兆龍、洪盟峰、潘誠平、陳宗鵠、黃博全,2003,「淤泥輕質骨材鋼筋混凝土之經濟效益分析」,輕質骨材及輕質骨材混凝土應用研討會論文集。
  76. 黃兆龍、顏聰、洪盟峰、陳豪吉、王和源、潘誠平、陳宗鵠、黃博全,2003,「水庫淤泥輕質骨材資源化效益評估及執行方案策略」,水庫淤積浚渫研討會,p49-75.
  77. 黃兆龍,2003,「混凝土耐久性設計的奈米新視界」,土木工程尖端技術發展講習會論文集,pC-1~22.
  78. 黃兆龍、湛淵源,2003,「SCC混凝土配比設計與耐久性的考量」,中華民國結構工程學會92年度高性能混凝土於結構工程之應用研討會論文輯,p6-1~27.
  79. 黃兆龍、江奇成、吳文龍,2003,「混合廢鑄件料應用於控制低強度材料(CLSM)之可行性研究」,清潔生產發展研討會,台北市,p1-18。
  80. 黃兆龍、彭耀南、李隆盛、洪盟峰,2003,「輕質骨材混凝土之最佳配比及施工性之研究」,水庫淤泥輕質骨材混凝土產製及應用研討會,p229~248.
  81. 黃兆龍、洪盟峰、林維明,2003,「輕質骨材檢驗標準與輕質混凝土技術規範研訂」,水庫淤泥輕質骨材混凝土產製及應用研討會,p251~292.
  82. 黃兆龍,2004,混凝土耐久設計的奈米新視界,混凝土新材料研發處理與再生技術研究成果發表會,pB1~B17.
  83. 洪盟峰,黃兆龍,蔡昌宏,2004,「自留平輕集料混凝土(LWSCC)之設計及實務驗證」,高強高性能混凝土生產與應用研討會,p123-128.
  84. 湛淵源,黃兆龍,2004,「自平性混凝土(SCC)配比設計與耐久性的考量」,高強高性能混凝土生產與應用研討會,p129-136.
  85. 湛淵源,黃兆龍,2004,「高性能混凝土的質量分析」,高強高性能混凝土生產與應用研討會,p145-148.
  86. 黃兆龍,蔡志達,湛淵源,劉欣達,2004,「台灣海域環境耐蝕鋼筋混凝土設計及施工管制」,高強高性能混凝土生產與應用研討會,p155-163.
  87. 黃兆龍,蔡志達,孫國智,王姿涵,2004,「採用緻密配比法高性能混凝土於瀋陽地區之設計與應用案例」,高強高性能混凝土生產與應用研討會,p266-274.
  88. 蔡志達,黃兆龍,孫國智,王姿涵,2004,「高性能鋼纖維混凝土於冬季瀋陽地區之設計與應用案例」,高強高性能混凝土生產與應用研討會,p275-280.
  89. 黃兆龍,湛淵源,2004,「自留平混凝土(SCC)流動效益評估及問題探討」,高強高性能混凝土生產與應用研討會,p290-298.
  90. 黃兆龍,湛淵源,2004,「自留平混凝土(SCC)流動效益評估及問題探討」,高強高性能混凝土生產與應用研討會,p290-298.
  91. 黃兆龍,洪盟峰,2004,「材料科技與環境」,土木水利工程世紀願景研討會,p1~p7
  92. 黃兆龍,洪盟峰,蕭江碧,2004「水庫淤泥的性質對燒結輕質骨材之影響」,第七屆全國輕質骨材料混凝土學術討論會暨第一屆海峽兩岸輕質骨材混凝土產製與應用技術研討會,p97~p104
  93. 李隆盛、蔡昆城、黃兆龍,2004「粒料質量對輕質骨材混凝土性質影響之探討」,第七屆全國輕質骨材料混凝土學術討論會暨第一屆海峽兩岸輕質骨材混凝土產製與應用技術研討會,p226~p232
  94. 洪盟峰、湛淵源、葉祥海、王振淐,2004,「高性能輕質骨材混凝土廠拌及施工性能探討」第七屆全國輕質骨材料混凝土學術討論會暨第一屆海峽兩岸輕質骨材混凝土產製與應用技術研討會,p464~p471
  95. 中剛剛爐石粉之性質及混凝土工程性質評估
  96. 黃兆龍、鄭棟元、陳建成,2005,「單筋高性能混凝土樑應力腐蝕行為之研究,中華民國防蝕工程學會94年年會論文集,第1203-1214頁,台中。
  97. 黃兆龍,2007, 「卜作嵐混凝土綠化及工程延年益壽之使命與期許」,卜作嵐混凝土綠設計和應用實務研討會,台北,pp.1-46.
  98. 黃兆龍,2007, 「自充填卜作嵐混凝土施工實務」,卜作嵐混凝土綠設計和應用實務研討會,台北,pp.189-233.
  99. 洪盟峰,黃兆龍,2008,「紙漿污泥、水庫污泥及飛灰燒製輕質骨材之研究」,第九屆全國輕骨料及輕骨料混凝土學術討論會,PP96~101.
  100. 蔡志達,龔東慶,張建智,李隆盛,魏錦銘,黃兆龍,2008,「高性能混凝土覆工版開發與應用」,2008土木與生態工程研討會,PP357~366.
  101. 黃兆龍,2008,「資源化新技術研發個案介紹-再生建材之研發」,產業廢棄物再生建材研發技術成果發表暨產學座談會。
  102. 黃兆龍,2008,「高完整性承裝容器製程自動化研究」,行政院原能會委託研究計畫既國科會與原能會科技學術合作研究計畫成果發表會,ppC-1~C-2。
  103. 蔡志達、龔東慶、張建智、李隆盛、黃兆龍,「水泥系複合材料緻密配比邏輯於鋪面工程之應用」,2008,第八屆鋪面工程材料再生及再利用學術研討會,pp.6-81~6-90
  104. 鄭棟元、黃兆龍,98年8月,卜作嵐材料對疲勞腐蝕抑制行為之研究,98年度防蝕工程年會論文。
  105. 黃兆龍、郭金祥,98年8月,RC樑鋼筋腐蝕抑制策略研究,98年度防蝕工程年會論文。
  106. 洪盟峰、賴正義、許讚全、郭麗雯、黃兆龍、黃振億,燃煤底灰取代細粒料應用於混凝土之研究,2009年混凝土工程研討會。
  107. Hwang, C.L., Q.L. Liao and J.D. Ye, 1979, “A Study on Construction Engineering System Solver,” Proceedings of the 3rd Computer Application on Structure Engineering, Taiwan, pp. 179~185.
  108. Hwang, C.L., C.J. Duston and J.F. Young, 1981, “Slump Loss of Superplasticized Concrete,” Presented to the Second International Symposium on the Use of Superplasticizers in Concrete, Canada.
  109. Hwang, C.L., and Z.C. Liao, 1984, “The Effect of Thermal Activation on the Degree of Hydration and Strength Development of Cement Paste,” Proceedings of 1984 Annual Meeting of Material Science Association, Taiwan, pp. 408~411.
  110. Wang, H.Y., C.Y. Lin, C.L. Hwang, “The Effect of Slag Cooled with Different Rates and Batching Method on Strength Development of Blended Slag-Paste and Mortar,” Proceedings of 1985 Annual Meeting of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Taipei, pp. 335~349.
  111. Wang, H.Y., C.Y. Lin and C.L. Hwang, 1985, “The Effect of Thermal Activator on Strength Development of Blended Slag-Cement Paste and Mortar,” Proceeding of 1985 Annual Meeting of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Taipei, pp. 321~334.
  112. Shen, D.H., C.L. Hwang and Z.S. Ma, 1985, “The Basic Mechanical Property of Asphalt Concrete with the Addition of BF Slag,” Proceedings of 1st Pavement Engineering, Tainan, pp. 321~345.
  113. Hwang, C.L., 1985, “The Application of SEM on the Study of Corrosion Behaviour on RC Structure,” Proceedings of Anti-corrosion Technology of RC Structure under Marine Environmental, pp. 4/1~4/23.
  114. Hwang, C.L., and S.T. Kao, 1985, “Pore Structures and Mechanical Properties of Portland Cement Pastes with and without Fly Ash or Blast Granulated Slag,” Presented to the 87th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society on the Pozzolanic Effects on Chemical and Physical Properties of Blended Cement Products, U.S.A.
  115. Hwang, C.L., and D.S. Wu, 1986, “The Effect of the Addition of Polymer Admixture on the Physical Property of Cement Paste and Mortar,” Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, pp. 23~48.
  116. Hwang, C.L., and D.S. Wu, 1986, “The Effect of Holding Period, Intermediate Mixing and Addition Extra Water to the Mortar on the Bond Strength of Mortar,” Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, pp. 85~106.
  117. Hwang, C.L., and Z.C. Li, 1986, “The Rheology Behaviour of Superplasticized Concrete,” Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, pp. 125~138.
  118. Hwang, C.L., and Z.C. Li, 1986, “The Engineering Property of NF Based Superplasticized Concrete,” Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, pp. 107~124.
  119. Wang, H.Y., and C.L. Hwang, 1986, “The Addition of BF Slag on the Micro-Structure of Cement Paste,” Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, pp. 155~171.
  120. Wang, H.Y., J.X. Wu and C.L. Hwang, 1986, “The Study of the Anti-Sulphalt Attack Strategy of Concrete Engineering,” Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, pp. 139~154.
  121. Hwang, C.L., and G.X. Li, 1986, “ The Effects of Different Brands of Cements on the Mechanical Properties and Micro-Structures of Slag/Cement Mortar and Paste,” Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, pp. 49~68.
  122. Lin, R.Y., and C.L. Hwang, 1986, “The Application of SEM on the Study of the Engineering Property of Cement Paste,” Proceedings of the 1st Technical Vocational Education Conference of ROC, pp. 81~94.
  123. Lin, R.Y., and C.L. Hwang, 1986, “The Effect of Gypsum Content on the the Pore Structure and Volume Stability of Cement Paste,” Proceedings of the 1st Technical Vocational Education Conference of ROC, pp. 95~107.
  124. Hong, W.F., and C.L. Hwang, 1986, “The Effect of the Addition of BF Slag on the Performance of Cement,” Proceedings of the 1st Technical Vocational Education Conference of ROC, pp. 415~427.
  125. Lin, R.Y., and C.L. Hwang, 1986, “The Relationship of Compressive Strength and Degree of Hydration of Cement Paste,” Proceedings of the 1st Technical Vocational Education Conference of ROC, pp. 457~471.
  126. Shen, D.H., and C.L. Hwang, 1987, “The Strategy of the Replacement of Blended Aggregate with BF Slag,” Proceedings of 2nd Pavement Engineering, pp. 545~573.
  127. Hwang, C.L., and X.C. Hu, 1987, “The Study of Concrete Problems under Contemporary Concrete Specification,” Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Construction Engineering and Technology, pp. 139.
  128. Hwang, C.L., and S.L. Xie, 1987, “The Comparison of the Performance of Concrete Block and Brick,” Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Construction Engineering and Technology, pp. 150.
  129. Hwang, C.L., and J. Zhang, 1987, “The Study of the Mixture Design Algorithm of Concrete Contain BF Slag,” Proceedings of the First Conference on Construction Engineering and Technology, pp. 176.
  130. Hwang, C.L., 1987, “Corrosion Diagnosis of Peng-Hu Bridge under Marine Condition,” Proceedings of Offshore Concrete Structure, pp. 3/1~3/27.
  131. Hwang, C.L., 1987, “A study on the Corrosion of Offshore Reinforced Concrete Structure,” Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Anti-corrosion Engineering, pp. 4/1~4/29.
  132. Li, J.C., C.L. Hwang, H.Y. Yeh, C.C. Lu and H.J. Lee, 1987, “Laboratory and Field Tests for the Construction of Prefabricated Diaphragm Walls,” Proceedings 9th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, Bangkok Thailand, pp. 6-167~6-176.
  133. Hwang, C.L., J.C. Chern and W.M. Lin, 1987, “The Corrosion Study of Penghu Bridge,” Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Performance of Concrete in Marine Environment, Canada, pp. 35~61.
  134. Hwang, C.L., and D.S. Shen, 1988, “A Study of the Hydration Mechanism of Portland Cement,” Proceedings of the National Science Council, Part A: Physical Science and Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 275~283.
  135. Hwang, C.L., L.Y. Xue, S.L. Xie, and G.Z. Chen, 1988, “Evaluation of the Relative Physical Education and the Actual Demand of Construction Industry,” Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Physical Education, pp. 1~15.
  136. Hwang, C.L., L.Y. Xue, S.L. Xie and G.Z. Chen, 1988, “The Evaluation of The Effect of Physics Education on Construction Engineering,” Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Physical Education, pp. 1~13.
  137. Hu, X.C., and C.L. Hwang, 1988, “A Study on Quality Problem of Existing Ready-Mix Concrete,” Proceedings of Architecture Research and Development, pp. 315~324.
  138. Hwang, C.L., and D.S. Wu, 1989, “Properties of Cement Paste Containing Rice Husk Ash,” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Use of Fly Ash, Silica Fume, Slag & Natural Pozzolans in Concrete, Norway, SP 114-35, pp. 733~762.
  139. Hwang, C.L., and J.C. Laiw, 1989, “Properties of Concrete Using Copper Slag as a Substitute for Fine Aggregate,” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Use of Fly Ash, Silica Fume, Slag & Natural Pozzolans in Concrete, Norway, SP114-82, pp. 1677~1695.
  140. Hwang, C.L., and J.C. Lee, 1989, “The Effect of NF Superplasticizer on the Micro and Macro-Properties of Concrete Material,” Presented in 3rd International Conference on Superplasticizers and Other Chemical Admixtures in Concrete.
  141. Hwang, C.L., C.Y. Lin and J.D. Wang, 1989, “The Effect of Infrared and Microwave Curing Technology on the Micro- and Macro-Structure of Concrete Material,” Proceedings of High Efficiency Electrical Heating Technology, pp. 61~66.
  142. Song, M.S., C.L. Hwang, B.R. Liu, R.Y. Lin and H.Y. Wang, 1989, “The Application of Cement Containing 4.5% BF Slag to Civil Engineering,” Proceedings of 4th Technical Vocational Education Conference of ROC, pp. 1247~1255.
  143. Song, M.S., C.L. Hwang, B.R. Liu, R.Y. Lin and H.Y. Wang, 1989, “The Study of the Application of Slag Cement Concrete,” Proceedings of 4th Technical Vocational Education Conference of ROC, pp. 1257~1266.
  144. Hwang, C.L., R.Y. Lin and J.C. Chen, 1989, “The Addition of SBR Latex on the Interface Property of Cement Mortar,” Proceedings of 4th Technical Vocational Education Conference of ROC, pp. 1267~1274.
  145. Wang, H.Y., and C.L. Hwang, 1989, “The Study on the Detection of De-bonding of Floor Slab,” Proceedings of 4th Technical Vocational Education Conference of ROC, pp. 1285-1294.
  146. Hwang, C.L., R.J. Dong, Q.J. Li and Z.H. Guo, 1989, “The Study of the Corrosion Behaviour of Steel Embedded in Concrete,” Proceedings of 4th Technical Vocational Education Conference of ROC, pp. 1303~1312.
  147. Hwang, C.L., Z.C. Liao and S.L. Xie, 1989, “The Application of High Pressure Compaction Technology on the Manufacturing of Pre-casting Concrete Structure Members,” Proceedings of 4th Technical Vocational Education Conference of ROC, pp. 1313-1318.
  148. Hwang, C.L., and W.M. Hou, 1989, “The Effect of Water Proofing Admixture on the Micro-structure Behaviour and Water Tightness of Concrete,” Proceedings of 4th Technical Vocational Education Conference of ROC, pp. 1319~1328.
  149. Hwang, C.L., and S.L. Sun, 1989, “The Effect of Membrane Water Proofing Coating Material on the Water Proofing Effect of Concrete,” Proceedings of 4th Technical Vocational Education Conference of ROC, pp. 1329~1338.
  150. Hwang, C.L., Z.C. Chen, J.L. Lin and J.J. Liu, 1989, “The Effect of Re-Mix on the Strength and Micro Structure of Mortar,” Proceedings of 4th Technical Vocational Education Conference of ROC, pp. 1339~1350.
  151. Hwang, C.L., and S.L. Xie, 1989, “The Heuristic Teaching Method on the Effect of Construction Education System,” Proceedings of 4th Technical Vocational Education Conference of ROC, pp. 8047~8054.
  152. Lin, C.Y., C.L. Hwang, J.X. Lin and C.Y. Zhang, 1989, “The Application of Electrical Heating Technology on the Quality Control of Concrete,” Proceedings of High Efficiency Electrical Heating Technology, pp. 49~59.
  153. Hwang, C.L., M.S. Song, R.Y. Lin and H.Y. Wang, 1989, “The Effect of Adding BF Slag on the Interface between Cement Paste and Aggregate,” Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Material Science, pp. 739~742.
  154. Hwang, C.L., S.J. Xue and Q.J. Li, 1989, “The Addition of Corrosion Inhibitor on the Corrosion Prevention of Steel Embedded Concrete,” Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Corrosion Engineering Association of ROC, pp. 69~73.
  155. Hwang, C.L., R.J. Dong and Q.J. Li, 1989, “The Study of Corrosion Mechanism of Steel Embedded Concrete,” Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Corrosion Engineering Association of ROC, pp. 1~10.
  156. Hwang, C.L., and Y.L. Hwang, 1989, “Expert System in Concrete Deterioration and Rehabilitation Problems,” Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Applications in Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, pp. 667~684.
  157. Hwang, C.L., and Y.L. Yu, 1989, “The Application of Personal Computer on the Project Management- Mac Project Case Study,” Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Application in Civil & Hydraulic Engineering, pp. 801~810.
  158. Hwang, C.L., 1989, “The Research and Development of High Strength Concrete in Taiwan,” Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, pp. 69~76.
  159. Hwang, C.L., H.L. Yao, H.J. Lee and R.J. Lee., 1990, “A Study of Slag Cement-Bentonite Slurry,” Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Rio De Janeiro, pp. 1499~1052.
  160. Hwang, C.L., R.Y. Lin, S.L. Shieh and L.C. Lee, 1990, “Prefabrication of Ceramic Segments by Compaction and Microwave Fusion Technology,” Engineering, Construction and Operations in Space, NM, pp. 1045~1054.
  161. Shen, Y.N., R.Y. Lin and C.L. Hwang, 1990, “The Application of Solid State MNR on the Study of Degree of Hydration of Cement,” Proceedings of 5th Technical Vocational Education Conference of ROC, pp. 1158~1165.
  162. Hwang, C.L., and Y.X. Li, 1990, “The Study of the Ice Expansion Technology on the Safe Destruction Application of Concrete Structure,” Proceedings of 5th Technical Vocational Education Conference of ROC, pp. 1176~1183.
  163. Wang, H.Y., and C.L. Hwang, 1990, “The Feasibility Study of the Application of High Strength Concrete as Capping Material,” Proceedings of 5th Technical Vocational Education Conference of ROC, pp. 1184~1193.
  164. Hwang, C.L., and Y.Y. Chen, 2002, “The Property of Self-Consolidating Concrete Designed by Densified Mixture Design Algorithm”, The Proceedings of First North American Conference On The Design And Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete, ACBM, p121-126.
  165. Li, L.S. and C.L Hwang, 2002, “A Quality Assurance System of SCC in Taiwan,” The Proceedings of First North American Conference On the Design And Use of Consolidating Concrete, ACBM, p275-280.
  166. Hwang, C.L. and M.F. Hung, 2002, “Durability Consideration of Self-Consolidating Concrete,” The Proceedings of First North American Conference On the Design And Use of Consolidating Concrete, ACBM, p385-390.
  167. Lung-Sheng Li and Chao-Lung Hwang, 2003, “The Mixture Proportion and Property of SCC,”3rd Internation Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete, p525-529.
  168. Yuan-Yuan Chen, Chi-Ta Tsai and Chao-Lung Hwang, 2003, “The Study on Mixture Proportion of Gap-Gradation of Aggregate for SCC,”3rd Internation Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete, Reykjavik, Iceland, p533-539.
  169. Chao-Lung Hwang, Chi-Ta Tsai and Hsin-Ta Liu, 2003, “The Design and Application of Steel-Fiber Reinforced Self-Consolidating Concrete”3rd Internation Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete, Reykjavik, Iceland, p753-762.
  170. Chao-Lung Hwang, Meng-Feng Hung and Chan-Hung Tsai, 2003, “Durability Design of Structural Lightweight SCC in Taiwan”3rd Internation Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete, Reykjavik, Iceland, p786-795.
  171. Lung-Sheng Li, Shi-Tong Yeh, Chao-Lung Hwang, Pin-Chuan Lin, Tong-Yuan Chang and Po-Liang Hsu, 2003, "The Study On Reusing Of Basic Oxygen Furnace Slag", 7th International Symposium on East Asian Resources Recycling Technology,Taiwan, p333-336.
  172. Chao-Lung Hwang, Chu-Chan Chiang and Wen-Lung Wu, 2003,"The Study on Partial Replacement of Portland Cement with Reduction Slag from Arc Furnace in Concrete", 7th International Symposium on East Asian Resources Recycling Technology,Taiwan, p337-341.
  173. Chao-Lung Hwang, Chih-Ta Tsai and Lung-Sheng Li, 2003, "Durability Design consideration and Application of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Composites in Taiwan", Proceedings of ICFRC International Conference on Fibre Composites, India, p3-17
  174. C.L. Hwang, C.T. Tsai, L.S. Li, Y.Y. Chen, 2004, Durability Design and Application of High-Volume Fly Ash Fiber Reinforced Concrete Composites in Taiwan, The Supplementary Volume of Eighth CANMET/ACI , pp.572-586
  175. Li, L. S., Tsai, C. T., Hwang, C. L., 2005, “The Design and Properties of Fiber-Reinforced SCC Composite Panel”, Self-Consolidating Concrete (SCC).
  176. Hwang, C. L., Tsai, C. T., 2005, “The Application of a Geometry Concept to Solve Algebraic Solution in DMDA Method”, Self-Consolidating Concrete (SCC).
  177. Chao-Lung Hwang, Su-Lan Hsieh and Yuen-Yuen Chen, 2007, “The effect of coating thickness on aggregate on the property of SCC by Fuller’s ideal curve and error function”, 5th International RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete(2007SCC), Belgium.
  178. C. L. Hwang, 2008, Concrete Practice in Taiwan, MACE. (Mongolia)
  179. Chao-Lung Hwang, Lung-Sheng Li, Ching-Tu Chang, Cha-Chung Lin,2008,Design of Low Radioactive Waste Concrete Container,日本東京.
  180. C. L. Hwang, C. H. Chang, and T. J. Chen , 2007, The Green Design Concept and Application of Green Self-consolidating Concrete in Taiwan. (ICACC 2008--Hyderabad)
  181. C. L. Hwang, S.L. Hsieh, C.H. Lee, 2009, “Green Design of Reactive Powder Concrete by using Fuller’s Ideal Curve ”, Second International Symposium on Design, Performance and Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete SCC’2009, pp. 87-95, Beiling, China.
  182. C. L. Hwang, C. T. Chen, T. J. Chen, W. C. Chen and C.Y. Tsai, 2009, “Taiwan Experience and Recommendation of using SCC”, Second International Symposium on Design, Performance and Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete SCC’2009, pp. 719-725, Beiling, China.
  183. C. H. Guo and C. L. Hwang, 2009, “Anticorrosive Behavior of Self-Consolidating Reinforced Concrete Beams after Cracked”, Second International Symposium on Design, Performance and Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete SCC’2009, pp. 687-697, Beiling, China.
  184. Lih-Wen Quo, Meng-Feng Hung, Chao-Lung Hwang and Cheng-I Lai,「A Study on High performance Concrete Using Coal-fired Bottom Ash to Substitute Fine Aggregate」, 2009.10,韓國.
  185. Quo. Lih-Wen, Meng-Feng Hung ,Bernard W. Shih , Chao-Lung Hwang and Cheng-I Lai,「A Study on the Replacement of Fine Aggregate by Coal-fired Bottom Ash in Concrete」, Submitted for consideration in the 2009world of coal ash conference , may 4-7,2009,美國.
  186. Hwang , C.L. ,Wei , C.M. and Lai, C.I. ,「The Development and Application of High Grade Slag Concrete」,澳洲研討會,2009.11.


  1. 黃兆龍,2003,「高性能混凝土理論與實務」,詹氏書局。
  2. 黃兆龍,蔡明谷,2005,「預拌混凝土問題破解」,詹氏書局。
  3. 黃兆龍,2006,「混凝土材料品質控制試驗」,詹氏書局。
  4. 黃兆龍,2007,「卜作嵐混凝土使用手冊」,財團法人中興工程顧問社,科技圖書股份有限公司。
  5. 黃兆龍,洪盟峰,2003,「高特效耐火材料應用於防火構件可行性之研究(總結報告)」,仁杰義金屬工業股份有限公司委託,國立台灣科技大學營建工程系營建材料研究室建材開發小組。
  6. 黃兆龍,李隆盛,蔡志達,2003,「高性能混凝土覆工版開發研究專案(期末報告),榮民工程股份有限公司委託,國立台灣科技大學營建系營建材料研究室。
  7. 黃兆龍,顏聰,高健章,2003,「水庫淤泥輕質骨材產製及輕質骨材混凝土應用與推廣-分項計畫一:水庫淤泥輕質骨材量產技術研究」,內政部建築研究所研究計畫成果報告,中華民國輕質骨材混凝土推廣協會。
  8. 黃兆龍,顏聰,高健章,2003,「水庫淤泥輕質骨材產製及輕質骨材混凝土應用與推廣-分項計畫二:水庫淤泥輕質骨材混凝土標準規範訂定」,內政部建築研究所研究計畫成果報告,中華民國輕質骨材混凝土推廣協會。
  9. 黃兆龍,洪盟峰,2003,「高特效耐火材料應用於防火構件可行性之研究(總結報告)」,仁杰義金屬工業股份有限公司委託,國立台灣科技大學營建工程系營建材料研究室建材開發小組。
  10. 黃兆龍,李隆盛,蔡志達,2003,「高性能混凝土覆工版開發研究專案(期末報告),榮民工程股份有限公司委託,國立台灣科技大學營建系營建材料研究室。
  11. 黃兆龍,顏聰,高健章,2003,「水庫淤泥輕質骨材產製及輕質骨材混凝土應用與推廣-分項計畫一:水庫淤泥輕質骨材量產技術研究」,內政部建築研究所研究計畫成果報告,中華民國輕質骨材混凝土推廣協會。
  12. 黃兆龍,顏聰,高健章,2003,「水庫淤泥輕質骨材產製及輕質骨材混凝土應用與推廣-分項計畫二:水庫淤泥輕質骨材混凝土標準規範訂定」,內政部建築研究所研究計畫成果報告,中華民國輕質骨材混凝土推廣協會。
  13. 黃兆龍,顏聰,高健章,2003,「水庫淤泥輕質骨材產製及輕質骨材混凝土應用與推廣-分項計畫三:水庫淤泥輕質骨材混凝土應用研究」,內政部建築研究所研究計畫成果報告,中華民國輕質骨材混凝土推廣協會。
  14. 黃兆龍,顏聰,高健章,2003,「水庫淤泥輕質骨材產製及輕質骨材混凝土應用與推廣-分項計畫四:輕質骨材市場需求及輕質骨材混凝土應用推廣」,內政部建築研究所研究計畫成果報告,中華民國輕質骨材混凝土推廣協會。
  15. 許貫中,黃兆龍,葉一賢,蔡雨萍,廖東昇,羅心妤,2003,「Suntech新一代強塑劑研發」,NSC91-2622-E-003-002-CC3,國科會補助提升產業技術及人才培育計畫成果完整報告,國立台灣師範大學、國立台灣科技大學。
  16. 黃兆龍,沈得縣,林平全,李維峰,張東健,郭世寧,洪盟峰,杜宗嶽,呂正宗,羅?翔,沈美毅,2003,「多元性營建資源再利用於透水性組合設計之研究期中報告」,行政院公共工程委員會委託,財團法人臺灣營建研究院。
  17. 黃兆龍,李隆盛,羅心妤,葉叔通,2003,「鋼碴粉之研發與應用先期評估(期末報告)」,中聯爐石資源開發股份有限公司,國立台灣科技大學營建系。
  18. 黃兆龍,王和源,2004,「奇美電子光電四廠新建工程混凝土品質管制服務計劃總結報告」,奇美電子股份有限公司,國立高雄應用科技大學土木工程與防災科技研究所高性能混凝土研發推廣工作群。
  19. 黃兆龍,湛淵源,廖東昇,陳以政,2004,「台新銀行大樓新建工程箱型鋼柱柱內灌漿混凝土品保計畫總結報告」,達欣工程股份有限公司,國立台灣科技大學營建工程系,高性能混凝土研發推廣工作群。
  20. 黃兆龍,湛淵源,洪盟峰,2004,「輕質骨材混凝土拖工性與品保驗證研究」,內政部建築研究所委託研究期中報告,中華民國節能輕質骨材混凝土推廣協會。
  21. 黃兆龍,林利國,林陽泰,廖洪鈞,鄭明淵,程金龍,陳芳玉,2004,「營建施工理資訊自動化之研究」,內政部營建署,國立台灣科技大學。
  22. 黃兆龍,湛淵源、洪盟峰,2004,「輕質骨材混凝土施工性與品保驗證研究」,內政部建築研究所委託研究期末報告,中華民國節能輕質骨材混凝土推廣協會。
  23. 黃兆龍,林利國,林陽泰,廖洪鈞,鄭明淵,程金龍,陳芳玉,2004,「營建施工管理自動化之應用」,內政部營建署期末報告,國立台灣科技大學。
  24. 黃兆龍,湛淵源,洪盟峰、黃振憶、陳俊村,2005,「興達發電廠1~4號機底灰利用為混凝土粒料之研究(期中報告)」,台灣電力股份有限公司,國立台灣科技大學。
  25. 黃兆龍,湛淵源,洪盟峰、黃振憶、陳俊村,2005,「興達發電廠1~4號機底灰利用為混凝土粒料之研究(期末報告)」,台灣電力股份有限公司,國立台灣科技大學。
  26. 黃兆龍,曾國峰,2005,「營建施工品質管理E化之探討」行政院國家科學委員會補助大專學生參與專題研究計畫研究成果報告,國立台灣科技大學營建工程系。
  27. 黃兆龍,江奇成,黃秀隆,2006,「資訊產品廢棄物應用於營建材料之工程性質分析研究」(期末報告),國立台灣科技大學黃兆龍研究室。
  28. 黃兆龍、李隆盛、張淳勛,2006,「南港車站地下化土建及機電工程(區段標)-CL305標」(期中報告),國立台灣科技大學黃兆龍研究室。
  29. 黃兆龍、張大鵬、潘誠平、洪盟峰,2006,「再生粒料混凝土再利用於漁港工程之研究及施工規範研訂專業服務委託工作」(期中報告),國立台灣科技大學黃兆龍研究室。
  30. 黃兆龍、湛淵源,2006,「混凝土最適水泥漿「量」及「質」的理論探討(III)」,行政院國家科學委員會。
  31. 黃兆龍、林利國,2006,「住宅安全自動化管理系統技術研究」(期末報告),內政部營建署。
  32. 黃兆龍、李隆盛,2006,「高完整性承裝容器製程自動化研究」(第一期期末報告),行政院原子能委員會。
  33. 黃兆龍、張大鵬、潘誠平、洪盟峰,2006,「再生粒料混凝土再利用於漁港工程之研究及施工規範研訂專業服務委託工作」(期末報告),行政院農業委員會漁業署。
  34. 黃兆龍、李隆盛,張淳勛,陳俊村,2007,「南港車站地下化土建及機電工程委託施工監造服務SCC新型製程研析及實務應用服務」(期中報告二),交通部鐵路改建工程局。
  35. 黃兆龍、李隆盛,2007,「高完整性承裝容器製程自動化研究」(第二期期末報告),行政院原子能委員會。
  36. 黃兆龍、陳希舜、潘誠平、李隆盛、廖克弘,2007,「中鋼鐵路道岔PC預力軌枕開發」(期末報告),中國鋼鐵股份有限公司。
  37. 黃兆龍,2007,「卜作嵐混凝土使用手冊」,財團法人中興工程顧問社,中國土木水利工程學會。
  38. 黃兆龍、陳俊村、林義翔、吳志偉、顏源毅,2007,「花崗岩粉末轉化綠建材可行性評估」,白馬石材工業股份有限公司。
  39. 黃兆龍、蕭玉欣,2007,「綠色混凝土之水化熱探討」,大專學生參與專題研究計畫,行政院國家科學委員會。
  40. 黃兆龍,2007,「微奈米材料對混凝土骨材-水泥界面之研究」,行政院國家科學委員會。
  41. 黃兆龍、陳俊村,2008,「高完整性承裝容器製程自動化研究案」,行政院原子能委員會核能研究所。
  42. 黃兆龍,2008,「放射性廢棄物設施混凝土結構長期安全規範之研究」,行政院原子能委員會放射性物料管理局。。
  43. 黃兆龍、江奇成、楊孟北,2008,「含亞煙媒的飛灰的混凝土性質研究」,台灣電力股份有限公司綜合研究所。
  44. 黃兆龍,2009,「應用聲光定位系統探討水泥基質材料缺陷基因之研究」,行政院國家科學委員會。
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